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That Was Then This is Now Vocabulary Chapters 1-3.

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1 That Was Then This is Now Vocabulary Chapters 1-3

2 Sole Being the only one She was her mothers sole support.

3 Hustle To lure less skillful playing into competing They hustled the kid into playing a poker game.

4 Adjoining To be next to something The hotel rooms were adjoining.

5 Tradition Passing down of beliefs and customs from one generation to the next

6 Taunt To challenge or insult

7 Wistful To long for something or someone He cast a wistful look my way.

8 Wince To make a movement in response to pain either physical or mental I winced with pain after falling off of my bike.

9 Lame Unable to walk or use a limb due to a disability

10 Lanky Tall and thin

11 Intention Determined to act in a certain way

12 Inclined An attitude about something. Leaning towards one way or the other

13 Conceited having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc.

14 Chapters 4-5 Stifle To hold back a thought or action I stifled my yawn as long as I could.

15 Invalid A person suffering from a disease or long term illness. Sickly. The invalid was often hospitalized.

16 Sassy Making a smart-aleck remark or comment

17 Flounced To move with exaggerated jerky or bouncy movements. He flounced out of the room.

18 Indifferent Not caring one way or the other

19 Sarcastic To make rude or cutting comments directed at another person

20 Reminisce To think or recall a past experience

21 Rueful Having pity or sympathy I was rueful to my neighbor when her goldfish died.

22 Ritzy Fancy or the appearance of wealth

23 Liberals People who are open-minded about things like religion or politics

24 Vague Unclear or not clearly expressed The directions to the assignment were very vague.

25 Glint Emotion expressed through the eyes He had a glint in his eyes whenever he looked at her.

26 Chapters 6-8 Hysterical Showing excessive emotion or fear

27 Obliging Will to do a favor, accommodate He was very obliging when it came to lending his brother money.

28 Ego Self-esteem or concerned with self

29 Lingo Vocabulary associated with a particular area of interest or the vocabulary of a unique person

30 Stimulants Drugs that increase mental or physical activity

31 Crude Rough manner, vulgar

32 Impulsive Acting without thinking about the consequences of ones actions

33 Analyze To study the nature or actions of someone or something I analyzed the Biology problem and came up with a solution.

34 Recollection Able to remember the events of an occasion or incident I recollected the time when my grandmother took me to Florida.

35 Gulf Gap between two people due to argument or difference of opinion Growing apart There was gulf between the two friends.

36 Half-hearted Lacking heart, spirit, or interest

37 Hedging Not making a comment, evasive The defendant was hedging the question.

38 Chapters 8-11 Witty Use of clever remarks

39 Quiver trembling

40 Commune A small community often associated with the 1960’s and hippies. A place where a group of people live and work together. She lived on a commune with her family.

41 Glorify To hold in highest esteem, to honor, to praise

42 Relapse Recurrence of an illness or addiction

43 Concept An idea or thought At the time, using computers to build cars was a new concept.

44 Justify To give or show reason for a course of action

45 Bewildered confused

46 Impersonal Indifferent, not friendly or caring about another’s feelings

47 Formalities Established procedure or way of doing something The formalities of a wedding can be quite extensive.

48 Obscure Not clear or easily understood or expressed

49 Sinister Evil

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