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Persona Development Report Madeline Owen – Social Media Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Persona Development Report Madeline Owen – Social Media Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persona Development Report Madeline Owen – Social Media Marketing

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Analysis of Primary and Secondary Target Audience Venn Diagram Personas

3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Urban Outfitters Inc. was founded in 1970 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Urban Outfitters Inc. also operates retail stores Anthropolgie and Free People. Urban Outfitters Inc. currently operates 208 stores in the USA, Canada and Europe. Products Urban Outfitters offers a wide variety of clothing and home products for women and men. Urban Outfitters carries a number of brands and a wide array of products including household electronics and furniture. Urban has been expanding their stores so that home décor items are now found more often in the stores and not just online. Social Media Marketing In an article found on an Urban Outfitters executive discussed their social media marketing strategy. Stressing their emphasis on mobile only apps such as Vine and Instagram, Urban Outfitters highlights the brands personality and inspires their consumers. Steve Hartman Director of Marketing for Urban Outfitters discussed engagement on Instagram being through the roof. The brand also uses in store photo contests to drive engagement in the social world from their consumers and followers. Target Audience Urban Outfitters has created a brand that is more than home décor and clothes, it is a way of life. This is extremely important when looking at their social media strategies. Urban Outfitters is creating brand loyalists who not only shop there but want to lead a similar lifestyle to the one portrayed on Urban Outfitters social media platforms. These loyalists are mostly men and women 18-30 years old in the upper middle class. These loyalists are living the Urban Outfitters lifestyle inside and out.

4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Social Media Strategy Urban Outfitters Director of Marketing Steve Hartman says that social media inspires the customers and shows the personality of the brand. He says that “although conversions are low on social media, context is crucial in understanding that consumers may not be looking to shop while browsing their social media.” Urban Outfitters is currently active on Instagram, Vine, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest with hopes of inspiring their consumers. Creating Buzz By running in store photo contests Urban Outfitters is constantly creating buzz on Instagram and their website. When consumers post a picture on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #OUonyou their photos are automatically integrated into the company’s website. This lets the consumers play an active role in the brand. Photos posted on Urban Outfitters Instagram page get upwards of 40,000 likes immediately after being posted. Creating Community Urban Outfitters social media is all about inspiring the consumers and showing the Urban Outfitters lifestyle. The high quality photos used on their social media not only show products sold in their stores but they show photos of the daily life of a loyalist to Urban Outfitters. Consumers feel connected with the company because Urban Outfitters uses its Twitter to respond and interact with them. This community on social media helps create lifelong consumers.

5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Positioning Urban Outfitters positions itself by encouraging their consumers to be apart of the Urban outfitters lifestyle through clothes and home décor. By showcasing the lifestyle as a whole Urban Outfitters consumers feel welcome to explore different styles within the lifestyle. Urban Outfitters will often use social media to display new décor and clothing items. Positioning the brand in this way connects the consumers to the merchandise. Conclusion Urban Outfitters has gained a huge online presence in the past years with an increase in consumer social media. Through their diverse Instagram feed and connection with consumers on Twitter, Urban Outfitters is creating life long bonds with their consumers. Through continued use of social media the client is likely to achieve success for years to come.

6 SOURCES Urban Outfitters, Inc. History. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2015. Urban Outfitters Inc (URBN.O) Company Profile | (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2015. Urban Outfitters exec: Instagram inspires, shows brand personality. (2013, March 5). Retrieved September 22, 2015. Urban Outfitters. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2015.

7 ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY & SECONDARY Primary Target Audience 18- 30 years old Upper-middle class income Both female and male (primarily female) Interested in high quality eclectic home décor and clothing items Secondary Target Audience 14-17 years old Primarily high school females Influenced by older siblings and influenced by social media The target audience of Urban Outfitters has a diverse group of customers. The target audience ranges from 18 years old to 30, attracting young adults, college students and young professionals. Urban Outfitters variety of home décor and clothing provides customers with plenty of options to please their personal sense of style. The Urban Outfitters way of life provides customers with not only retail items but inspiration in their daily life to live UO way. Loyal Urban Outfitters customers will have an impact on how the younger generation views the brand, therefore influencing them to want to shop at Urban Outfitters too.

