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Exploration & Colonization of North America. I. Exploration a. Early explorers came to the New World looking for 1. Gold 2. Glory 3. God.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration & Colonization of North America. I. Exploration a. Early explorers came to the New World looking for 1. Gold 2. Glory 3. God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploration & Colonization of North America

2 I. Exploration a. Early explorers came to the New World looking for 1. Gold 2. Glory 3. God

3 b. The top 3 countries at this time were: 1. Spain 2. France 3. England

4 II. Spain A. The Spainish set up encomiendas (large plantations) on which native peoples worked. B. Disease and overwork reduced the native population and African slaves were brought to work mines and plantations.

5 C. Spain was first by founding San Miguel de Gualdape (near present-day Georgetown) 1.Had some slaves 2.Cold weather & disease led to abandonment D. Tried again and founded San Felipe 1.Attacks from NAs forced them to go back to St Augustine, FL

6 III. French Colonization A. French explorers claimed the Northwest passage and started Montreal and Quebec. B. French traders established good relations with natives due to trade in furs.

7 C. The French founded the settlement of Charlesfort 1.Near present-day Beaufort 2.Abandoned it soon after

8 IV. English Colonization A. English settlers established permanent settlements along the eastern coast named Virginia and New England. 1.The first permanent settlement in South Carolina by the English was Charlestown. B. The English brought their language, Protestant religion, and self-government to the New World.

9 V. Jamestown A. Jamestown was the 1 st permanent English colony in the New World in 1607 established by the London Company. 1.Many years of starvation and death until the cultivation of tobacco. B. The House of Burgesses was created in 1619 so settlers could help govern the colony.

10 D. The headright system brought many settlers and created: 1.Large tobacco plantations. 2.More indentured servants & then African slaves. 3.Conflict with the natives. E. Jamestown grew into the colony of Virginia. 1.Jamestown also established a pattern for other southern colonies.

11 “So lamentable was our scarcity that we were constrained to eat dogs, cats, rats, snakes, toadstools, horsehides, and what not. One man out of the misery he endured, killing his wife, powdered her up to eat her, for which he was burned. Many besides fed on the corpses of dead men, and one who had gotten insatiable out of custom to that food could not be restrained until such time as he was executed for it.” Journals of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1624, on life in Virginia during the Starving Times

12 VI. New England Colonies A. These colonies were Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, & Rhode Island. B. They were started to have religious freedom. C. Puritans, known as the Pilgrims, landed at Plymouth in 1620.

13 D. Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact. 1.A document that stated that the people can form the government.

14 E. They harvested lumber, built ships, and trading. F. They started schools so kids could learn to read the Bible. G. They established religious conformity. 1.Dissenters (those who disagreed with the Church) were exiled and started other colonies.

15 VII. Middle Colonies A. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, & Maryland. 1.Dutch - New York 2.Swedish - Delaware 3.English Quaker - Pennsylvania B. It was founded to make money & used its harbors and fertile land.

16 VIII. Southern Colonies A. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia B. Rich, fertile land and long growing season C. Large cash crop plantations with slave labor

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