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11 www.vita.virginia.govexpect the bestwww.vita.virginia.govexpect the best VITA Customer Councils All Directors formed Customer Councils in April, 2007.

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1 11 www.vita.virginia.govexpect the bestwww.vita.virginia.govexpect the best VITA Customer Councils All Directors formed Customer Councils in April, 2007 and are meeting regularly Additionally, a Small Agency Council (owned by the CAM Director) was formed along with an Employee Council (owned by the F&A Director) Councils consist of 8-12 Agency subject matter experts

2 22 www.vita.virginia.govexpect the bestwww.vita.virginia.govexpect the best VITA Customer Councils Feedback Council participation has been good Each Director shares notes from the Council meetings with participants Working on ways to share information across Councils and across VITA Information included: the issue surfaced, responsible party, and what’s being done to address the issue along with a timeframe for completion

3 3 expect the best v.F2 VITA Customer Councils IssuesWe’re Addressing Customer Account Management Council Issue – who do I call for what? Solution – working on a roles and responsibilities document clearly defining CAM and APM roles, for example Security Customer Council Issue – how do small agencies respond to security requirements with very limited resources? Solution – Small Agency Council outreach, share resources Partnership Action Customer Council Issue – need to share transformation information in a more timely way Solution – transformation team shares presentations with the PAC

4 4 expect the best v.F2 VITA Customer Councils IssuesWe’re Addressing Communications Customer Council Issue – Involve Agency comms staff, not just technical staff, in conveying information directly to end-users Solution – develop communications more tailored to end-users with Agency comms staff input ITIES Customer Council Issue – Determine Council business drivers and priorities Solution – Council has defined 16 candidate governance areas in a variety of categories, currently prioritizing Finance and Administration Customer Council Issue – procurements not timely, need the ability to track procurements Solution – Procurement Workgroup formed, Sharepoint site created to track procurements

5 5 expect the best v.F2 VITA Customer Councils IssuesWe’re Addressing Employee Customer Council Issue – determine what’s important to our employees Solution – employee survey has been completed and results are being analyzed Small Agency Customer Council Issue – too many demands on small agencies with limited resources Solution – using the Small Agency Council meetings to address items collectively vs surveying individual agencies This is just a sampling; there are other issues and items being addressed

6 6 expect the best v.F2 VITA Customer Councils – Next Steps Customer Council questionnaires developed and rolled out in August Continue to refine and organize the process for collecting and sharing council information Share successes and lessons learned

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