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AY 2006 Annual Program Review Data Delivery Plan Data Description Process – Timeline Rev. 3-6-07.

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Presentation on theme: "AY 2006 Annual Program Review Data Delivery Plan Data Description Process – Timeline Rev. 3-6-07."— Presentation transcript:

1 AY 2006 Annual Program Review Data Delivery Plan Data Description Process – Timeline Rev. 3-6-07

2 Purpose The primary purpose of this presentation is to provide clarity to all instructional programs on where and how the data is calculated for the AY 2006 Annual Program Review. We have been asked to produce an annual program review for each and every one of our instructional programs and units. They are required of each system CC and will be taken to the U of H Board of Regents for their review. Units will follow the schedule as outlined here but may be using their own template for their reviews. This presentation is created in the spirit of keeping the organization up to speed with changes based on both current needs and continuous process improvement.

3 What template do I use? If you are writing your unit review in support of Student Services you will use: Student Support Services Template Student Support Services TemplateStudent Support Services TemplateStudent Support Services Template If you are writing your unit review in support of Administrative Services you will use: Administrative Services Template Administrative Services TemplateAdministrative Services TemplateAdministrative Services Template If your unit is other than Student Services or Administrative Services you will use: Annual Unit Review Template Annual Unit Review TemplateAnnual Unit Review TemplateAnnual Unit Review Template If you are writing an Instructional Program Review you will use: Annual Instructional Program Review Template Annual Instructional Program Review TemplateAnnual Instructional Program Review TemplateAnnual Instructional Program Review Template

4 Instructional Program Paid Courses Since we currently have no way of determining or flagging your program courses in our student information system, we have asked for your help in identifying them. In short, the PPC are the courses that your program is responsible for. They are the courses taught by the programs faculty and lecturers who are paid by the program. This may include courses taught by the programs faculty and lecturers that are paid by the programs grant money as well—they are still being paid by the program. Not sure what’s been counted for your program? Check the Master PPC Listing Check the Master PPC ListingMaster PPC ListingMaster PPC Listing

5 Program Paid Courses are… All Liberal Arts A.A. degree courses taken directly from the General Catalog EXCEPT for elective courses. PPC as defined by DC/Program Initiators, and Assistant Dean’s of Instruction. Any course described as an Experimental course with a course number such as 197, 198, 297, or 298.

6 Courses Not Counted as Program Paid Any course described as Coop Voc Ed such as 93V or 193V. Any course described as Independent/Directed Studies such as 99V, 199V, or 299V. Any Liberal Arts A.A. degree elective courses. Any Liberal Arts A.A. degree non-elective courses under 100 level.

7 AY 2006 Annual Program Review Instructional Data Elements At this point every instructional program should have received a table with all of the data they need in order to write their reviews. The next 17 slides will explain in detail what data has been provided to you for your annual instructional program review write ups and how it has been calculated. Your data has been derived from an extract program, which takes data directly from the Banner student information system by programmer extraordinaire Marv Kitchen. The data sent to you in the table represents hundreds of development hours by many people in the organization. Click the link below if you would like to just see a listing of the elements. AY 2006 Annual Instructional Program Review Data Elements AY 2006 Annual Instructional Program Review Data ElementsAY 2006 Annual Instructional Program Review Data ElementsAY 2006 Annual Instructional Program Review Data Elements

8 #1Number of Unduplicated Majors This is the total number of HawCC students with the declared major. Reported for Fall and Spring semester as well as the academic year. Unduplicated headcount means that the student major is counted once for being in either the Fall OR Spring semesters, OR both. These are students that were registered as of the start of the semester, regardless of whether they may have dropped later.

9 #2Total Student Semester Hours This is total student semester hours earned from ALL courses taken by students in the declared major. “All courses”, as defined above means we count SSH for basket weaving and auto shop (for example)…even if these courses are not part of the program in review. The total student semester hours are counted for students whose primary campus is HawCC and they had an active registration at some point in the semester.

10 #3FTE Student Majors This is SSH (from element #2)/15 for a semester, or SSH /30 for AY). FTE stands for Full Time Equivalent and is further defined as student semester hours divided by 15 credits for a semester. For the academic year we simply take the yearly student semester hours (Fall + Spring) and divide by 30 credits.

11 #4Number of Graduates All degrees and certificates awarded in the program to a single student are counted as one item (one graduate) and reported for the academic year. A graduate is defined as all declared majors in the program that earn either a certificate OR a degree in an academic year.

