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SPECTRUM ANALYZER Lee Garlock, KD4RE Assisted by Ron Payne, WA6YOU A Vienna Wireless Society Presentation THE APPLICATIONS in AMATEUR RADIO by.

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Presentation on theme: "SPECTRUM ANALYZER Lee Garlock, KD4RE Assisted by Ron Payne, WA6YOU A Vienna Wireless Society Presentation THE APPLICATIONS in AMATEUR RADIO by."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPECTRUM ANALYZER Lee Garlock, KD4RE Assisted by Ron Payne, WA6YOU A Vienna Wireless Society Presentation THE APPLICATIONS in AMATEUR RADIO by


3 All time varying signals (audio, ultrasonic, RF, etc.) can be represented and plotted as a function of time or frequency. – For a simple sinewave F(t) = sin(2πft+σ) and F(ω) = 2πf The principal for converting time domain data to frequency domain data is the Fourier transform developed by Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768–1830) who was working on heat transfer. F(ω) = ∫ f(t) * ε -jωt dt The Fast Fourier Transform is a computer algorithm based on digital sampling of a signal that can compute the frequency components from time samples of a signal – Requires sample sizes that are powers of two (e.g. 1024, 2048. 4096) SIGNAL REPRESENTATION

4 TIME DOMAIN DISPLAY Signals are displayed in the time domain on oscilloscopes. – Amplitude on the vertical axis versus time on the horizontal axis. – Amplitude is typical linear (volts/division) The first oscillographs used a galvanometer to record on a rotating paper drum or film in late 1890s. The CRT oscilloscopes first appeared in the WWI era. By the 1930s General Radio introduced a general used oscilloscope. Up through 1980s oscilloscopes were analog with CRT displays but developed sophisticated trigger circuits and bandwidths from several MHz up to 1 GHz. Today most scopes sold are digital with LCD displays and high end scopes have sampling rates in 10s of Gigasamples per second and GHz bandwidths.


6 A BASIC ANALOG OSCILLOSCOPE Amplifier Time Base Saw Tooth Generator Trigger Circuit Horizontal Amp Vertical Amp

7 FREQUENCY DOMAIN DISPLAY An Analog Spectrum Analyzer is basically a SUPERHETERODYNE receiver with a swept local oscillator (LO) and sometime linear detector with a display similar to an oscilloscope. – Displays frequency on the X-AXIS and amplitude in the Y-AXIS. – Most modern systems have a PEAK-HOLD function. – Most have “ZERO SPAN” mode: LO is fixed and display is SIGNAL vs. TIME.

8 FREQUENCY DOMAIN DISPLAY Real Time Spectrum Analyzers are digital sampling systems that implement a Fast Fourier Transform to display power levels within frequency bins across the display. – Can provide AMPLITUDE vs. FREQUENCY display like conventional analog analyzers. – Can provide a WATERFALL DISPLAY (cascading FFTs over time). – Most can show sample AMPLITUDE vs. TIME.

9 ANALOG SPECTRUM ANALYZER Attenuator YIG Filter (opt) IF Filters (Resolution Bandwidth) IF Amp Log/Linear Detector Vert Amp Voltage Controlled Local Oscillator (Sweep Generator) Time Base Saw Tooth Generator Horizontal Amp Video Amplifier and Lowpass filters


11 BASIC REAL-TIME SPECTRUM ANALYZER (SDR) RF Filters Local Oscillator (tunable in steps) Low Pass Filter Tuner Unit A/D Converter Signal Conditioner FFT Processor (software, FPGA, hardware) Display System (Video and LCD) Control and User Interface Processor Unit Sample Rate Clock Key Factors: Tuner Frequency Range Sampling Rate (Bandwidth) Number of Bits Processor Speed for FFTs

12 REAL-TIME SPECTRUM ANALYZERS COST RANGES $0.00 Software for PC (audio) $250K (26 GHz, 14 bit, 150 MHz instant β) $3K for 6 GHz, 14 bit, 30 MHz instant β + PC $12 for 2 GHz, 8 bit 2 MHz instant β + PC


14 SPECTRUM ANALYZER CONTROLS Major Controls – REFERENCE LEVEL (maximum displayed amplitude) & Input Attenuation. – START and STOP Frequencies of Display (or Center Frequency and Span). – RESOLUTION BANDWIDTH (width of IF filters) and Video Bandwidth. – SWEEP TIME. – LOG/LINEAR DISPLAY on some units and dBm/DIVISION. – ZERO SPAN MODE fixed LO frequency-display received SIGNAL vs. TIME.

15 Limitations – Span, Resolution Bandwidth, and Sweep Time are interrelated in ANALOG ANALYZERS. Since the analyzer is swept in frequency it needs a finite amount of time to obtain a reading of the amplitude within the resolution bandwidth selected; there is a maximum sweep rate for a given span and resolution bandwidth – REAL-TIME ANALYZERS need to ensure A/D converter saturation does not occur. Resolution depends on number of samples in FFT, sampling rate. Since based on samples of data, artifacts occur like spectrum leakage which may be addressed by weighing input samples. SPECTRUM ANALYZER CONTROLS


17 ACCESSORIES #1 TRACKING GENERATOR – Originally a separate unit for older units like to HP 141. – Usually an option on modern units covering up to 1.5 GHz or so. – Generates an RF signal at the same frequency the Spectrum Analyzer is tuned at an output jack. #2 HIGH IMPEDANCE PROBE – Nominal input impedance of Spectrum Analyzers is 50Ω. – To use the spectrum analyzer as a circuit probe get or build a HIGH-Z probe that provides a 50Ω output and high impedance input. With A Tracking generator you can consider the Spectrum Analyzer as a Scalar Network Analyzer

18 ACCESSORIES (continued) #3 RETURN LOSS BRIDGE – With Tracking Generator can measure return loss for any port of a network (such as Antenna VSWR) #4 LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER – Provides increased sensitivity.

19 HIGH IMPEDANCE PROBE from EDN Magazine 2005 by Steve Hageman (author of several QEX/QST articles).

20 REVIEW Think of the Spectrum Analyzer as a Precision Calibrated Receiver that can accurately measure INPUT LEVELS vs. FREQUENCY. – Measure FM DEVIATION and MODULATION characteristics. – Measure HARMONIC DISTORTION of modulators and amplifiers. – Measure HARMONIC LEVELS of transmitters, amplifiers, oscillators. – Measure RESIDUAL NOISE of oscillators. – With a probe tool for TROUBLESHOOTING RF equipment and TUNING receivers and transmitters.

21 REVIEW (continued) With a Tracking Generator you can do GAIN/LOSS measurements vs. FREQUENCY. – Measure LOSS through networks, cables, etc. ; i.e. any two-port device. – TUNE RF filters (Diplexers, LC, Crystal filters). – MEASURE CHARACTERISTICS of Crystals for design of filters. – Measure GAIN of Amplifiers vs. Frequency Add a RETURN-LOSS BRIDGE and you can do one port return-loss measurements; i.e. VSWR vs. FREQUENCY.


23 1.Modulation Measurement. HT with a Tektronix 491 S/A. HP UHF SigGen with Rigol 851 S/A. 2.Insertion Loss Measurement. 40 Feet RG-58A/U. 10 Feet RG-174/U. 40 Meter VWS Band Pass Filter.


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