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Fashion Merchandising Syllabus Winter 2010. General Information Instructor: Mrs. Wollborg 4 th Hour Prep / Room 1507

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion Merchandising Syllabus Winter 2010. General Information Instructor: Mrs. Wollborg 4 th Hour Prep / Room 1507"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion Merchandising Syllabus Winter 2010

2 General Information Instructor: Mrs. Wollborg 4 th Hour Prep / Room 1507 E-mail: My Website: –Daily agenda, contact information (e-mail) & uploaded files (notes, assignments, etc.)

3 Materials 3 Ring Binder Section Dividers 1 Section: “Fash Bash Terms” 1 Section: “Designer Spotlight” Textbook: Fashion Marketing

4 Rules & Expectations 1.Students are not allowed in the computer lab if I am not in the room 2.Sign up is necessary in order to stay after school in my room to complete work 3.All quizzes & tests will be made up before or after school 4.All work must be turned in on the due date with the exception of an excused absence 5.Tardies will be recorded – be on time

5 Rules & Expectations 6.Be respectful of the computers and classroom –Any damage to your workstation will be your responsibility! 7.Participation points may be given during a class period that we are working on projects & assignments 8.Computers are to be utilized for appropriate classroom assignments ONLY –If games are played, you will lose your privileges 9.iPods, iTouch, etc. usage is at my discretion. They may only be used if I say so at the time. If I hear them or they are disruptive - privileges will be lost.

6 Topics To Be Covered Intro to the Fashion Business History of Style/Costume Basics of Merchandising & Marketing Trends, textiles & apparel styles Designing Fashion General Fashion Terms Retail Math Branding Retail Positioning Fashion Show

7 Designer Spotlight You will be given a specific designer every week –Monday You will be turning in a written, 1 page bio on that designer by Friday (beginning of class) Must be in your own words! –Will be collected thru

8 Fash Bash Terms At the beginning of every week there will be terms on the board that you will have to define by the end of that week There will be various quizzes/tests over these terms throughout the semester

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