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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Political Culture InstitutionsHistory Current Issues.

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2 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Political Culture InstitutionsHistory Current Issues Grab Bag

3 One of the main cleavages in Mexico is the divide between Mestizos and these people

4 Who are Amerindians?

5 This is the region that possesses most of the wealth in Mexico

6 What is the North, or border region?

7 Currently, this number is at.54 in Mexico, indicating a high level of economic inequality

8 What is the Gini coefficient?

9 This movement in Mexico can be compared to Russia’s ongoing problems in Chechnya

10 What is the Zapatista movement?

11 The conflict among PRI leaders over how to develop the economy divided the PRI into these two groups

12 Who are the politicos and technicos?

13 These are the names of the 2 houses of Congress in Mexico

14 Who are the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate?

15 PEMEX is an example of this type of institution

16 What is a parastatal?

17 A president is allowed to serve only one of these

18 What is a sexenio?

19 The concentration of power in the presidency is primarily the result of his power to do this

20 What is appoint?

21 This is the number of seats chosen for the Senate through proportional representation

22 What is 32 (or 64 if you count the “2 nd place” seats)?

23 This was the longest serving dictator in Mexico’s history

24 Who is Porfirio Diaz?

25 This president enacted sweeping reforms from 1934-1940

26 Who is Lazaro Cardenas?

27 The patron-client system in Mexico has its roots in the conflicts between these, a word for a group in a power base around a strongman

28 What are caudillos?

29 The Christeros Rebellion centered upon a disagreement over the role of this in Mexican society

30 What is the Catholic Church?

31 During the sexenio from 1934 to 1940, these land grants were given to many peasants in a redistribution plan

32 What are ejidos?

33 Northern Mexicans with higher incomes are most likely to vote for this party

34 What is the PAN?

35 This was the greatest significance of the 2000 presidential election

36 What is the first time the PRI did not win the election since 1929?

37 This institution helped to remove PRI control over the media and allow opposition parties to monitor election results

38 What is the IFE?

39 Political Party that won the 2000 and 2006 elections

40 What is the PAN?

41 Free trade, duty free zones along the border with the U.S. are known as this

42 What is the maquiladora district?

43 This British prime minister moved economic policy to the right from 1979 to 1991

44 Who is Margaret Thatcher?

45 States which centralize power at the national level with little significant power reserved for local governments are called this

46 What is a unitary state?

47 This Iranian institution can disqualify candidates for election

48 What is the Guardian Council?

49 This word describes the British state’s policy of giving power to local, independent parliaments (with the understanding that they can be taken back)

50 What is devolution?

51 When there is not unified support for the policies of the prime minister, cabinet members in Britain will resign under this tradition

52 What is collective responsibility?

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