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SECON Team Zulu IEEE SoutheastCon Hardware Competition 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SECON Team Zulu IEEE SoutheastCon Hardware Competition 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECON Team Zulu IEEE SoutheastCon Hardware Competition 2010

2 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 2SECON Team Zulu

3 Team Members William Cleveland Austin Lee Brad Reaves Tim Pitts CPE / ASE Major Team Lead System Architecture Drive Train CPE Major System Architecture Solar Testing Course Construction CPE Major Sensor selection Drive Train Feedback Monitor CPE Major Solar Testing Bluetooth Comm Course Construction 3SECON Team Zulu

4 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 4SECON Team Zulu

5 Competition Overview IEEE SECON Hardware Competition March 18-21, 2010 Charlotte, NC 5SECON Team Zulu

6 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 6SECON Team Zulu

7 Problem Specifications Robot may only use solar power – No stored energy Autonomous navigation of 10’x10’ course – Includes height, width and ramp obstacles – 3 minute time limit Robot must be less than 16” tall Objective: Score the most points 7SECON Team Zulu

8 Obstacles Width Obstacle 16” x 8” 25 Points Ramp Obstacle 30° Angle 50 Points 6” Tall 12” x 16” Faces Height Obstacle 8” x 16” 25 Points 8SECON Team Zulu

9 Course Overview SECON Team Zulu9 Starting Line Halogen Lights

10 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 10SECON Team Zulu

11 System Design Collect solar energy Store energy for light depleted areas Convert energy into useable form Intelligent navigation Locomotion SECON Team Zulu11

12 System Diagram SECON Team Zulu12 Harvest Energy (Solar Panel Array) Store Energy (Capacitor) Useable Power Levels (Step-up / boost regulator) Output: Locomotion (Motors) Intelligent Navigation (Microcontroller & Sensors) System Input (Halogen Lights)

13 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 13SECON Team Zulu

14 Project Concerns - Sustainability Three minute trials – Must assume no time between runs – Replace suspect parts before competition Will be used for future demonstrations – Requires little maintenance and setup 14SECON Team Zulu

15 Project Concerns - Manufacturability Modularity – Efficient design phase – Easier debugging – Independent modules allow easy replacement for competition 15SECON Team Zulu

16 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 16SECON Team Zulu

17 Approach and Trade-offs Solar Panel Selection Microcontroller and Sensor Selection Motor Selection 17SECON Team Zulu

18 Solar Cells Purchased and tested solar cells under competition conditions 18SECON Team Zulu

19 Solar Cells 600 mV open circuit 4-Ampere short circuit 2.5” x 4” Design makes prototyping easy 19SECON Team Zulu

20 Solar Cell Configuration Placed cells in different arrangements to measure charging effectiveness SECON Team Zulu20

21 Microcontroller & Sensors PIC24F – Low power: less than 20 mA – In house knowledge Bluetooth module Power monitor Navigation: – Whiskers, IR, Encoders (Odometer) 21SECON Team Zulu

22 Motors Most important characteristics – Torque – Angular Velocity – Power -- Current and Voltage Stall Current (Upper bound) Free Current (Lower bound) 22SECON Team Zulu

23 Pololu Motors MotorVoltage (V) Free Current (mA) Stall Current (mA) Free RPM Stall Torque (in*oz) 50:1 micro3 V23175123.84.392 5 V30330220.06.588 35:1 mini3 V59585>2206.149 5 V71840>>22010.980 100:1 mini3 V3737068.46.588 5 V47570116.19.662 100:1 micro3 V1614354.64.392 5 V19235938.344 23SECON Team Zulu

24 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 24SECON Team Zulu

25 Timeline/Goals and Planning 25SECON Team Zulu

26 Outline Meet the Team Competition Overview Problem Specifications System Design Project Concerns Approach and Tradeoffs Timeline/Goals and Planning Progress and Prototype 26SECON Team Zulu

27 Progress Collecting solar energy – Tested and selected solar panels – Currently researching best configuration Store energy for light depleted areas – Currently selecting ideal capacitor size Convert energy into useable form – Tested and selected boost regulators Intelligent navigation – Early stages of development Locomotion – Tested and selected prototype motors SECON Team Zulu27

28 Progress SECON Team Zulu28

29 Prototype 29SECON Team Zulu

30 References [1] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. SoutheastCon 2010 Hardware Competition, 2009 September 22, http://southeastcon2010. org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=83. Accessed October 7, 2009. [2] W. Cleveland, A. Lee, T. Pitts, B. Reaves. Product Specification Draft, ProductSpecificationDraft.pdf. Accessed October 7, 2009. [3] W. Cleveland, A. Lee, T. Pitts, B. Reaves. Design Constraints, DesignConstraintsFinal.pdf. Accessed October 7, 2009. SECON Team Zulu30

31 Questions? 31SECON Team Zulu

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