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Published byCatherine McCormick Modified over 9 years ago
NEON School NEON Archive Observing School Alberto Micol ESA Space Telescope Operations Division 15 July 04 ESO & HST Archives
NEON School NEON School 15 July 2004 Layout What’s the role of the Data Provider Three levels of Archive complexity –Raw Data (ESO Archive) –Reduced Products (The importance of Service Observing) –Enhanced Products (HST/WFPC2 Associations) Enhanced Interfaces (Querator & VO) Publications and Observing Programs
NEON School Operations Technical Support The ESO Data Flow Model and its Supporting Organizational Structure Data Archive & Supporting Databases storage and re- distribution PI packages distribution Phase I proposal submission program selection time allocation Phase II proposal submission observing blocks medium term schedule Observation short term schedule archival of data Quality Control Master Cal files prod. Instrument trending PI products preparation User Support Group Paranal/La Silla Observatories Data Flow Operations Group Data Flow, what you were told
NEON School Data Flow, the joyless Truth
NEON School Space-based observatories: The archive is a core activity from the start. Ground-based observatories: Priority given to Observers, not to Community With the difference that Observers can go observer themselves. ESO has changed such paradigm, by introducing Service Mode. But it takes time for the community to accept it, and effort within the Observatory to implement it The Archive: last in the chain?
NEON School Service Mode
NEON School Real Archive vs Virtual Observatory Real Archives Three types of Archives –Level 0: Data Repository –Level 1: Ability to offer reduced products –Level 2: Ability to offer enhanced products 1 Instrumental signature-free data 2 Enhanced Products (e.g., mosaics) 0 Data Repository “Real” Archives Boring Handy
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository Data Repository: 1. Acquisition 2. Data Management 3. Metadata 4. User Interface
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository (1) Acquisition: · Observing run · The Control S/W acquires the Data · Stored in the on-line data archive · Transmitted to Science Archive
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository (2a) Data management: Integrity checks · Did I get all I should have gotten? · Check for corrupted data · Take action if corrupted
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository (2b) Data management: Storing on medium of choice Optical disks, CDs, DVDs, Magnetic Disks Bookkeeping Which file was stored where? When? In which format? Which compression? Store all this info in a Database (RDBMS)
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository Data Repository: 1. Acquisition 2. Data Management 3. Metadata 4. User Interface
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 3 ) Metadata: · Where was the telescope pointing? (RA, Dec) · Which telescope/instrument was used? (telescope, instrument) · When did the observation occur? (start time, end time, exptime) · In which band? (filter or dispersive element used) · By whom? (Principal Investigator [PI]) · For which reason? (Observing Program Identifier) · Plus many other details about the observing mode, etc. · All this information is usually extracted from the Header of the FITS files containing the Data. · Metadata are typically stored in a Database
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository Data Repository: 1. Acquisition 2. Data Management 3. Metadata 4. User Interface
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 4a ) User Interface Finally, an astronomer wants to see whether some information about photons regarding a certain celestial object are already stored in our archive. Metadata (Database) -> Internet (Web)
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository (4 Archive) User Interface
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository (4 Form) User Interface Finally, an astronomer wants to see whether some information about photons regarding a certain celestial object are already stored in our archive. Metadata (Database) -> Internet (Web)
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 4b ) User Interface Name Resolvers: SIMBAD (CDS), NED (IPAC) Search by Box/Cone (RA, Dec, size/radius) Search by Night (Observing run, calibration obs.) Observing Blocks, Data Product Types: very ESO specific Exptime, Filter, Grism, Grating, Slit: very instrument specific Release Date: Are the data public? Proprietary period implements Observatory policy
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 4 Query ) User Interface Finally, an astronomer wants to see whether some information about photons regarding a certain celestial object are already stored in our archive. Metadata (Database) -> Internet (Web)
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 4 Results ) User Interface Finally, an astronomer wants to see whether some information about photons regarding a certain celestial object are already stored in our archive. Metadata (Database) -> Internet (Web)
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 4 Submission ) User Interface Finally, an astronomer wants to see whether some information about photons regarding a certain celestial object are already stored in our archive. Metadata (Database) -> Internet (Web)
NEON School Level 0: Data Repository ( 5 ) Request Handler A system which takes good care of the submitted archive requests. The RH consists of a set of procedures, interfaces, C programs and libraries, and relational tables; It allows to: submit archive requests, keep track of their handling, inform (via email or via a web interface) the operators of any intervening problem, notify the archive users about the status of their requests up to successful closure.
