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Howard High School.  Mr. Larry Kinsey  

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1 Howard High School

2  Mr. Larry Kinsey  

3  Coach Wade (Head Girl’s Coach)  Coach Dickerson (Head Boy’s Coach)  Coach Gertzen (Assistant Coach)  Coach LeDuc (Assistant Coach)

4  Feel free to email Coach Wade or Dickerson about any issue, even if you think it is minor.  Text alerts: Text @14a3f7 to 443-955-5113  Text website acts as a middleman, Coaches can’t see kids/parents phone number and kids/parents cant see coaches phone number

5  We practice everyday 3-5pm  We take attendance everyday.  We will practice unless HCPSS says we cant. Depending on temp / Snow on track we may be inside but we will still practice  Athletes are encouraged to have 2 sets of practice clothes, a set for outside and one for inside

6  Practices must be excused and athletes must inform coaches prior to missing practice.  Unexcused practices will result in less playing time and eventually removal from the team.  We will have Saturday practices, typically from 10-12, unless we have a meet that day.  We will practice over Thanksgiving and Winter Break. A schedule will be sent out shortly stating which days we will be practicing.

7  First step is to Inform a coach  See Athletic Trainer Ms. Palermo. Most running injuries require only a few days off or easy running. If injuries warrants a doctor’s appointment than she will tell you so.  If a doctor says you cannot practice then you will not practice or participate in meets until cleared by doctor’s note

8  If you haven't already please create or update your swol account.  This information is used by the coaches to be able to contact you quickly if there is an emergency.  If you completed this for the fall all you have to do is change the sport to track.

9  League meets – 30 spots boys / girls, 2 buses max 90 kids.  Invitational meets – 10-12 boys /girls spots.  Championship meets – Counties - top 3 in each event.  Regionals/ States must qualify  Our goal is to get everyone in at least 2-3 meets.

10  Nov 21 th Scrimmage Meet @ Howard.  Dec 5 th Hoco League Meet (JV and Varsity)  Dec 12 th Hoco Winterfest Invitational (Varsity)  Dec 15 th Hoco League Meet (JV and Varsity)  Dec 21 st – Freddie Hendricks Invitational @ Baltimore Armory (Varsity)  Jan 2 rd SMAC Invitational (Varsity)  Jan 5 th Hoco / AA League Meet (JV and Varsity)  Jan 8-9 th Hispanic Games (New York City) (Varsity)  Jan 12 th – League Meet @ Georgetown Prep HS (JV and Varsity)  Jan 25 th Howard County Championships(Varsity)  Feb 3 Regional Championships (Baltimore Armory) (Varsity)  Feb 16 State Championships (Varsity)  Unless otherwise noted, all Meets are at PG Sports and Learning Complex in Landover MD Friday, December 04, 2015All SchoolsHoward3:00PMScrimmage Sunday, December 06, 2015All SchoolsKick-Off Meet4:00PMMeet Monday, January 04, 2016 Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, River Hill, Wilde LakeDistrict V ChallengeTBA Thursday, January 21, 2016All SchoolsHoCo Championships4:00PMMeet Tuesday, January 26, 2016All Schools HoCo Relays(Inclement Weather Make-Up date HC Championships)4:00PMMeet

11  Saturday Dec. 12 th  We need to bring about 10-15 parents to help out with the meet.  This is a long meet so we would only require you to help out part of the meet.  Duties would include resetting the high jump bar when it falls, raking the pits after long jump, rolling shot-puts back after they are thrown, organizing runners in the finish chute after they finish.  Great way to see your kids up close!  You will get in for free (normally $5)  I will send out reminders as the meet gets closer but email me if you know you can help out!

12 Military Building Adults - Government Issued ID Required when entering. Athletes / Kids - will need Gov’t ID or School ID in order to enter All bags will be checked

13  We encourage everyone to stay the entire meet to cheer on and encourage teammates.  If you are going to take your child home you (or your child) must bring in a note to the office at least 24hrs prior to the meet. The note must be signed by the parent/guardian. The note will then be signed by our AAM (Mr. Duffy). Note then will be given to a coach.  You must check out with a coach before leaving.  You may only take your child home.

14  We have new Track uniforms this year  We are asking that you buy the shorts $20 (45 retail price) Advantages: -Athletes get to keep them. -Athletes will not have to worry about someone else wearing them or having to wear someone else's in the future. -If there are financial concerns, please email us and we will figure it out. Cross Country Runners DON’T buy another one!

15  Boys need to buy a combination lock  Girls will be given lockers  If an leave personal or electronic items out in the open they will get stolen.

16  Spirit Wear – Order forms will be distributed soon. Give forms to Taylor Jaranyi or to a coach.

17    

18  Questions???

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