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PREPARATION For COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONs. What is your Goal?  Decide what you want to do  Is UPSC the Correct answer.

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2 What is your Goal?  Decide what you want to do  Is UPSC the Correct answer

3 Recruiting Agency Service 1. Central Govt. UPSC:1. Civil Services Grade A:- IAS, IPS, IAAS, IRTS, IRPS, Postal Services etc.. 2. Staff Selection Commission 3. Intelligence Bureau: ACIO 4. Combined Defence Services: Army/Navy/Air Force ( Age 21-30 & 35 Yr SC/ST 2. State Govt. TSPSC 1. Group – I Services 2. Group – II (A+B) 3. Group III & IV 4. Every Other Services (Age 35-40 Yr) 3. (Central)Public Sector 1. Banking Services : IBPS (PO’s, Clerical) 2. Reserve Bank of India 3. Railway Recruitment Board 4. Insurance: Administrative Officers, Managers, Clerical Posts.

4  Every one can make it if you understand it well.  Mind you, it’s the toughest exam in the world, you cannot write it without completely loving what you have set out to do.  Please don’t give this exam because it is considered to be a gateway to power, money, position.  Do it because it holds a real meaning for you.  Not because same one insists on you

5  It’s a tough process and test mental strength like no other exam can  In your toughest moments, the only guiding force will be your innermost drive & Determination  Once you have decided that it is for you then jump straight into it.  No second thoughts.  No backup plans should be there to fall back to

6 UPSC ALL INDIA SERVICES 1. Indian Administrative Service 2. Indian Foreign Service 3. Indian Police Service

7 Civil Service - All India Services Group – A 1. Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAS) 2. Indian Revenue Service (IRS) 3.Indian Defence Accounts Service 4. Indian Postal Service 5. Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) 6. Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)

8 Civil Service - AII India Services Group – B 1. Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (Section Officer’s Grade) 2.Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service 3.Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service 4. Pondicherry Civil Service 5. Pondicherry Police Service

9  Civil Services Exam is a test to choose suitable administrators.  Change of Exam Pattern - 2 nd ARC  Grip in one subject can not make an efficient Officer  Requires Analytical thinking, Imagination, Decision Making Capacity, Ability to mingle with others  New Pattern is on Candidates ability to analyze issues, reasonoing ability, and decision making skills  Syllabus framed which can determine right candidates  Practice-Practice-Practice Mock Tests reduce mistakes in the Exam  Choosing optional for Mains in the starting Year is essential

10 Staff Selection Committee Posts 1.Inspector Examiner (CBEC) 2. Assistant Ministry of External Affairs 3. Assistant CSS : Central Secretariat Services 4. Income Tax Inspector 5. Central Excise Inspector 6. Assistant Enforcement Officer 7. Sub – Inspector in CBI 8. Inspector of Posts 9. Auditor 10. Postal Inspector 11. Sub – Inspector in National Investigation Agency

11 State Services : TSPSC Group – I Posts : 1.Deputy Collectors 2.Commercial Tax Officers 3.Deputy Supdt. of Police (DSP - Civil) 4.District Tribal Welfare Officer (DTWO) 5.Deputy Registrar 6.District Panchayat Raj Officers 7.Regional Transport Officers 8.Municipal Commissioner 9.Mandal Parishad Development Officer (MPDO) 10.Lay Secretary / Administrative Officer 11.Assistant Prohibition & Excise Superintendent

12 TSPSC Group II Services: 1. Municipal Commissioner Gr. III (Municipal Administrative Sub-Service) 2. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (Commercial Tax Sub-Service) 3. Deputy Tahasildar (Revenue Sub-Service) 4. Sub-Registrar Gr.II (Registration Sub-Service) 5. Junior Employment Officer (Employment Sub-Service) 6. Assistant Registrar (Co-operative Sub-Service) 7. Assistant Labour Officer (Labour Sub-Service) 8. Extension Officer (Rural Development) (Panchayat Raj Sub-Service) 9. Excise Sub-Inspector (Excise Sub-Service) 10. Executive Officer Grade-II (Panchayat Raj Sub-Service) 11. Assistant Development Officer (Handlooms and Textiles Sub-Service) 12. Executive Officer Grade-I (Endowments Sub-Service ) 13. Assistant Social Welfare Officer

13 TSPSC Group-III Services: 1. Senior Accountant (Govt. Life Insurance Sub-Service) 2. Auditor (Pay & Accounts Sub-Service) 3. Assistant Section Officer (Secretariat Sub-Service) 4. Typist-cum-Assistant (Secretariat Sub-Service) 5. Assistant-cum-Typist (Heads of Departments, Ministerial Service) 6. Junior Assistants (Heads of Departments, Ministerial Service) 7. Junior Accountant (Directorate, Treasuries & Accounts Sub-Service) 8. Junior Accountant (Govt. Life Insurance Sub-Service) etc. TSPSC Group – 4 Services 1.Junior Assistant 2. Junior Accountants 3. Junior Stenographers, Typists, Assistant-Cum-Typist etc.