NEON School Level 0: Users’ point of view A Level 0 archive only offers RAW Data. Removing the instrumental signature from the RAW files is left to the astronomer: Identify suitable BIAS, DARK and FLAT frames Produce Master frames (e.g., mean averaging, etc.) Run reduction software (e.g., bias&dark, flat fielding) Couldn’t the Observatory provide that service?
NEON School Level 1: Ability to offer reduced products (1) Data Repository & Processing: 1. Actual Storage 2. Data Management 3. Metadata 4. User Interface 5. Calibration DB + Rules 6. Reduction Pipeline
NEON School Level 1: Ability to offer reduced products (2) Calibration DB + Rules · Instrument Scientists (ESO: Quality Control group [QC]) build the “Master Calibration Files” (or “Reference Files” in HST terminology) · Reference files are stored in the Archive · They associate to each observation a set of reference files via a set of rules. · Rules are applied and results stored in the Calibration Database
NEON School Level 1: Ability to offer reduced products (3) Calibration DB + Rules Simple-minded example · Rules and recipe to build a master DARK file: · Retrieve 5 DARK images · the ones closer to the date of the observation, · With the same read-out mode and exposure time; · De-bias each DARK image; · Average them while removing cosmic rays; · Normalise to “dark current per second”; · Flag dubious pixels (Data Quality flag)
NEON School Level 1: Ability to offer reduced products (4) Reduction Software · Instrument Scientists and Software Group must implement the Reduction Software: a collection of processes necessary to remove the instrumental signature from a given observation. If such software can run unattended, we call it Reduction Pipeline.
NEON School Level 1: Ability to offer reduced products (5) Reduction Products · Once the Calibration DB and the Reduction Pipeline are in place, the Science Archive Request Handler can make use of it to offer Reduced Products to the relieved community.
NEON School Level 1: HST reduced products (form) HST
NEON School Level 1: HST reduced products (results) HST
NEON School Preview PREVIEW A highly compressed view of an observation, to provide a quick-look product for quality assessment. It is generated via a specialised pipeline takes in input the reduced (or otherwise raw) observation and processes it (resizing, cropping, reducing dynamical range, applying wavelets, etc.). Look at it, do not use it for your science!
NEON School Level 1: HST reduced products (preview) HST
NEON School Level 1: HST reduced products (submission) HST
NEON School Level 2: Enhanced Products & Interfaces How to improve the archive beyond the on-the-fly recalibration? 1. Deeper and cleaner products 2. Better User Interfaces
NEON School Level 2: Deeper and Cleaner: Associations HST/WFPC2 (Wide Field Planetary Camera 2) An observation in space is affected by Cosmic Rays No detector is perfect: bad columns, hot pixels, etc. Special observing strategy to cope with these facts: CR-SPLIT: Splitting one single long exposure into many short ones; POS-TARG: Dithering is the technique of displacing the telescope between observations either on integral pixel scales (to assist in removing chip blemishes such as hot pixels) or on sub-pixel scales (to improve sampling and thus produce a higher-quality final image).
NEON School Level 2: Deeper and Cleaner: Associations HST/WFPC2 (Wide Field Planetary Camera 2) CR-SPLIT and POS-TARG have to do with the Data Flow System of the HST observatory, not with the scientific exploitation of the data. The associations, i.e., grouping together those observations which cover the same sky region, provide a way to isolate the archive user from those technical details.
NEON School Level 2: WFPC2 Associations (form)
NEON School Level 2: WFPC2 Associations (asn)
NEON School Level 2: WFPC2 Associations (members)
NEON School Level 2: WFPC2 Associations (comparison)
NEON School Level 2: Advanced Interfaces: Querator Astronomers requires Scientific interfaces They don’t want to know Observatory details Hence, not only instrumental signature but also Data Flow signature must be removed Querator goes in this direction. Querator in two words: A multi-archive search engine specialised on multi-colour imaging data.
NEON School Querator (form)
NEON School Querator (results)
NEON School Querator: (Filters) Filters
NEON School Last but not list: Publications
NEON School Last but not list: Publications
NEON School Last but not list: Publications
NEON School Last but not list: Publications
NEON School Astrophysical Virtual Observatory
NEON School Recap You have seen the exciting day to day life of a Data Provider. URLs: Service mode: Archive Home Page: Querator: Recap You have seen the exciting day to day life of a Data Provider. URLs: Service mode: Archive Home Page: Querator:
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