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Building Pyramids In Ancient Egypt 1. Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Pyramids In Ancient Egypt 1. Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Pyramids In Ancient Egypt 1

2 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2

3 Sand Solid Bedrock 3

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5 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2. Level the site. 5

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15 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.Level the site. 3. Carve out the burial chamber 15

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17 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.Level the site. 3.Carve out burial chamber. 4. First course of stones dragged and levered into place. 17

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23 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.Level the site. 3.Carve out burial chamber. 4.First course of stones dragged and levered into place. 5. Ramps built to drag stones up to the next levels. 23

24 4. Summarize the three theories of the types of ramps used to raise pyramid stones. 1. One long ramp that is extended as it gets higher. 24

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27 4. Summarize the three theories of the types of ramps used to raise pyramid stones. b. Four ramps are built, one at each corner. The ramps spiral around the pyramid to the top. 27

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29 4. Summarize the three theories of the types of ramps used to raise pyramid stones. c. One long ramp goes about halfway up and then spirals around the pyramid. 29

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34 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.Level the site. 3.Carve out burial chamber. 4.First course of stones dragged and levered into place. 5.Ramps built to drag up the next levels. 6. Pyramid topped with a capstone. 34

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36 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.Level the site. 3.Carve out burial chamber. 4.First course of stones dragged and levered into place. 5.Ramps built to drag up the next levels. 6.Pyramid topped with a capstone. 7. Corners chiseled off each level as rampsare taken down from the top. 8. Blocks were polished as they moved down. 36

37 37 Life in the Hereafter

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40 Steps in Building a Pyramid 1.Clear the site. 2.Level the site. 3.Carve out burial chamber. 4.First course of stones dragged and levered into place. 5.Ramps built to drag up the next levels. 6.Pyramid topped with a capstone. 7.Corners chiseled off each level as ramps are taken down from the top. 8.Blocks were polished as they moved down. 9. Pyramid is complete. 40

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42 “Manpower” segment from “Pyramid” App. 5 minutes 42

43 5. What were the two types of temples built at the pyramid complex and for what were they used? a.___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Mortuary temple-mummification of the king took place here. Sometimes called a valley temple 43

44 5. What were the two types of temples built at the pyramid complex and for what were they used? b.______________________________________ ______________________________________ Offering temple- certain burial ceremonies took place here and offerings could be left by loved ones. Sometimes called a funerary temple 44

45 6. What does the word necropolis mean? “ City of the dead” 45

46 7. Describe the buildings in the necropolis. Mastabas were built for burials of members of the royal family, high government officials, and people of the king's court. 46

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51 3. _____________ continued to develop 4. Ideas in the areas of ________, _________________, ____________, and __________________________ developed 5. Southern boundary of Egypt was the ________________________ 6. Egyptians learned to _________________ a. ___________ were dug to carry water from the ____________ to the ______________ Writing art architecture religion burial practices 51

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59 3. _____________ continued to develop 4. Ideas in the areas of ________, _________________, ____________, and __________________________ developed 5. Southern boundary of Egypt was the ________________________ 6. Egyptians learned to _________________ a. ___________ were dug to carry water from the ____________ to the ______________ Writing art architecture religion burial practices First Cataract 59

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62 3. _____________ continued to develop 4. Ideas in the areas of ________, _________________, ____________, and __________________________ developed 5. Southern boundary of Egypt was the ________________________ 6. Egyptians learned to _________________ a. ___________ were dug to carry water from the ____________ to the ______________ Writing art architecture religion burial practices First Cataract irrigate Canals river fields 62

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64 7. Old Kingdom came to an end when ____________ began to _____________ and __________________ gained it a. Reasons: 1. Last king was ____________ a. Became king at age ____; ruled for _____ years b. Let things slide; local officials took some power 2. Seven years in a row of _______________ a. Caused suffering, __________ took the blame b. Officials took more power and control pharaohs lose power local officials Pepi II 6 94 64

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67 "You have said in your letter that you have come down in safety from Yam with the army and brought many beautiful gifts which Hathor, Lady of Yamu, has given to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. You also say in this letter that you have brought a dwarf of divine dances from the land of the horizon-dwellers. Like the dwarf whom the Treasurer of the God, Baurded, brought from Punt in the time of King Isesi. You say to my Majesty, Never before has one like him been brought by any other who has visited Yam. Each year you do what your lord desires - spending day and night with the caravan. Now come northward at once to the Court. You must bring the dwarf, alive, sound and well to rejoice and gladden the heart of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. When he comes down with you into the ship, appoint reliable people who shall be beside him on each side of the vessel and take care lest he should fall into the water. When he sleeps at night, appoint trustworthy people who shall sleep beside him. Inspect him ten times a night because my Majesty desires to see this dwarf more than the all products of Sinai and Punt. 67

68 7. Old Kingdom came to an end when ____________ began to _____________ and __________________ gained it a. Reasons: 1. Last king was ____________ a. Became king at age ____; ruled for _____ years b. Let things slide; local officials took some power 2. Seven years in a row of _______________ a. Caused suffering, __________ took the blame b. Officials took more power and control pharaohs lose power local officials Pepi II 6 94 “Low Nile” pharaoh 68

69 8. Old Kingdom followed by _____________________ (Dynasties __________ through ____________ a. Time of _______________________ b. _______________ claimed control of Egypt c. One period was referred to as _________________________________ 1 st Intermediate Period VII (7) X (10) political chaos Multiple kings “70 kings in 70 days” 69

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