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The Southern Colonies:

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1 The Southern Colonies:
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

2 Virginia 1607 Founded in 1607 by the London Company.
Founded for profit. The first permanent English settlement (Jamestown). John Smith helped the colony survive the early years.

3 Virginia The colony almost failed, but cash crop was introduced: tobacco. Grew well in the climate of Virginia. Grown in other southern colonies as well. Labor was imported to work on huge farms called plantations.

4 Virginia Slaves were imported from Africa to work on plantations in Virginia. They had no freedom and were totally under the control of the plantation owner.

5 House of Burgesses The first representative government in the colonies. Voters elected members of the House. Members made laws.

6 Maryland: 1634

7 Maryland Founded by John Calvert (Lord Baltimore) as a place for Catholics to worship freely. Passed the Toleration Act which promised religious freedom to all Christians. Economy was mostly based on tobacco.

8 North and South Carolina

9 The Carolinas1663 North and South
* Founded for profit and religious reasons. Was named after King Charles. (“Carol” is “Charles” in Latin) Split into North and South by the King in 1729 when he took control of the colony. Rice, tobacco, and indigo were the main crops. Slave labor was used.

10 Georgia 1732

11 Georgia Founded by James Oglethorpe.
Was a place for debtors to go and work off their debts. Named after King George.

12 Georgia The colony was an important barrier between the Spanish colony of Florida and the “more important colonies” of SC, and NC etc.

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