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Mrs. Chromcak.  American History Textbook  Notebook  Folder  Pencils and/or Pens (blue or black)  Grading pen (Red or any color other than blue or.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Chromcak.  American History Textbook  Notebook  Folder  Pencils and/or Pens (blue or black)  Grading pen (Red or any color other than blue or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Chromcak

2  American History Textbook  Notebook  Folder  Pencils and/or Pens (blue or black)  Grading pen (Red or any color other than blue or black **Check the white board outside of the classroom each day for additional supplies that may be required for class!

3  Follow the 4 R’s at all times ◦ Respect for others ◦ Respect for environment and property ◦ Respect for self ◦ Respect for learning  Raise hands before speaking  Come to class prepared to learn and work  Complete all work in a timely manner  Be in seat and ready for class when I begin

4 In Social Studies class, grades will be broken up into three categories. Participation will be worth 33% (geography packets and in class assignments) Assignments will account for 33% (homework) Graded assessments will be worth 34% (projects, tests, quizzes)

5 A+ 100%C+ 82-84% A 95-99%C 76-81% A - 93-94%C - 73-75% B+ 91-92%D+ 71-72% B 87-90%D 67-70% B - 85-86%D - 65-66% F 64% and Below

6 Students will receive three locker and three bathroom passes per trimester. Because leaving the classroom interrupts valuable learning time, passes will be not accepted during instructional time. I encourage the students to use the passes wisely. They will be not replaced if lost.

7  Students should expect to receive homework at least 2-3 times per week.  Homework is always written on the board so the students can fill in assignment books.  Check my webpage on a regular basis.  Mrs. Chromcak's Webpage Mrs. Chromcak's Webpage  Parent Connect Parent Connect

8 When a student is absent is his or her responsibility to pick up absent work upon return to school. Students will be given time to pick up absent work during the beginning of class as well as during homeroom time from the absent work bin. Please see me with questions on the homework before the day it is due (during homeroom, at the beginning/end of class, or before/after school). If the assignment says that notes were taken, students must copy those notes from a responsible student. Choose your student wisely! It is his or her responsibility to pick up handouts and copy the missing notes. Students have ONE day for every day absent to turn in any absent work. Absent work should be marked “absent” on the top and turned in to me personally. There is not an absent bin in my classroom. After the 3 rd consecutive day of being absent, a parent/guardian may request homework to be picked up in the office.

9 Late work will be accepted. 7 th Grade - 10% will be deducted from the assignment for every school day that it is turned in late. For example, if homework that was due on Monday is turned in on Thursday, the grade will be lowered an additional 30%. 6 th Grade – 20% will be deducted, but work will be accepted until the conclusion of each chapter/topic. Turn homework assignments in on time!

10  Text Book Online:  1. Go to  2. ACTIVATION CODE: 2467900-240 Product Name: American History: Beginnings through Reconstruction - eEdition

11 I am anticipating a wonderful school year ahead. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerts regarding your child. Please allow me 24 hours to return your phone calls or emails. Email: Phone Number: 630-257-2286 ext. 4330

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