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LIGO-G050470-00-Z Guido Mueller University of Florida For the LIGO Scientific Collaboration ESF Exploratory Workshop Perugia, Italy September 21 st –23.

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Presentation on theme: "LIGO-G050470-00-Z Guido Mueller University of Florida For the LIGO Scientific Collaboration ESF Exploratory Workshop Perugia, Italy September 21 st –23."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIGO-G050470-00-Z Guido Mueller University of Florida For the LIGO Scientific Collaboration ESF Exploratory Workshop Perugia, Italy September 21 st –23 rd, 2005 Status Report LIGO

2 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 2 Table of Content  Layout  Seismic Isolation »Suspension system »HEPI  Interferometer »Wavefront Sensor »Thermal Correction System (TCS) »Laser situation  Science Output »Sensitivities/Papers at different Science Runs  S5-Plans

3 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 3 LIGO Layout Power-recycled, cavity-enhanced Michelson Interferometer Arm Cavities: Livingston: 4km long Hanford: 4km and 2km long T ITM = 2.7%, Finesse ~ 115 Power Recycling mirror: T PR = 2.7%, Gain ~ 50 Mirrors: Material: Fused Silica 25 cm diameter 10 cm thick Wedged (~2deg) 225W 15kW 5W

4 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 4 Seismic Isolation Optics suspension:  Single steel wire pendulum

5 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 5 Seismic Isolation Optics suspension:  Single steel wire pendulum »Normal modes: –Pendulum: ~0.74 Hz –Yaw mode: ~0.5 Hz –Pitch mode: ~0.6 Hz –Roll mode: ~18 Hz –Violin mode: ~345 Hz  Coil-magnet actuation »Magnet on optic »Coil on support frame »Includes shadow sensor

6 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 6 Seismic Isolation Optics suspension:  Single steel wire pendulum »Normal modes: –Pendulum: ~0.74 Hz –Yaw mode: ~0.5 Hz –Pitch mode: ~0.6 Hz –Roll mode: ~18 Hz –Violin mode: ~340 Hz  Coil-magnet actuation »Magnet on optic »Coil on support frame »Includes shadow sensor

7 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 7 Seismic Isolation  Vibration Isolation System: »4 layer passive isolation stack

8 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 8 Seismic Isolation Attenuation of 120dB above 50 Hz High-Q resonances between 1.5 and 12 Hz amplify external noise (falling trees and trains at LLO). Solution: HEPI ( Hydraulic Actuator External Pre-Isolator) Low Duty cycle until S4

9 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 9 Livingston Seismic Problems Caused by human activity: Cars, Trains, Trucks, Logging, Well Drilling, Oil Pipeline Amplified by internal isolation stack resonances 99 Ocean activity, hurricanes

10 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 10 HEPI Quiet Hydraulic Acuators 3 Sensors, 2 crossovers Position sensors for DC lock Ground sensor for low freq. correction Payload geophone for high frequencies

11 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 11 Helical Spring Vertical Actuator Horizontal Actuator Crossbeam Pier Input Test Mass Chamber Improved Duty cycle: S3S4 L1:22%75% H1:69%81% H2:63%81%

12 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 12 Wavefront Sensing  System measures & controls mirror (core optic) pitch & yaw angles »Complication: each sensor is sensitive to alignment of multiple mirrors »Before and during S4, the servo bandwidths was very low »Current status: Mixing of control signals is carefully tuned to decouple the WFS channels from each other »Increased gain and bandwidth (2-4 Hz for ITM and ETM)  Main benefit: reduces the orthogonal phase signal at the anti-symmetric port (ASI), allowing higher power operation

13 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 13

14 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 14 Thermal Correction System CO 2 Laser ? Over-heat mask Under-heat mask Inhomogeneous mask ZnSe Viewport Over-heat pattern Under-heat pattern Raw Heating pattern TCS is very effective in correcting up to 100 mW of absorption in ITMs Had still problems with 4k ITMX in Hanford (high absorption?)

