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© The International Association of Contact Lens Educators The International Association of Contact Lens Educators 2015 IACLE Update.

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Presentation on theme: "© The International Association of Contact Lens Educators The International Association of Contact Lens Educators 2015 IACLE Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators The International Association of Contact Lens Educators 2015 IACLE Update

2 IACLE SPONSORS © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators Industry Supporters Major In-Kind Supporter Development and delivery of contact lens education by IACLE is supported through educational grants and in-kind contributions

3 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators UPDATE ON GLOBAL STRATEGIC INITIATIVES

4 OUR MISSION IACLE is dedicated to raising the standard of contact lens education and promoting the safe use of contact lenses worldwide Achieved through the following 6 Strategic Initiatives…

5 Web Lectures Broadcast live covering various CL topics STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 1 DELIVERY OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING 2013 Fellowship Exam 194 members worldwide (online/paper) Next administration in November 2015 Distance Learning Program Accessible online for all members Student Trial Exam available in English (online), Spanish, Chinese {simplified}, Korean, French, German, Italian and Bahasa 1,386 students in 2014! In 2014 Asia Pacific: 12 (India 6, China 6) Americas: 6 (3 Argentina, 1 Brazil, 1 Colombia, 1 Mexico)

6 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 2 EDUCATOR MEETINGS/TRAIN-THE-TRAINER PROGRAMS Didactic lectures and hands-on workshops to: - Improve knowledge levels and skills of educators - Address ‘how to teach’ and ‘how to use IACLE resources’ - Establish network of educators in countries and regions Based on educational needs in priority countries (using Fellowship and Student Trial Exam results) 2014 Schedule: India: 1 Global Educator Meeting Korea: 1 Educator Meeting & TTT China: 1 Educator Meeting & TTT Europe: 4 Educator Meetings (Spain, Croatia, Poland, UK) Americas: 2 Educator Meetings (Argentina / Colombia) & 2 TTTs (Colombia / Mexico)

7 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 3 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES New IACLE Contact Lens Course (ICLC)  New PPT format  Condensed to 5 modules  Contains 30 lectures  Covers all aspects of CL education – from ‘anatomy of the cornea’ to ‘business of CL practice’ Exclusive access to members only via member login

8 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES New IACLE Contact Lens Course (ICLC) free sample on

9 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 3 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES IACLE Case Reports 20 interactive, problem-based PPTs available in English Translated into Spanish, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese More pending release Online Resources (member log in ICLC, IACLE PPT library Donated resources, image galleries, videos / animations CL fitting sheets and assessment forms In Development CL management library, CL screensaver, more Case Reports Facebook Latest IACLE news, regional and global news Links to useful resources

10 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 4 COLLABORATING WITH INSTITUTIONS Priority institutes identified – awarded IACLE Certificate of Affiliation Conduct meetings with heads of institutes – Educator Members attend our Members’ Meetings Market / conduct our educational programs (Student Trial Exam) and use of IACLE resources (ICLC, Case Reports) Research > identify > market membership > deliver education Live Web Lectures and NEW online Discussion Forums between institutions 2014 Update 10 institute visits, met with 426 faculty and students 18 Web Lectures, 903 attendees 36 institutes in 9 countries conducted STEs for 1,386 students 7 targeted priority institutes in India, 3 awarded IACLE Certificate of Affiliation

11 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 5 FACILITATING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MEMBERS AND INDUSTRY IACLE TTTs and Educational Meetings provide a platform for members and industry to interact Encourage members and FIACLEs to be involved with industry CE programs and to become Key Opinion Leaders Request donations (CLs, solutions etc) from industry for institutes in need Update industry on member activities via Industry Informer

12 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 6 INSTITUTIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS DATABASE Information collected focuses on the practical experience of students Snapshot of resources and clinical facilities available at institutions, patient load and number of fits required by students, etc Identifies how IACLE and local industry can work with institutions ensuring CLs, solutions, instrumentation, etc are available for practical teaching of students Developed to gain knowledge about the level of CL activity in institutions Identifies areas of need for practical training

13 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators IACLE MEMBERSHIP

14 REACH BY REGION 2014 ASIA PACIFIC 582 Members Regional Coordinator: Cheni Lee National Coordinators: Qu Xiaomei - China (Shanghai) Wang Haiying - China (Tianjin) Jungmi Kim – Korea EUROPE/ AFRICA- MIDDLE EAST 193 Members Regional President: Judith Morris AMERICAS 183 Members Latin America Regional Coordinator: Guillermo Carrillo

15 GLOBAL PRIORITY COUNTRIES 2014 50% of members are from Global Priority Countries Global Priority Countries Members China India Korea Taiwan Mexico Brazil Russia 202 139 70 20 22 16 7 TOTAL476

