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Photography 101 Exposure. Over Exposed Under Exposed Whites should be white and Blacks should be black.

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Presentation on theme: "Photography 101 Exposure. Over Exposed Under Exposed Whites should be white and Blacks should be black."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photography 101 Exposure

2 Over Exposed

3 Under Exposed Whites should be white and Blacks should be black

4 Correct Exposure

5 To get correct Exposure: - Aperture (Depth of Filed): This widens or narrows lens Wider aperture = more light/shallow depth of field Narrow aperture = less light/deep depth of field - ISO: Camera sensitivity to light Higher ISO – more sensitivity Lower ISO – less sensitivity - Shutter Speed: Amount of time lens stays open Longer shutter speed = more light Slower shutter speed = less light

6 1. Switch Camera to Manual Setting 2. Press Func. Set 3. Changing Exposure – Use up and down to scroll to +0. This changes the shutter speed: + = lighter - = darker Using Manual Settings: 4. Changing ISO – changes sensitivity to light. Lower = less sensitive, Higher = more sensitive 5. Changing White Balance – changes sensitivity to type of light. Lower = less sensitive, Higher = more sensitive

7 Macro Photography Need a Macro Lens as it lets in more light through it’s wider aperture

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