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GEMA BHAKTI 2015 14 - 23 SEPT 2015. Directive of President of RI during Cabinet Session on 5 November 2009 Forming a stand-by force for Disaster Management,

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Presentation on theme: "GEMA BHAKTI 2015 14 - 23 SEPT 2015. Directive of President of RI during Cabinet Session on 5 November 2009 Forming a stand-by force for Disaster Management,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEMA BHAKTI 2015 14 - 23 SEPT 2015

2 Directive of President of RI during Cabinet Session on 5 November 2009 Forming a stand-by force for Disaster Management, with characteristics: Equipped with the Medical Team, Power Management / electric engineering Team, Communications Management Team, Rapid Response Team. The units can be deployed in a matter of hours. Transported by C – 130 Using the Military / Police unit as the core Under the command of BNPB Under the coordination of Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare 2

3 CountryOrganizationExpertisePersonnel 1JapanJDR Japan Disaster Relief -SAR -Medic -Experts assistance -JDSF -Medical Personnel -Experts from Gov 2USA DART Disaster Assistance Response Team -SAR -Medical and Health Assistance -Air Support Ops -Technical support -Logistics -Information & comms Specialists are trained in various types of disaster management skills 3CanadaCanadian Force DART-Medical services -Fresh water supply -Specialist in engineering cap -200 military personnels 4UKRAPID UK Rescue And Preparedness in Disaster - SAR -training (domestic and foreign) in the field of search and rescue, civil engineering, IT, medics, building/construction - volunteer - NGO 5SwissRRT Rapid Response Teams -assessment -Emergency Assistance Coordination - Police -Firefighter & Disaster relief -Total 100 people 6UN/ PBB UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assesment and Coordination - Quick assesment -Distribution of aid, -Fresh water supply, -Immediate recovery assistance -Coordination From various countries, (driven in a matter of hours with a standby basis of call) 3 Refers to International Rescue Team

4 Some Concepts and Principles The concept of the establishment of SRC – PB is based on the principles of disaster management set forth in regulation, UU. No. 24 of 2007 article 3 paragraph (2) Main Principles: ◦Quick That disaster management should be implemented quickly, because it involves saving human’s life ◦Flexibility That SRC PB must provide a service that is consistent, flexible and easily adapted to existing conditions in managing disasters in the location, regardless of the causes, the size, location and complexity of disaster ◦Accountability That any action carried out by the SRC PB is conducted openly and accountable ethically and legally 4

5 SRC-PB Tasks 5 Taking action early on Emergency Response phase covering : Quick Assessment concerning damage and needs Control the situation of Disaster Emergency Search, rescue and evacuation Health care, evacuation and shelter Logistics distribution Recover facilities and infrastructure functions immediately Setting aid and volunteers (home and foreign) Coordinate central support according to agencies' duties appropriately In performing its duties, SRC PB always coordinate with local governments Additional tasks SRC PB : Conduct training in order to improve human resource capacity in the area of ​ disaster management

6 SRC – PB SRC – PB is a joint unit of the various institutions/ agencies which mobilized to take action early in the disaster response activities quickly and comprehensively. 6

7 Kantor Menko Kesra BNPB TNI POLRI Depkes Depsos Dep. PU Dep Kominfo Dep. ESDM Dep. Pertahanan Dep. Dagri Dep. Hub Deplu Depkeu Dep. Kumham DKP Dep. Agama Dephut Deptan Kem. BUMN Kem. PP & PA Kemenpora KLH BAKORSURTANAL BASARNAS LAPAN BPPT LIPI BMKG BPOM BULOG Perguruan Tinggi PMI /SATGANA TAGANA DASIPENA PT dalam bidang pertambangan, energi, PU dan telekomunikasi UN/PBB Agencies / Related Bodies 7

8 8 Disaster Emergency Response SRC-PB The combined team continued to support the government Scope of Duties

9 The position of SRC - PB 9

10 SRC-PB Organization Note: Support Team is expert staff and Liaison Officer of the Ministry / Institutions / Organizations involved PB 10 Keamanan Head of BNPB Deputy Head of BNPB Support Team Admin Info And Media Operation Resources Quick Assesment And Planning Planning Quick Assesment SAR General Finance Health and Psychosocial Distribution Food and Non-Food Refugees and Shelter Emergency Recovery Provision Logistic Equipment communication Transportation Pers and Volunteer

11 PERSONNEL STRUCTURE 11 550 pers 3.000 pers Standby Core Strengthen (75 pers)

12 NO AGENCIES (K/L) EXECUTIVESTAF Total Quick assesment and Planning Ops fieldResources field Info and Media Admin Quick Assesment Planning SAR Distribution of Food and Non-Food Health & Psychosocial Services Refugees and Shelter Emergency recovery provision Logistics equipment communications Transportation Personnel and Volunteers finance general 1BNPB11111111161114325 2TNI332815401560 11047 222 3POLRI2 65102 42 9 1 51 4BASARNAS1122 12111 30 5Depkes11 330 111 111 40 6Depsos22 25 15 11 221 60 7Dep. PU 2 3 55 15 8Dep Kominfo 3 3 6 9Dep ESDM217 5 15 10Depdagri 2 1 3 11Dephub11 3 16 12 BAKOSURTANAL 32 5 1313BMKG 2 2 1414PMI112751015 511111 170 TOTAL1715915791537423833656845550 12

13 13 SRC – PB is placed in two locations, Air Base Halim Perdana Kusuma in Jakarta and Air Base Abdul Rahman Saleh in Malang. 550 people will be alerted in each location. 75 people are ready to dispatched at the first opportunity. SRC – PB Base Ops

14 To facilitate resource mobilization, logistics and equipment warehouse are located or will be built in several regions in Indonesia to support the operation of the SRC PB Team Logistic Depot

15 The deployment mechanism Decision Disaster with huge impact indication The Government decided to deploy SRC - PB Standby Head of BNPB issued SPRINT 75 personnel will be alerted as the starting team dispatched SRC - PB deliver to the disaster site with early support Action SRC - PB in coordination with the Regional Government Each Division / Section perform the main task Optimize local resources and surroundings 15

16 THANK YOU POSKO BNPB Email: Web: 16

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