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International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Cybermedical Tourism: Web Page Advertising and Destination Branding by the.

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Presentation on theme: "International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Cybermedical Tourism: Web Page Advertising and Destination Branding by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Cybermedical Tourism: Web Page Advertising and Destination Branding by the State and Private Sector Professor Stanley D. Brunn, Ph.D. Department of Geography University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 and Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland (Fall 2015)

2 “Geography should not be a barrier in terms of getting the best medical care.” Chalsea D”Apiano (Medical Tourism, April/May 2010, p. 20) “The world is getting flatter; it’s a huge market and we are looking at generating growth in medical tourism.” Joseph Heyman, Chair, Board of Trustees, American Medical Association (Medical Tourism, Nov. 2008, p. 14) “A region’s permanent status as a destination must factor in the blend of medicine and hospitality.” (Dan Cermany, Medical Tourism, Jan.-Feb. 2009, p. 37) “As medical tourism is increasing in visibility and globally, continued research into its impacts and context-specific policy are needed.” (Jeremy Snyder et al. 2015 on Outbound Medical Tourism) International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015

3 Cybermedical Tourism The Importance of Medical Tourism Getting a Read on Medical Tourism Google Search Engine Hyperlinks Articles and Advertisements in Medical Tourism Methodology: Hyperlinks and Content Analysis Results: Google and Advertisements Where We Go From Here?

4 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Cybermedical Tourism The intersections of Tourism, Health and the State and Private Sector

5 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015

6 The Importance of Medical Tourism: Titles from Medical Tourism “The Lure of Medical Tourism in Asia” (Dec. 2007) “South Korea: Stepping in the Global Spotlight of Globalized Health Care” (May 2008) “German: Welcome to Wellbeing” (Sept.Oct. 2009) “Creating a Medical Hub in the Caribbean” (Nov. Dec. 2009) “El Salvador: Dental Tourism Leader: (Sept.Oct. 2010) “Spain: The Hub of Transplants” (Sept. 2011) “Japan: Realizing Medical Tourism Potential” (May-June 2011) “Polish Medicine Attracts Patients from Abroad” (Sept.Oct. 2012) “Dubai: Medical Tourism Transformation more than Cosmetic” (June/July 2014)

7 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Getting a Read on Medical Tourism: Methodology and Data Sources Google Search Engine Hyperlinks (Nov. 2015: 42.8 million: Cyprus 42.3 million) Google Scholar only 3.7 million Leading Countries (Google Scholar): U.S. 162,000; China 107,000; Japan 103,000; Germany 92,000; South Africa 90,000; U.K. 88,000; Canada 84,000; France 82,000; Australia 82,000; Italy 81,000; Mexico 59,000 From the journal Medical Tourism: Your Guide to Overseas Medicine (33 issues since Dec. 2007): 862 articles, 549 advertisements; 347 had region or country associated with the advertisements – public and private) Leading countries in articles; total 71 countries: United States (21 percent), Costa Rica, Jordan, South Korea, Mexico, India, Germany and China Leading countries in advertisements: 41 countries: U.S. (31 percent), then Mexico (12 percent, South Korea (8 percent), and Costa Rica (7 percent)

8 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Wording in Ads (www. Addresses provided as well) “Doctors’ Hospital: Relax and Recover in the Bahamas” (Sept.Oct.2011) “Salud Panama” Sept.Oct. 2011) “Malaysia Health Care: Discover Medical Treatment and True Malaysian Hositality” (May-June 2011) “Turkism Airlines: A New Gateway for Medical Tourism” (Nov.Dec. 2007) “Barcelo Health (Guatemala and Costa Rica): Hospitality Meets Health Care” (Sept.Oct. 2010) “Facelift Mexico (cosmetic surgery and dental vacation” (Nov.Dec. 2009) “Partners with Care: Online Specialty Consultation” (Number 33) ”Columbia – Health Care Export Care Specialists” (Jan.Feb.2012) “Turn to Jordan: Your Smart Medical Destination” (Dec. 2011) “Bulgarian Cardiac Institute: The Patient Comes First” (Sept.Oct. 2011)

9 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015 Interpretation of Results Where We Go From Here?

10 International Forum on Health Tourism, Bucharest, Romania, 18-20 November 2015


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