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Haiti2015-10. Haiti is a small island country located in the Caribbean. It is one of the poorest countries in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Haiti2015-10. Haiti is a small island country located in the Caribbean. It is one of the poorest countries in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haiti2015-10

2 Haiti is a small island country located in the Caribbean. It is one of the poorest countries in the world.

3 The earthquake had a devastating effect on Haiti’s economy, and put an already struggling economy into an even worse situation.

4 Homes were destroyed Schools were destroyed

5 Lots of families were buried under the debris…

6 The Haiti earthquake created hundreds of orphans. Who can help them?

7 Some kindhearted people took those orphans into their homes.

8 Foreign charitable organizations helped locals build orphanages, provide life necessities, and found sponsors to help orphans go to school. Volunteers comforted the orphans through their care and love, and helped those kids obtain shelter, food and education. But, this is not enough… UMCA Cares

9 UMCA donated to American Red Cross of Central NJ right after the Haiti earthquake. UMCA has decided to move forward to help Haiti orphans and schools since receiving support and donations in 2013. UMCA Cares

10 Christina Shu Nina Zhang was introduced to UMCA President Chun-Hwa Cheng by its board member, Christina Shu.

11 Nina went to Haiti with a volunteer church group on January 12, 2010. A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck Haiti three hours after they landed. Facing the debris and dying people, Nina and her group immediately threw themselves into the rescue. This experience in Haiti changed her life. After coming back from Haiti, Nina joined the American Red Cross and trained as a Disaster Services Responder. She travels to Haiti every year on her own time to volunteer at orphanages. She accompanies and helps children do homework, donates to support orphans, and has applied to adopt two orphans. Nina Zhang

12 杨幼天 She referred Foundation For Peace (FFP), a non-profit organization in NJ, to collaborate with UMCA, and she volunteered to be Chun-Hwa Cheng’s assistant. With her language advantage and access to local officials in Haiti, she took on the responsibility of supervising and reviewing the use of donated funds. Nina is very dedicated and hardworking. She is familiar with many US aid agencies and worked as a coordinator. Her ability to read and write French, the official language in Haiti, is also very helpful. Nina Zhang

13 UMCA extended the Spirit of “Helping Orphans” and “Promoting Education” to Haiti Projects. These were the accomplishments through special funding:

14 In 2014 UMCA donated 30 laptops to FFP Haiti Ganthier City Vocational school Project, helping to establish the vocational school’s computer lab. Orphans supported by UMCA will be given priority to enter this vocational school to learn skills to support themselves. Promote Education

15 Fully dependent on FFP fundraising, the construction of the vocational school was a long and slow process. Extra funding for teaching equipment was short. The donations from UMCA solved this biggest difficulty and enabled the vocational school to start training classes while finishing up the construction. Teachers hired from the United States started teaching in the yet to be fully renovated computer lab. Very dedicated to their education, some students walk 7-8 hours to get to school, then stay overnight outside of the classroom door, in order to be on time for the next day's class. Promote Education

16 The mayor came to take classes too! Ganthier’s first vocational school under construction Mayor Ralph Lapointe, Ganthier, Haiti President Chun-Hwa Cheng Nina Zhang Pastor Valentin, FFP Haiti Project leader

17 In 2015, UMCA donated $8,733 to help construct the Computer Lab which included: Power supply , LCD projector , air- conditioner , fan, etc. PromoteEducation

18 In 2015, UMCA donated $4,550 to support the education of 13 orphans from Saint Joseph Orphanage. Help Orphans Chun-Hwa Cheng

19 In 2015, UMCA donated $5,500 to help the Divine Family Orphanage Kitchen Renovation Help Orphans


21 Check payable to: UMCA Trust Fund (Haiti) TaxID: 22-3463401 Email : Website:

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