14 Examination Pattern – Civils Services The entrance for Civil Services comprises of two successive stages: Preliminary Examination (Objective) Main Examination (Written and Interview) The details follow: A. Preliminary Examination Both papers will consist of Objective (multiple choice answer) Type questions only Both the question papers would be bilingual (English and Hindi), except for some questions specifically intended to test English Language Comprehension skills, which would be in English only. General StudiesDuration Maximum Marks Paper - I2 hours200 Paper - II2 hours200 Negative Marking UPSC has taken a right step introducing negative marking to filter out candidates who get selected on the basis of smart guess and luck. So, the serious candidates should cheer up now. Negative marking make paper more complex. But it is easy for well prepared students and gives an extra benefit to genuine candidates

15 CSAT-2015 CIVIL SERVICES APTITUDE TEST -2015 ( Preliminary Exam) SYLLABUS General Studies: PAPER – I - 100 Questions (200 Marks) Duration - Two Hours  Current Events of National and International Importance  History of India and Indian National Movement  India and World Geography – Physical, Social and Economic geography of India and World  Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution – Political System – Public Policy, Panchayati Raj, Rights Issues etc.  Economic and Social Development – Sustainable development- Poverty – Inclusion – Demographics- Social Sector Initiatives etc.  General Issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and climate change – that do not require subject specialization  General Science – Physics and Biology

16 PAPER – II - 80 Questions (200 Marks) (Only Qualifying Test) Duration - 2 Hours  Comprehension  Interpersonal Skills including Communication skill  Logical Reasoning and Analytical ability  Decision Making and Problem solving  General Mental Ability  Basic Numeracy, (number and their relation, orders of magnitude etc) (Class X level), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. -X th Level)

17 SubjectDurationMaximum Marks 123 Preliminary Test General Studies & Mental Ability (Objective Type) 150 Questions 2 ½ 150 (A)Written Examination (Main) General English (Qualifying Test) 3150 Paper-I General Essay It will have to cover the following topics 1. Contemporary Social issues and Social Problems. 2. Issues of Economic Growth and Justic 3. Dynamics of Indian Politics 4. Historical and Cultural Heritage of India 5. Developments in Science and Technology 6. Education and Human Resource Development 3 150 Paper-II – History, Culture and Geography 1. History and Culture of India, with special reference to Modern Period (1757 to 1947 A.D) 2. History and Cultural Heritage of Telangana 3. Geography of India and Telangana 3 150 GROUP I SERVICES

18 Paper –III – Indian Society, Constitution and Governance 1. Indian Society, Structure, Issues and Social Movements 2. Constitution of India 3. Governance 3 150 Paper –IV – Economy and Development 1. Indian Economy and Development 2. Telangana Economy 3. Development and Environmental Problems 3 150 Paper- V – Science & Technology and Data Interpretation 1. The role and impact of Science and Technology 2. Modern Trends in application of knowledge of Science 3. Data Interpretation and Problem Solving 3 150 Paper-VI - Telangana Movement and State Formation 1. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970) 2. Mobilisational phase (1971 -1990) 3. Towards formation of Telangana State (1991-2014) 3 150 Total 900 (A)INTERVIEW 100 GRAND TOTAL 1000

19 PAPERSUBJECTQUESTIONS (MULTIPLE CHIOCE DURATION (HOURS) MAXIMUM MARKS PART – A WRITTEN EXAMINATION (Objective Type) PAPER – IGENERAL STUDIES AND GENERAL ABILITIES1502 ½150 PAPER – IIHISTORY, POLITY AND SOCIETY I.Socio-Cultural History of India and Telangana II. Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics III. social Structure, issue and Public Policies 150(3x50)2 ½150 PAPER –IIIECONOMT AND DEVELOPMENT I. Indian Economy: Issue and challenges II. Economy and Development of Telanagana III. Issues of Development and Change 150(3x50)2 ½150 PAPER – IVTELANGANA MOVMENT AND STATE FORMATION I.The idea of Telangana (1948 – 1970) II. Mobilisational phase (1971 – 1990) III. Towards formation of Telangana State (1991 – 2014) 150(3x50)2 ½150 PART – BINTERVIEW75 TOTAL MARKS675 GROUP – II SERVICES

