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DIGITAL ASSETS Presented by: Jimmy Cairo, Jennifer Mahr, Ashley Naroznik, William Strayer.

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Presentation on theme: "DIGITAL ASSETS Presented by: Jimmy Cairo, Jennifer Mahr, Ashley Naroznik, William Strayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIGITAL ASSETS Presented by: Jimmy Cairo, Jennifer Mahr, Ashley Naroznik, William Strayer

2 OUTLINE  What are Digital Assets?  Legal Status and Crime  Profits and Policy  Technology-Security  Technology-Infrastructure

3 WHAT ARE DIGITAL ASSETS?  A digital asset is any form of content and/or media that have been formatted into a binary source which include the right to use it. A digital file without the right to use it is not an asset. Digital assets are categorized in three major groups which may be defined as textual content (digital assets), images (media assets) and multimedia (media assets) - a combination of different content forms.

4 LEGAL STATUS & CRIME  Topics to be Covered: - How governments have administered the creation, exchange, and ownership of digital assets - The future of digital capital - The history of and potential for crime in digital environments

5 CASE: MARK BRAGG VS LINDEN LABS  Pennsylvania attorney Marc Bragg accused Linden Lab of wrongfully seizing his virtual land and unilaterally shutting down his Second Life account— intellectual property that Bragg says is worth thousands of (real-life) dollars.  Linden Lab filed two motions to dismiss the suit, arguing that Bragg came into possession of his land wrongfully, but the Pennsylvania judge denied those motions.  Bragg violated their Terms of Service by URL-hacking the Second Life virtual land auction website in order to gain access to otherwise unavailable auctions.  The case was settled and Mr. Bragg's "Marc Woebegone" account, privileges and responsibilities to the Second Life community have been restored.

6 FBI IN VIRTUAL WORLDS  FBI investigators have visited Second Life's Internet casinos at the invitation of the virtual world's creator.  Hundreds of casinos offering poker, slot machines and blackjack can easily be found in Second Life. The three largest poker casinos are earning profits of $1,500 each per month, according to casino owners.  The surge in Second Life gambling coincides with a crackdown in the real world by the U.S. government, which has arrested executives from offshore gambling Web sites.  Linden Lab could potentially face criminal charges under the 1970 Illegal Gambling Business Act or the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. The latter law, passed last year, takes aim at credit card companies and other electronic funds transfers that enable Internet gambling.

7 THEFT AND DIGITAL ASSETS  Eve Online member “Cally” created a player-operated bank called "Eve Intergalactic Bank".  Hundreds of players deposited money in his bank, which offered interest, loans and insurance like every other ordinary bank. This money, like Second Life, can be exchanged for real life currency.  Cally stole the money that was deposited vanished with an alleged total sum of 790 billion Isk and other digital assets worth approximately $170,000.  What are e ramifications of virtual crime?


9 LINDEN LABS: SECOND LIFE  In-game economy encouraged  exchange of L$ brokered by Linden Labs  economy valued at $500 mil+  company profit made from sale of premium accounts, real estate

10 TECHNOLOGY-SECURITY  What is stopping people from getting to your digital assets?  “The e-Crime Congress is designed to meet the needs of key stakeholders and decision makers who are responsible for designing and coordinating information security and risk management strategy, safeguarding digital assets and sensitive information, protecting customers, defending against internal or external threats and responding to incidents.”  “Keyparc file security infrastructure is the most widely deployed software suite for protecting privacy of sensitive contents in files through transparent cryptographic technologies - from desktop to mobile device. Keyparc is proven to deliver results from customers of all sizes and used in a wide variety of environments and applications. The suite is fully optimized, rigorously tested and certified for the widest range of hardware, operating systems and software applications.”

11 TECHNOLOGY-SECURITY  The Blizzard Authenticator is a token that you can put for example on your keychain. It has a little display that, once your press the button will generate a 6-digit number that changes every minute.  This number is used as a 1-time password. This means the password is only valid once. When you use it to log in, the code becomes invalid and any hacker trying to access your account later with the same number won’t be able to log in.  In May 2007, Blizzard filed a complaint against In Game Dollar LLC (trading as peons4hire) in U.S. federal court. In February 2008, the parties filed a consent decree in which In Game Dollar agreed to refrain from using any World of Warcraft chat or communication to advertise any business or sell any services relating to World of Warcraft

12 LARGELY-POPULATED GAMES  Cash shops are complex:  Usually can be accessed in-game by clicking an available Cash Shop option  Displays several tabs or sections of different types of items, ranging from elements to placement on an avatar to specific jobs  Requires a database that lists out all the items available for purchase with fields that could include name, level, required character level, element, cash shop price, game currency price, color, weight, image, etc.  Games often require the user to purchase in-game currency that can be used in the Cash Shop to purchase items.

13 SMALL COMMUNITIES  Games that are developed by individual users rather than companies do not incorporate in-game cash shops.  Instead, they make use of PayPal.  In particular, Ragnarok Online private servers use PayPal as a donation system, where users donate a specific amount of real world currency to an account, usually an account made to reflect the server’s name but can also be the server owner’s personal account.  When the donation is received, a user is given the item that he has specified to the administrator of the server.  Although the cash shop is disguised as a donation system, the server lists several cash shop items on its website with corresponding real world currency prices.

14 REFERENCES     warcraft warcraft    p/blog_feature_news/page/6 p/blog_feature_news/page/6 

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