16 REGIONAL PRIORITY COUNTRIES 2014 REGIONAL Asia Pacific Europe Africa Middle East Latin America China Korea Taiwan India Russia Germany Poland Brazil Mexico Argentina Colombia Create a strong foundation Achieve great success Continue to develop members 58% of members are from regional priority countries

17 MEMBERSHIP WORLDWIDE IN 2014 11% membership growth in 2014 MEMBERSHIPTOTAL Total Members958 Educator Members647 Associate Members96 Industry Members215

18 COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVES NEW Electing IACLE Country Representatives worldwide Educator Members actively teaching Voluntary position Assist IACLE to: Identify CL educators and eye care institutions Recruit appropriate educators for IACLE membership Identify unique educational developments, needs and/or opportunities for IACLE Report on local CL markets and CL activities

19 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS

20 FELLOWSHIP EXAM Internationally recognised means of measuring contact lens knowledge...There is no other means like it! To be conducted worldwide – November 2015 Administered online (English), paper (Spanish, Chinese {simplified}, Korean and Bahasa)

21 FELLOWSHIP EXAM OUTCOMES Ninth administration in 2013, 194 participants (48 from Industry), 28 countries, 53% achieved successful outcome 74% of participation in Global Priority Countries 103 potential new FIACLEs!!

22 FELLOW OF IACLE (FIACLE) 17% increase resulting from 2013 Fellowship Exam. 57 new FIACLEs in 2014!

23 STUDENT TRIAL EXAM In 2014 1,386 students in nine countries at 36 institutes worldwide completed the STE

24 IACLE RESOURCE CENTRES Small library/reference centres equipped with educational resources Educators/students access resources provided by IACLE IACLE has 169 Resource Centres in 46 countries worldwide, 51% in Global Priority Countries

25 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators THIRD IACLE WORLD CONGRESS “WC3”

26 WC3 2015

27 Third IACLE World Congress, hosted by The University of Manchester, UK from 24th to 28th May 2015. 107 delegates from 30 countries Educators from IACLE’s global regions: Asia Pacific (26), Europe / Africa – Middle East (15) and Americas (10).

28 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators IACLE AWARDS

29 CONTACT LENS EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARDS Awarded to three individuals, one from each of IACLE’s three regions: Asia Pacific Europe / Africa / Middle East Latin America Winners receive: Generous award towards cost of travel and accommodation (supported by CooperVision) Full delegate package to attend the BCLA (supported by BCLA) Place at IACLE Education Day featuring lectures, workshops and dinner Certificate presented at special International Session at BCLA 2014

30 TRAVEL AWARD Open to all Educator Members who would not otherwise be able to attend IACLE’s Education Day / BCLA Winner receives: Generous award towards cost of travel and accommodation (supported by IACLE) Full delegate package to attend British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference & Exhibition (supported by BCLA) Place at IACLE Education Day featuring lectures, workshops and dinner Certificate presented at a special International Session at BCLA

31 Dumpati Srikanth, works as Faculty in the Bausch + Lomb School of Optometry, Hyderabad, India IACLE Travel Award IACLE Contact Lens Educator of the Year Awards Asia Pacific Professor Monica Chaudhry of Amity University Gurgaon, India Americas Martín Giraldo of Santo Tomás University, Colombia Europe / Africa / Middle East Helmer Schweizer, Alcon Professional Affairs, President of Euromcontact, Chairman of European Contact Lens Forum. Teaches at the schools of optometry in Novi Sad (Serbia) and Velika Gorica (Croatia). 2015 AWARD WINNERS

32 IACLE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD A founding member of IACLE and its vice president for 15 years Served as Editor-in-Chief first edition of the IACLE Contact Lens Course Organised previous IACLE World Congresses in 1994 and 2002 A Distinguished Emeritus Professor at University of Waterloo, Canada. Founding Director of Centre for Contact Lens Research (CCLR) 201 5 Award Recipient Professor Desmond Fonn Contribution to global contact lens education includes: In 2015, first-ever IACLE Award for Lifetime Achievement in Contact Lens Education presented at WC3

33 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators REGIONAL UPDATE

34 AMERICAS UPDATE IN 2014 Total of 183 members 129 Educator Members 26 Industry Members 28 Associate Members 38 from Global Priority Countries (16 Brazil, 22 Mexico) 25% FIACLEs from the Americas 2014 Educational Meetings, Train-the-Trainer Programs and Web Lectures Colombia – 1 EM, 1 TTT, 1 Web Lecture (5 institutes, 85 students) Argentina – 1 EM, 1 TTT, 3 Web Lectures (9 institutes, 195 students) Brazil: 1 Web Lecture for 150 CL practitioners Mexico: 1 Web Lectures

