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Bringing Research Back from the (Un)Dead: Zombies and Discovery Learning Christina Dent Cate Hirschbiel & Esther Roth-Katz Emerson College

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Research Back from the (Un)Dead: Zombies and Discovery Learning Christina Dent Cate Hirschbiel & Esther Roth-Katz Emerson College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Research Back from the (Un)Dead: Zombies and Discovery Learning Christina Dent Cate Hirschbiel & Esther Roth-Katz Emerson College

2 Image Credit:

3 WR121 Research Workshop Zombie Apocalypse

4 Information Overload? Mission #2: Become an Information Overlord

5 Possible Topics How are cell phones impacting family relations? Sex in Young Adult novels How has gaining success as an amateur musician changed thanks to YouTube? Is divorce a failure? What are the health risks of e-cigarettes and how is this conveyed to consumers? M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender is a bad representation of the original animated series

6 Mission #3: Share Information Discuss Your Findings from Mission 2 Advanced Search Features Ways you modified keywords for better results What resources you found (books, articles, other resources) and how you found them Which search tools you liked or disliked, and why

7 What’s changed?

8 Why zombies?

9 Assessment

10 Questions?

11 Modify keywords, synonyms, and related topics that describe the research question to get better results Use the most common features of information retrieval systems to locate and retrieve relevant resources Assess the quantity, quality, and relevance of search results to determine whether alternative information retrieval systems or investigative methods should be used Students will be able to:

12 Image Credits “Zombies 018” by Thierry Ehrmann “Bored Student” “Coffee and Moleskine III” by Lost in Scotland “Zombie Walk 2012” by Gianluca Ramalho Misiti “Overwhelmed” by Alex Welch “Sharing Chocolate” by OakleyOriginals “Change Happens” by Adam Bartlett “Zombies YT Poster 2” by Marc-André Caron “Measuring Cup” by homespothq “A Zombie-Mummy Trinket Guarding Questions” by Raymond Bryson

13 Select Bibliography Hiebert, Jean, and Shelly Theriault. “BLASTing the Zombies!” College & Research Libraries News 73.9 (2012): 540–569. Print. Johnson, Margeaux, Amy G. Buhler, and Chris Hillman. “The Library Is Undead: Information Seeking During the Zombie Apocalypse.” Journal of Library Innovation 1.2 (2010): 29–43. PDF. Kelley, Michael. “Using the Living Dead To Teach Information Literacy.” 30 Mar. 2011. Stahura, Dawn, and Erin Milanese. “Teaching with Zombies.” College & Research Libraries News 74.7 (2013): 354–356. Print. Tay, Aaron. “Zombies and Libraries - How Are Libraries Using the Zombie Theme?” Musings about librarianship 27 May 2013. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. Tompkins, Jane. "Pedagogy of the Distressed." College English 52.6 (1990): 653-660. Print.

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