15 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 15 Thermal Correction System  Replaced ITMX in Hanford  Beam size measurements repeated. Power needed to correct thermal lensing:  Now, we can increase the input power into interferometer. ITMXITMY Before35 mW/W13.5 mW/W Now< 3 mW/W3 mW/W

16 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 16 Laser Situation Hanford: H1:  Laser replaced in April 2004  Power output: 11W (without any degradation since April 04) H2:  Original laser, running since October 1998  Replaced Master laser early this year  Power output: 7W (scheduled for replacement soon) L1:

17 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 17 Hardware Status Summary:  Seismic Isolation now active (HEPI) »Improved duty cycle  Wavefront Sensors tuned and activated »Larger bandwidth in control loops »Enables higher power operation  Thermal Correction System installed and “dirty” mirror replaced »Enables higher power operation

18 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 18 Data Runs S1 run: 17 days (August / September 2002) S2 run: 59 days (February—April 2003) S3 run: 70 days (October 2003 – January 2004) S4 run: 50 days (February – March 2005)

19 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 19 Sensitivities Initial LIGO Design S1 (L1) 1 st Science Run end Sept. 2002 17 days S2 (L1) 2 nd Science Run end Apr. 2003 59 days S3 (H1) 3 rd Science Run end Jan. 2004 70 days

20 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 20 Lets look into this noise 3.5 Mpc 7.3 Mpc 8.4 Mpc

21 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 21 Noise Upconversion Using HEPI, increase the suspension point motion at 1.5 Hz by a factor of 5 DARM noise increases by a factor of ~5 over a wide band

22 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 22 BANG!  Binary systems »Neutron star – Neutron star »Black hole – Neutron star »Black hole – Black hole  Periodic Sources »Rotating pulsars  “Burst” Sources »Supernovae »Gamma ray bursters »?????  Stochastic »Big Bang Background »Cosmic Strings Data Analysis

23 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 23 Science  S1: Aug. 23 – Sep. 9 2002, 17 days » Setting upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134 using the first science data from the GEO 600 and LIGO detectors, Phys. Rev. D69: 082004 (2004). » First upper limits from LIGO on gravitational wave bursts, Phys. Rev. D69: 102001 (2004). » Analysis of LIGO data for gravitational waves from binary neutron stars, Phys. Rev. D69: 122001 (2004). » Analysis of first LIGO science data for stochastic gravitational waves, Phys. Rev. D69: 122004 (2004).

24 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 24 Science  S2 Feb. 14 – Apr. 14, 2003, 59 days »Limits on gravitational-wave emission from selected pulsars using LIGO data, Phys. Rev. Lett 94: 181103 (2004). »Search for gravitational waves associated with the gamma ray burst GRB030329 using the LIGO detectors, Phys. Rev. D, Vol. 72, 042002 (2005) »Search for gravitational waves from galactic and extra-galactic binary neutron stars, gr-qc 0505041 (2005) »Search for Gravitational Waves from Primordial Black Hole Binary Coalescences in the Galactic Halo, gr-qc 0505042 (2005) »Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts, gr-qc 0507081 »Upper limits on gravitational wave bursts in LIGO’s second science run, gr-qc 0505029 (2005)  S3: October 31, 2003 – January 9, 2004, 70 days  S4: February 2, 2005 – March 23, 2005, 50 days

25 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 25  S5 goal: »one year’s data of coincident operation at the science goal sensitivity  Current Plan (LSC meeting in August) »Staggered start to S5 »L1 was expected to start with S5 on Oct 21 »Expect Hurricane related delays: –LLO is intact, up, and running –No Hotels for visiting scientists and local stuff has some problems at their homes (power outages, flooding, school closings, etc.) »H2 start Nov 4 »H1 schedule still uncertain—recovery from Test Mass replacement  Performance goals for S5 »H1, L1 over 10 Mpc inspiral range, H2 over 5 Mpc »Overall “Science content” ~ 100 times S4 S5-Run

26 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 26 Duty cycle RunS2S3S4 S5 Target (proposed) SRD goal L137%22%75%85%90% H174%69%81%85%90% H258%63%81%85%90% 3-way22%16%57%70%75%

27 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 27

28 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 28 Latest news from H1: Achieved 11.6Mpc range! Runs now routinely above 10MPc! Peter Saulson 09/04/05

29 LIGO-G050470-00-Z 29 LIGO Science Collaboration A family photo

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