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CM 107 – Effective Writing Unit 2 Seminar “The Amulet and the Elixir” You should be hearing music. If you aren’t, please check your audio. Source:

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Presentation on theme: "CM 107 – Effective Writing Unit 2 Seminar “The Amulet and the Elixir” You should be hearing music. If you aren’t, please check your audio. Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CM 107 – Effective Writing Unit 2 Seminar “The Amulet and the Elixir” You should be hearing music. If you aren’t, please check your audio. Source: Feel free to chat and get acquainted until the music stops near the top of the hour. Once the seminar starts, please keep all comments relevant to the class topic.

2 Review of Unit 1  What is the “Call to Adventure”?  How is the writer’s journey similar to the hero’s journey?  Can you remember at least three tips for succeeding in this online writing class?  Have you crossed the threshold between Fear and Commitment? Source:

3 How is the writing process like the hero’s journey? Hero Curiosity Return to community to share knowledge Writer Curiosity Publish: Share knowledge * The Quest*Questions, Invention *Trials, Foes, Obstacles * Drafts, Revisions * Guides, Allies * Instructors, Classmates

4 Rhetorical Situation Last unit, we learned about the Rhetorical Situation. Did you practice it at work, in your Journal, in other classes? Who can define the Rhetorical Situation of this class: Topic Occasion Audience Formality Purpose

5 This Week: We will preview the Unit 3 PROJECT and discuss strategies for getting started on that. The project is not due this week—but PLANNING for it now will reduce writing stress and give you more time to work through the WRITING PROCESS. What exactly IS the writing “process”?

6 Also this week: We will discuss TOPIC ideas and THESIS statements. We will take a FIELD TRIP to the KU WRITING CENTER to explore the tools and resources there, which can help you on your writing Quest. We will determine the value of AMULETS and ELIXIRS

7 The Writing PROCESS  When you have selected a subject to illustrate your definition of courage, create a THESIS STATEMENT to help you keep focus.  Begin OUTLINING ideas.  With these two elements, you can begin the draft.  Then, you will be ready to revise and edit your draft next week.

8 Read the PROJECT instructions carefully! Write to a general audience, your definition of COURAGE, using specific examples of how someone you know overcame adversity. Motivate readers to cross their own thresholds and begin a Quest. 350-450 words. Clear and well-developed main point. Avoid first-person pronouns. No research necessary.

9 Suggested structure of 3 paragraphs 1: your definition of courage, as exemplified by the person who has overcome adversity. End with a THESIS that explains why s/he is courageous. 2: Select an appropriate event in the person’s life, that illustrates how s/he displayed courage. 3: Analyze why this event proves courage in overcoming adversity, and how this demonstrates crossing a threshold. Be sure this paragraph concludes your message.

10 Use the Writing PROCESS BEGIN in your head. Thinking saves time. Establish your writing goals, your purpose. Brainstorm possible topics. Who do you know— friends, co-workers, family—who has experienced a challenging situation and has shown courage in responding? Make a list, on paper. THINK about the list. Which topic/person do you know the most about? Who would BEST help your audience understand your definition of courage? Who could best motivate your audience?

11 INVENTION Exercises  Listing  Clustering  Doodling  Freewriting  Journalists’ Questions  Outlining  Timelines Source:  Burkean Pentad (scene, actors, action, motive, method)  Pro-Con lists

12 A thesis limits the focus and establishes the main point. Thesis statements should be specific & concise--one or two sentences. They should not be questions or titles. They should not include “I” or announce (e.g. “This paper will....”). THESIS Creation

13 Are these strong thesis statements? 1. This essay will define courage. 2. Thomas Smith, a man of courage. 3. Thomas Smith was courageous. 4. Thomas Smith demonstrated courage, because he willingly risked his life to save others.

14 Try using the words, “because” or “included” in your thesis  Thomas Smith demonstrated courage, because he willingly risked his life to save others.  Thomas Smith’s courage included the traits of A____, B_______, and C______.

15 YOUR TURN  Share your SUBJECT.  Test-drive a working THESIS.  Try your best to state WHO and WHY your subject is courageous.  When your classmates share their working thesis, offer constructive advice.

16 What are they and how do they relate to your journey towards writing essays? AMULETS and ELIXIRS

17 The “Amulet” A charm or talisman; an image, statue, or fettish Source: Books, maps, methods, plans, outlines

18 The “Elixir” Guide, helper, mentor, peer. friend, family Source:

19 Live tutoring Q & A Service Paper Review 100s of handouts & tutorials! Writing Workshops Writing Fundamentals Program English Language Learner (ELL) Resources The KU Writing Center “Elixir” The KU Writing Center “Elixir” Guides for your heroic journey! How can you access this elixir?

20 FIELD TRIP! Let’s take a field trip to the KU Writing Center! 1. Click on the “Writing Center” link in our course. 2. Locate information on ONE area of weakness that you have in your writing. 3. Read that specific information. 4. Return to seminar and summarize what you learned. Continue to use the Writing Center as a resource throughout your college career!


22 Remember to complete the Grammar Diagnostic Test by the ending Tues. of this week. It does not count towards your grade, but you will receive feedback on issues you should work on in coming weeks. In Units 3-8, you will review grammar and punctuation concerns, and then there will be a Grammar POST-test in Unit 8. GRAMMAR DIAGNOSTIC This Week

23 Remember to submit your journal entry for the week. Follow the specific topic instructions under the “Journal” tab at the top of each page in our course shell. Write at least 150 words in your journal each week. Responses that do not meet the length requirement or that are off-topic receive a zero grade. JOURNAL Assignment

24 Questions? Source:

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