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Gweithdy 4 Workshop 4 Gwneud i Wybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur Weithio Making Labour Market Information Work Sarah Finnegan-Dehn, Gyrfa Cymru / Careers Wales.

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Presentation on theme: "Gweithdy 4 Workshop 4 Gwneud i Wybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur Weithio Making Labour Market Information Work Sarah Finnegan-Dehn, Gyrfa Cymru / Careers Wales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gweithdy 4 Workshop 4 Gwneud i Wybodaeth am y Farchnad Lafur Weithio Making Labour Market Information Work Sarah Finnegan-Dehn, Gyrfa Cymru / Careers Wales

2 NTfW Conference 2015 / Cynhadledd NTfW 2015 Making Labour Market Information Work Sarah Finnegan-Dehn – Director of Development Sue Ed Davies – Information Co-ordinator

3 Workshop agenda What Labour Market Information (LMI) does Careers Wales provide? What are the sources of LMI? Developing provision to meet skills needs

4 Context in Wales Skills Implementation Plan Regional Skills Partnership Budget constraints Roles and responsibilities Employers role

5 The importance of LMI ‘Accurate, comprehensive, up-to-date, accessible and relevant LMI must form the basis of properly informed career pathway decisions for clients and those responsible for advising individuals and/or formulating policies on LMI trends’ Future Ambitions 2010 ‘The use of current labour market intelligence has become recognised as an essential tool in the planning of a fit for purpose curriculum which will meet the needs of future learners and employers.’ Welsh Government

6 LMI research (Year 11) Sources used by clients: Careers Advisers (formal) – 84% (formal)– 81% Family and friends(informal) – 84% Formal sources were identified as being most useful 90% of students believe it is easy to find LMI Nearly all students (96%) claim to have taken into account LMI when deciding on their next step

7 Career Check Survey The career check survey was undertaken with year 10 pupils across Wales in 2015 Help prioritise Careers Wales services Establish the level of career management skills Identify career intrests

8 Source – Career Check survey of year 10 pupils 2015




12 LMI for clients – what is it? How easy is it to get in? (Competition) How do I get in? (Progression routes) What’s the pay like? (Rewards) What are the local jobs? (Geographical availability) Can I get into this area of work? (Skills) What are the entry requirements? (Qualifications) What jobs will be available in the future? (Trends)

13 LMI sourcing – Careers Wales Research quantitative information * Working Futures * Stats Wales * Employer skills survey SSC’s Employer Engagement Career Check – YP aspirations Annual Destination Survey

14 LMI – What do we do with it? Convert information into intelligence Integrate LMI into our service delivery to better match supply with demand, including the use of it through our face to face and digital offer Make LMI accessible, clear and visually attractive Share with partners

15 LMI – Some of our products Career Search Job Information Job Matching Quiz Job Trends CW App – Career Search Real time LMI: AMS JGW CiW CAP

16 Meeting the needs of the LM? Supply v Demand Priority sectors v Growth sectors Replacement jobs v New jobs Skills shortages v Skills gaps Low level skills v High level skills Current workforce v New labour market entrants Reactive v Proactive

17 Jobs Growth by Sector in Wales (‘000’s) 2012 to 2022 Working Futures 2012

18 Jobs openings by occupational groups in Wales (‘000’s) 2012 to 2022 Working Futures 2012

19 LMI to influence RLP’s Supply and Demand Assessments Investigate areas of vocational delivery within FE Apprenticeships – future allocation for the region Training the workforce across the age range will require the development of new, relevant and progressive qualifications, approaches and pathways

20 South EastSouth West & Central North Advanced Material and Manufacturing TourismAdvanced Material and Manufacturing ICTEnergy and Environment ConstructionHealth and Social Care Construction Financial and Professional services Food & Farming Creative Industries Care and Personal Tourism Supply Demand Assessments

21 Case Study – North Wales Wrexham Prison Community involvement Education centre on site FE/HE and schools involvement 50% of labour will come from local workforce 100 Apprenticeship opportunities Awarded CITB National Skill Academy Status for Construction Employment and Skills Symposium to explore ways of delivering local commitments relating to apprenticeships, work placements and local employment. Jobs Fairs for the prison agreed with Ministry of Justice and NOMS

22 LMI Sources Careers Wales Working Futures Learning, Skills and Innovation Partnership Regional Learning Partnership SWWC North Wales Economic Observatory National Learning and Skills Observatory (LSO) Welsh Government Priority Sector Statistics research/priority-sector-statistics/? research/priority-sector-statistics/?lang=en Sector Skills Councils Stats Wales NOMIS ONS Prospects UKCES (Employer Skills Survey & Sector Insights) skills skills Professional and Industrial bodies research e.g. CBI Education and Skills Survey 2015

23 Questions: What are the barriers and opportunities in terms of developing provision that meets the current and future skills needs of Wales? Employers/ infrastructure /funding/ learners What examples of good practice in developing provision in response to Labour Market needs in Wales are there?

24 Diolch yn fawr Thank You

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