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Student: Vikas Agarwal Guide: Prof H S Jamadagni

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Presentation on theme: "Student: Vikas Agarwal Guide: Prof H S Jamadagni"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student: Vikas Agarwal Guide: Prof H S Jamadagni
SOFTWARE RADIO Student: Vikas Agarwal Guide: Prof H S Jamadagni

2 Review Software radio does not imply removal of hardware.
Means replacement of ASIC’s with flexible and re-configurable hardware to program radio parameters like BW, center freq, modulation-demodulation scheme, filtering, bitstream processing.

3 Project Concept

4 Project Concept

5 Project Concept

6 Project Concept

7 Project Concept

8 Project Concept PCI or USB 2.4 GHz Link Software Radio Card

9 Project Concept PCI or USB 2.4 GHz Link Software Radio Card
A software radio card having PCI or USB interface to PC with programmable capability for various air interface standard for e.g WLAN STD

10 And Digital Down Converter Wideband A/D and D/A Converter
Basic Block Diagram FPGA Bitstream Processing and Filtering Modulation and Demodulation IF processing PC PCI or USB Interface Modulation Independent Front End Upconverter Downconverter LNA Power Amplifier T/R switch Digital Up Converter And Digital Down Converter Wideband A/D and D/A Converter

11 And Digital Down Converter Wideband A/D and D/A Converter
Basic Block Diagram FPGA Bitstream Processing and Filtering Modulation and Demodulation IF processing PC PCI or USB Interface Modulation Independent Front End Upconverter Downconverter LNA Power Amplifier T/R switch Digital Up Converter And Digital Down Converter Wideband A/D and D/A Converter

12 Why DUC and DDC ?… Does equivalent function of mixer, local oscillator, channel – select filter in traditional analog radio receivers

13 Current Technology Challenge
Move ADC and DAC as close as possible to Antenna so that all the processing can be done digitally.

14 ADC Design

15 DAC Design

16 Front-End Design MAX2422 RF 2.4 GHz UP Converter MAX2671 PA IF 70 MHz
T/R SWITCH 2.4 GHz Local Oscillator MAX2750 RF 2.4 GHz DOWN Converter MAX2681 IF 70 MHz LNA MAX2644

17 Work Done System study Study Complexity Involved Components identified
ADC and DAC card design Front end 2.4 GHz Link Design DDC and DUC Chipsets studied PCB Design

18 Future Work FPGA card with USB or PCI interface with PC
Study various air interface standard e.g WLAN Implementation in FPGA System Integration Testing


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