20 GROUP – III SERVICES PAPERSUBJECTQUESTIONS (MULTIPLE CHIOCE DURATION (HOURS) MAXIMUM MARKS PART – A WRITTEN EXAMINATION (Objective Type) PAPER – IGENERAL STUDIES AND GENERAL ABILITIES 1502 ½150 PAPER – IIHISTORY, POLITY AND SOCIETY I.Socio-Cultural History of India and Telangana II. Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics III. social Structure, issue and Public Policies 150(3x50)2 ½150 PAPER –IIIECONOMT AND DEVELOPMENT I. Indian Economy: Issue and challenges II. Economy and Development of Telanagana III. Issues of Development and Change 150(3x50)2 ½150 TOTAL MARKS 450

21 GROUP – IV SERVICES Paper SubjectNo. of Questions DurationMaximum Marks 1. GENERAL KNOLEDGE150150 Minutes150 2. SECRETARIAL ABILITIES150150 Minutes150 TOTAL MARKS300

22 NCERT BOOKS For Beginners: Start with the NCERT Books Cover everything from 6 th – 10 th class. All the relevant NCERTs Attend Mock Test covering NCERT Syllabus without fail

23 Preparation Steps for competitive Exams  Start preparing for Civils at least 10 – 12 months before the prelims.  Get the previous 5 years solved question paper set and the IAS syllabus.  Refer to the question papers before and after reading any topic.  Routinize your day to cover the Civils syllabus with in short time.  Improve your writing,Speaking skills regularly  Learn to prepare micro notes for quick revision.  Determination, Dedication and Discipline (Self)

24  Start your preparation by reading “ The Hindu News paper meticulously Editorials in particular for 2 hours daily.  Daily, without any excuse.  For more information on how to read, what to focus on in the Hindu app.

25 How to Utilize Technology for Preparation Use of Google Search & Wikipedia  For India specific articles, go  customize your web search to your specific need like video’s images, news, maps, books, apps.

26 APPS The Hindu/Times of India online Constitution of India CrPC (Law)

27 How to Read News Paper

28 Websites www.Prindia.orgDrafts,Bills,Policies : Test Papers, Group Discussion, Current topics Dictionary, Grammarly Apps: Evernote,Onenote Economics Fairobserver:Wikipedia Defence website tsstudycircle.inT.S. Study Circle Website

29 all information regarding Civil Services :For information on Civil Services :For Economic Surveys, Union Budgets and Monthly/Qtly/Annual GDP growth rates- Macroeconomic details & Statistical information : Planning Commission Reports Five years Plan documents. Statistics, Monthly Economic Reports http://publicationdivision.nic.in : For India year book : Constitution of India, Central Acts, Supreme Court of India. :RBI reports statistical details of Economy, Hand Book of Statistics (RBI) Annual Reports of RBI and Review of State Finances etc.Monetary policy Review

30 Sr No. Test NameQns.MarksDuration 1Reasoning Ability Paper35 01 hour 2 Quantitative Aptitude Paper 35 3English Language Paper30 Total100 IBPS PO Exam syllabus – IBPS Preliminary Exam Pattern IBPS division planned PO/MT V & Clerk V exam in two levels Tier 1 and Tier 2. Level 1 is aspre exam and level 2 as mains exam. IBPS Pre Exam Pattern contains less target sort questions with shorter time. Pre examination of IBPS exam have some short and multi decision questions (MCQ) from both subjects thinking, English, quantitative inclination. IBPS online test syllabus will be transferred on ibps site in a brief while period you can likewise download it from connection given.

31 Sr No.Test NameQns.MarksDuration 1Reasoning50 02 hours 2General Awareness Paper 40 3Quantitative Aptitude50 4 AEnglish Language40 4 BHindi Language 40 5Computer Knowledge20 Total200 IBPS Mains exam syllabus – Exam Pattern IBPS 5 syllabus for mains exam won’t yet authoritatively distributed by IBPS according to desire it will have less troublesome inquiries than preparatory exams and the individuals who effectively qualifying in IBPS pre exam they are called for mains exam. office will issued changed “IBPS exam syllabus” soon. Tier2 exams harder than tier1. we will overhauled IBPS full syllabus soon.

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