8 VENN DIAGRAM PERSONAS WITH NEED THAT URBAN OUTFITTERS CAN SATISFY PERSONAS WITH ENOGUH MONEY TO AFFORD UBRAN OUTFITTERS PRODUCTS PERSONAS INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT URBAN OUTFITTERS PRODUCTS Primary Target Audience Persona: Young Professional Hipster Type: Loyal Customer Secondary Target Audience: Bohemian High School Student Type: Joiner Secondary Target Audience: Coffee Shop Chiller Type: Spectator Primary Target Audience: Free Spirited College Chic Type: Socializer Primary Target Audience: Mad For Plaid Type: Connected Customer


10 YOUNG PROFESSIONAL HIPSTER Client: Urban Outfitters Persona Name: Young Professional Hipster Name: Vince Type: Loyal Customer Role: CEO of Tech Company “I am the CEO of a new tech startup company founded in Silicon Valley, CA. Design comes naturally to me, even when putting together an outfit. I like natural earthy colors and comfortable but professional clothing. I always try and look my best in business and in my personal life. I have three different phones and all common social media apps on all three phones.” Goals - Have a clean balance between casual and professional clothing - Spend how ever much is needed to have nice clothes - Represent my personal style in my clothes Motivations - Always look fresh and presentable - Make as high of salary as possible - Put together interesting outfits Pain Points - It is hard to separate my casual wear from my business wear - I cannot decide if my balance between professional and casual is good or not Behaviors - Spends time shopping for exotic cars - Shops online often - Always looking for ways to grow his wardrobe

11 FREE SPIRITED COLLEGE CHIC Client: Urban Outfitters Persona Name: Free Spirited College Chic Name: Audra Type: Socializer Role: Student “I am a college junior studying community relations. After college I am looking forward to taking a gap year and traveling the world. Fashion is my life, I spend all my down time putting together outfits and getting inspiration on Pinterest. Instagram and Facebook are where most of my daily posts resonate.” Motivations - Must have the latest and greatest clothes - Single and dressing to impress my peers - Name brands are extremely important Goals - Dress myself in fashion forward clothes - Be the first to have the newest clothes - Gain attention of potential male suitors Pain Points - Can’t have the same clothes as the girls in my sorority - Can’t handle not being the prettiest girl in the room - Have a hard time finding sizes for my tall figure Behaviors - Social media obsessed - Extremely picky when trying on clothes - Enjoys comfortable shift dresses and easy outfits

12 MAD FOR PLAID Client: Urban Outfitters Persona Name: Mad for Plaid Name: Tom Type: Connected Customer Role: Marketing Director “I am the marketing director for an Architecture company in Boulder, Colorado. Clothes are cool but what I really love is funky home décor. My modern home is filled with retro furniture and my record player is always on. I like to relax outside by a warm fire on a cool Colorado night. I love to post my GoPro videos on Twitter. ” Motivations - Single, expressing myself through clothes - Young driven working professional - Must support the active lifestyle that I lead Goals - Dress better in my daily life - Be noticed for my chill laid back style and attitude - Provide a balance between casual and professional clothes - Decorate my house with funky fresh new pieces Motivations - Make money to support my fun weekend trips to Vail & Breckenridge - Comfortable quality clothing is important to me Behaviors - Spend time on the ski slopes in the winter - Spend time directing white water rafting trips on the weekends - Love decorating my home in new modern styles


14 BOHEMIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Client: Urban Outfitters Persona Name: Bohemian High School Student Name: Lynn Type: Joiner Role: High School Student “I am a high school junior who wants to major in fashion merchandising at a college in New York City after I graduate. My older sister has always inspired my style, I have always looked up to her. She is so unique and wears her clothes with such confidence. All my friends love my eclectic style. I post on Instagram sometimes twice a day.” Motivations - Having an eclectic unique sense of style - Wearing clothes that make me feel confident in myself - Being comfortable for long school days Pain Points - Outfits that I like and feel proud of my friends are not always so supportive of - I don’t always know what looks best on me Goals - To be stylish and bohemian all together - To make a good first impression on new kids that I meet at school Behaviors - Quirky and fun - Outgoing around my comfortable friend group - Excited to pair new pieces of clothing with old pieces from my sister

15 COFFEE SHOP CHILLER Client: Urban Outfitters Persona Name: Coffee Shop Chiller Name: Melanie Type: Spectator Role: Local Singer & Songwriter “I am a recent college graduate who chose to not go to college and pursue my passion of music. I currently write my own music and perform in my spare time at local coffee shops in the area. Singing is my passion but I can’t look bad while performing, so fashion is extremely important to me as well. My singing videos are all over my Youtube & Vine channels.” Motivations - Must look nice while I am performing in local stores - Performing is so much more pleasant when you wear something that you are comfortable in Goals - To impress local musician scouts who frequently attend my shows - Dress like the girls on my Instagram feed Pain Points - Sometimes that cutest thing in the store is not sold in my size online or in stores - I don’t want to change my style but evolve it into being better Behaviors - I love writing my original songs in coffee shops because that’s where I perform - I enjoy singing in the shower because my vocal cords are warmed up

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