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Geothermal energy as an electricity source in the region of Slovakia

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Geothermal energy as an electricity source in the region of Slovakia Geophysical institute of SAS Beladice, 2011

2 usual depths of bore holes are up to 3 - 5 km;
the mean temperature gradient at the Earth’s surface is about 30˚ C per 1 km (up to 100 ˚ C in the depth of 3 km and about 300 ˚ C in the depth level of 10 km) the geothermal sources for classical production of electricity are accessible at the depth level km usual depths of bore holes are up to km; deeper (>10 km) ones are now exceptional geothermal capacity of the Earth: all consumption of energy (past and future) should cause decrease of the mean temperature of the Earth only one degree in 40 milion years.....


4 1 1 2 1 - hydro-geological source 2 - “hot dry rock” source

5 Classification of geothermal sources
according the utilization potential

6 In 1904 emerging steam was used to turn a small
turbine which powered five light bulbs - the first ever demonstration of geothermal electricity generation. (Larderello, Italy) > The world's first geothermal power station was built in 1911 in Larderello, in Southern Tuscany, Italy and later … < (in 1913) a 250kW power station had been built which provided power for the Italian electric railway system.



9 Typical production of electric power




13 Husavik, nordth Island;
2MW – 80 percent of town electricity consumption (~2000 inhabitants) 120 ˚C – 80 ˚C; 90 kg/s; Kalina cycle technology

14 Kalina cycle – process diagram, Husavik
Turbine Separator Production well Regenerator Reinjection well Warming-up Pump

15 Binary cycle application regions in Slovakia
(minimal required depth distributions)

16 Classic cycle application regions in Slovakia
(minimal required depth distributions)



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