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What is the nature of descriptive research? Type of research concerned with status….. Problems can be solved through thorough observation, analysis, and.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the nature of descriptive research? Type of research concerned with status….. Problems can be solved through thorough observation, analysis, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the nature of descriptive research? Type of research concerned with status….. Problems can be solved through thorough observation, analysis, and description.

2 Survey Research: Technique that seeks to determine present practices or opinions of a specified population. Can involve: questionnaire, interview, or normative study.

3 1. Questionnaire: Pen and paper survey to obtain information to ask subjects to respond to questions (no observation of behavior).

4 Value of Open - ended questions? Allows for considerable latitude to respond ideas and feelings. Drawbacks: –many do not like –time consuming –strays from question –difficult to synthesize and categorize

5 Value of close -ended questions: Forced choice responses –rankings –scaled items –categorical responses

6 Rankings: Rank the following activities with regard to how you like to spend leisure time: ___Reading ___Watch TV ___Arts & Crafts ___Vigorous sports ___Mild exercise

7 Scaled items (often a Likert): In a teacher education preparation program, students should be required to take a history and philosophy of education course. SAANDSD

8 Indicate the frequency in which you read the chapters in your textbook for each class period. Never Rarely SomeOften Always

9 Categorical responses: Generally two choices –yes - no –True - false Limitations: –lack of other options –not much info

10 How to plan a questionnaire: Determine objectives Delimit sample Construct questionnaire Conduct pilot study Write Cover letter

11 Send questionnaire Perform follow-up procedures Analyze results Prepare research report

12 Weaknesses: May not be candid May provide socially desirable responses Sampling Errors –Non Sampling Errors

13 Correlational research 1. Explores the relationship among variables. 2. Sometimes can predict, but DOES NOT establish cause-effect

14 Must lean heavily on past research to define important variables. –Garbage in Garbage out!!!! The size of the correlation coefficient depends to a considerable degree on the spread of the scores. In prediction, subjects must be representative of population to whom study is directed. (sample specific)

15 Limitations Planning –identification of pertinent variables –Based on theory & pervious research Analysis Assuming cause-effect

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