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Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others Chapter Eleven.

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Presentation on theme: "Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others Chapter Eleven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others Chapter Eleven

2 Friendships Proximity –Interaction Anticipation of interaction –Mere exposure “the tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more or rated more positively after the rater has been repeatedly exposed to them”

3 Friendships Physical attractiveness –Attractiveness and dating –The matching phenomenon

4 Friendships Physical attractiveness (cont.) –The physical-attractiveness stereotype What is Beautiful is Good –Who is attractive? Social comparison Those we love

5 Friendships Similarity versus complementarity –Do birds of a feather flock together? –Do opposites attract? The complementarity notion

6 Friendships Liking those who like us –Attribution Ingratiation –Self-esteem and attraction –Gaining another’s esteem

7 Friendships Reward Theory of Attraction: –“We like those whose behavior is rewarding to us or whom we associate with rewarding events” (p. 444) –Lewicki (1985) - Liking by association

8 Love Common elements –Mutual understanding –Giving and receiving support –Enjoying the loved one’s company

9 Love Passionate love –Styles of loveStyles of love –A theory of passionate love The Two-Factor Theory of Emotion (Schacter and Singer, 1962) “Adrenaline make the heart grow fonder.” –Variations in love Time and culture Gender

10 Love Companionate love –“The affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply intertwined” –Disillusion with passionate love

11 Maintaining close relationships Attachment –Secure –Avoidant –Insecure Equity Self-disclosure –The Disclosure Reciprocity effect

12 Ending relationships Who divorces? The detachment process

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