35 BRAZIL 2 FIACLEs at ‘Instituto Brasileiro de Treinamento’ and ‘Pesquisa em Lentes de Contacto’ delivered Web Lecture to 150 CL practitioners MEXICO 1 Web Lecture conducted at 2 priority institutions for 250 students ARGENTINA 1 TTT and Educational Meeting for 9 members May - Web Lecture, 3 institutions for 65 students July - Web Lecture, 3 institutions for 65 students Oct - Web Lecture, 3 institutions for 65 students COLOMBIA Members’ Meeting during FEDOPTO Congress, 25 educators TTT sponsored by TVCI Bogota, for 31 FIACLEs Web Lecture 5 institutions for 85 students AMERICAS PRIORITY COUNTRIES UPDATE 2014

36 ASIA PACIFIC UPDATE Total of 582 members 386 Educator Members 147 Industry Members 49 Associate Members 74% from Global Priority Countries (48% of these are FIACLEs) 65% FIACLEs from Asia Pacific Educational Meetings and Train-the- Trainer Programs in 2014 India – 1 Global EM China – 1 EM & 1 TTT Korea – 1 EM & 1 TTT Taiwan – 1 EM 2014 Web Lectures India: 6 China: 6 NEW

37 ASIA PACIFIC PRIORITY COUNTRIES UPDATE 2014 INDIA 1 national members’ meeting (40 attended) 1 priority institution awarded ‘Certificate of Affiliation’, 2 institutions will be awarded in 2015 3 institute visits 6 Web Lectures (4 for educators, 2 for students) 10 STEs for 234 students 25 members achieved FIACLE status IACLE Industry Seminars sponsored by Alcon and B+L at 2 priority institutes Total of 139 members 91 Educator members 28 Industry members 20 Associate members 72 FIACLEs

38 ASIA PACIFIC PRIORITY COUNTRIES UPDATE 2014 CHINA 1 Members’ Meeting and Train-the-Trainer 6 Web Lectures STEs at 9 institutes for 468 students 15 IACLE Case Reports in Chinese released, NEW translations pending Over 100 members registered/participating in QQ discussion groups (China’s Facebook alternative) 38 members sat 2013 Fellowship Exam, 26 successful 69 FIACLEs in China

39 ASIA PACIFIC PRIORITY COUNTRIES UPDATE 2014 KOREA 1 Members’ Meetings / Train-the- Trainer Program STEs 12 institutions, 607 students IACLE Contact Lens Course modules 3 and 4 translated 27 members completed the 2013 Fellowship Exam 17 FIACLEs TAIWAN 20 members (10 Educator members, 10 Industry members) 6 FIACLEs 4 sat 2013 Fellowship Exam, 2 achieved successful outcomes 2 IACLE Resource Centres NEW IACLE visited main Taiwan schools and met key educators at: Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology Chung Shan Medical College

40 EAME UPDATE IN 2014 Total of 193 members 132 Educator Members 42 Industry Members 19 Associate Members Russia (global priority country) 7 members - 3 are FIACLEs 25% of FIACLEs are from EAME IACLE Contact Lens Course Spanish (complete format). German, Portuguese, Russian, (abbreviated format). Italian is pending, French being investigated IACLE Case Reports All 15 in Spanish and Portuguese NEW French translations pending in 2015 IACLE Meetings Spain – April / Dec Croatia – May Poland – May UK – June

41 EAME UPDATE IN 2014 NEW IACLE Country Representatives assigned in: JORDAN: Jordanian University of Science and Technology working to increase membership, set shared curriculum, arrange member meetings.. SPAIN: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya hosted a members’ meeting -Iberia members hosted members’ / industry meeting. Discussed greater cooperation between industry and universities ISRAEL: members planning to collaborate in 2015 IACLE Resource Centres 39 Resource Centres established in 39 countries across Europe, Africa and the Middle East Membership grows in the Middle East! 9 new members: Iran (1), Israel (1), Jordan (2), Lebanon (1), Morocco (1), Oman (1), Palestine (1), Saudi Arabia (1)

42 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators SUMMARY

43 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators NEW for 2014 11% increase in total membership and 10% increase in FIACLEs IACLE Country Representatives Online Discussion Forums IACLE Contact Lens Educator of the Year Awards And in 2015 Launch of updated IACLE Contact Lens Course Tenth administration of Fellowship Exam Third IACLE World Congress on CL Education IACLE Lifetime Achievement Award Platinum Sponsors of the Third IACLE World Congress on Contact Lens Education

44 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators RECOGNIZING IACLE SPONSORS

45 International Association of Contact Lens Educators © The International Association of Contact Lens Educators IACLE would like to thank our Industry Partners for their ongoing support of the development and delivery of educational resources and programs Platinum Sponsor Silver Sponsors Donor Sponsor

46 Please visit us online at:

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