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Comenius project The rivers in the Czech Republic ZŠ Mníšek 2010 It was made by students of 4th and 5th class.

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Presentation on theme: "Comenius project The rivers in the Czech Republic ZŠ Mníšek 2010 It was made by students of 4th and 5th class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comenius project The rivers in the Czech Republic ZŠ Mníšek 2010 It was made by students of 4th and 5th class.

2 The Elbe  The spring of the Elbe starts in the Krkonoše mountains.  It is the biggest river in the Czech Republic

3  The Elbe runs through Germany to the North sea.

4 The Vltava  The Vltava is the knowest river, because it flows through the capital city of the Czech Republic – Prague  The spring of the Vltava - Šumava (the south part of the Czech Republic).

5 Dams on the Vltava river  there are three big dams on the Vltava river: Lipno dam is in the south part of the Vltava Orlík and Slapy dams are the central part of the Vltava Each dam is a centrum of tourism, yachting and fishing in the area. Lipno Orlík Slapy

6 Bedřich Smetana (the Czech composer from 19 century) wrote a symphony „Vltava“. The Vltava river flows through a lot of historical towns. Český Krumlov The Vltava flows into the Elbe

7 Morava river  The Morava is the biggist river of Moravia (a south – east part of the Czech Republic).  The spring-Jeseníky mountains(north-east part of the Cz)  It runs into the Dunaj river and the Black sea

8 Morava river  There was find a lot of archeological artifacts

9 Odra  Some of Moravian rivers run into the Odra river.  The spring of Odra – Oderské hills.  It leaves our area at the Poland boundary

10 Jeřice stream  The Jeřice stream flows through our village Mníšek. The stream is next to the school.  It runs into the Lužická Nisa river.

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