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 For Today:  Irony in Streetcar  Film viewing  Quickwrite  Performance Prep Time.

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Presentation on theme: " For Today:  Irony in Streetcar  Film viewing  Quickwrite  Performance Prep Time."— Presentation transcript:

1  For Today:  Irony in Streetcar  Film viewing  Quickwrite  Performance Prep Time

2  Dramatic irony: Involves the reader (or audience) knowing something about what's happening in the plot, about which the character(s) have no knowledge. The clues may be rather obvious, but the character may be unwilling to recognize the truth.  Verbal irony: the use of language (not necessarily spoken language, but any use of words) to express the opposite of its literal meaning. What it is vs. What it ought to be.  Situational irony: Is the contrast between the intention or purpose of an action and its result.

3 1. Dramatic – wash away sin/pile on, she’s unaware 2. Situational – meant to be savior, exposes her 3. Verbal – White symbolizes honesty/purity 4. Verbal – convince herself of fantasy world 5. Verbal – usual hostility, strangers often nasty 1. Dramatic – lying to us and herself 6. Dramatic – he hears but makes no note of it 7. Situational – PJs represent marital happiness 8. Situational – She wanted to be rescued by a rich guy

4 1. Irony in Streetcar 2. Characterization for scenes 5, 6, & 7

5 How does Brando’s appearance affect your interpretation of Stanly throughout the play? Compare your image of him in your mind’s eye to Brando’s exterior.  Stanley and desire  Blanche – drunk, crazy, manipulative?  Who’s to blame?  Who’s the bad guy?

6  Scene 10  The tiara  The telegram  Scene 11  Poker game  The doctor  Stella and Eunice

7  Our final assessment for this text will be a partner/team recital of 12-15 lines that present the personality of a character in a fun or interesting way.

8  Come to a consensus among your group as to which 12-15 lines you will be using and what order they will be presented.  Also, a rudimentary overall effect should be conceived

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