12 #5Number of classes This is the total number of Program Paid Core (PPC) classes (sections) taught. DE concurrently run classes will not be duplicated and will be reported as one class.

13 #6Average Class size This is the Sum of all PPC class enrollments / # of classes taught in the PPC.

14 #7Average Class fit This is the (sum of PPC class enrollments / max enrollments) / Number of PPC classes taught. This will be expressed as a percentage. For example: when you have enrollments of 15, 18, & 20, and max enrollment for each is 30, 20, and 15 respectively, and 3 classes are taught: [15/30 + 18/20 + 20/15] = [.50 +.90 + 1.33] = 2.73 2.73 / 3 PPC classes taught =.91 or 91% Average class fit.

15 #8FTE of BOR Appointed Program Faculty This is NOT a calculated value; it is assigned FTE for the program. It does not matter if the faculty member actually taught classes or not—if they are appointed to the program they are counted. If a faculty member is on sabbatical they are still counted. This does NOT include Lecturers. This does NOT include Lecturers. Not sure of your BOR Appointed Program Faculty for your program? Click below to go to the worksheet for the year of interest: BOR Appointed Program Faculty BOR Appointed Program FacultyBOR Appointed Program FacultyBOR Appointed Program Faculty

16 #9Number of FTE Faculty This IS a calculated value based upon the number of credits taught for PPC classes / 27 or 21 credit hours. Determination on whether Faculty FTE is calculated using 27 or 21 credit hours is based on the following: Faculty FTE Determination Schedule Faculty FTE Determination ScheduleFaculty FTE Determination ScheduleFaculty FTE Determination Schedule Faculty FTE is reported only for the academic year and includes Lecturers.

17 #10Student semester hours for all PPC class enrollments This is total SSH for both majors and non majors in all PPC classes.

18 #11 Student-Faculty Ratio This is (SSH of PPC classes from element #10 / 30) / (# FTE Faculty from element #9). Basically, Student FTE / Faculty FTE It is reported only for the academic year.

19 #12 PPC Credits Earned Ratio This is credits earned by program majors in PPC classes / credits attempted by program majors in PPC classes. This includes grades A-D, and “CR” for credit-no credit courses.

20 #13 Non-PPC Credits Earned Ratio This is credits earned by program majors in non- PPC classes / credits attempted by program majors in non-PPC classes.

21 #14 PPC Average GPA This is the sum of (quality points earned in PPC classes x earned credits) / total credits attempted.

22 #15 Non-PPC Average GPA This is the sum of (quality points earned in Non- PPC classes x earned credits) / total credits attempted.

23 #16 Budget This is the programs budget for supplies and maintenance plus any c fund purchases for equipment over 5K in the reporting period.

24 #17 College Cost per SSH This is the cost to the college to run the program / total SSH of all students enrolled in PPC classes (from #10 above), for the academic year. These costs would include salaries for faculty and lecturers calculated using the rank 4 rate per credit hour of instruction, supplies and maintenance, and any c fund purchases for equipment over 5K.

25 Annual Review Timeline Validate program/unit listing held by system and return Develop process, training materials, and timeline Edit and repost all training documentation to assessment website Identify Scope of data requests by units VCAA to OK recommended path for annuals 5Mar07 Provide Annual Program Review Training to Campus Delivery of 44 Programs & Units to System Office 5Mar071Mar075Mar07 Post 44 Programs & Units to Assessment Website April 16th April 17th March 16th 6Mar07 Begin gathering data for Student Services Unit 28Feb07 All instructional program and unit reviews due to VCAA by email by EOB Monday April 2nd 2Apr07

26 AY2006 Annual Review Process Step 1Write your instructional or unit review using the appropriate template. Step 2Send a single Word document of your review to VCAA Doug Dykstra by email no later than end of business, Monday April 2 nd. Reviews sent in that are not created in Word or are sent in as multiple documents will be returned for correction. Step 3VCAA will ensure that all reviews have been received as a single Word document and that they are adequate. Step 4VCAA will forward all approved reviews to Chancellor Rockne Freitas with a cc to IR Shawn Flood. Step 5The reviews will be appropriately packaged and sent to the System Office for review by the UH Board of Regents. Step 6The reviews will finally be converted to PDF and posted to the Assessment Web Site.

27 Questions? The intention of this presentation was to provide one source for all of the documentation related to the Annual Review process. I have linked any documents you should need directly into this presentation. If you need more information on this process please feel free to contact me: Shawn Flood974-7512 Shawn Flood974-7512Shawn FloodShawn FloodMahalo!

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