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Sep/05/2001PaCT 20011 Fusion of Concurrent Invocations of Exclusive Methods Yoshihiro Oyama (Japan Science and Technology Corporation, working in University.

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Presentation on theme: "Sep/05/2001PaCT 20011 Fusion of Concurrent Invocations of Exclusive Methods Yoshihiro Oyama (Japan Science and Technology Corporation, working in University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20011 Fusion of Concurrent Invocations of Exclusive Methods Yoshihiro Oyama (Japan Science and Technology Corporation, working in University of Tsukuba) Kenjiro Taura Akinori Yonezawa (University of Tokyo)

2 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20012 Context of This Work  Languages  OO languages + concurrent extension (ex. Java)  Concurrent OO languages  Machines  Shared-memory parallel computers  SMP  cc-NUMA MP

3 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20013 Exclusive Methods  Methods that are executed exclusively  Ex: synchronized methods in Java  Concurrent invocations  serialized and executed in turn

4 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20014 Problem  Low scalability  Reason: serialization of concurrent invocations  Amdahl’s law  5% is sequential  speedup < 20 time #procs

5 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20015 Goal of This Work  Fusion of concurrent invocations (method fusion)  Ex: “plus(1)” + “plus(2)” = “plus(3)”  Fusing two invocations that are serialized dynamically  Reducing the number of executions of exclusive methods  eliminating bottlenecks

6 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20016 Example class Counter { int val; … sync void inc(int n) { val += n; } } inc(10); inc(20); can be emulated with inc(30); observation fusion inc(x) & inc(y) { inc(x + y); }

7 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20017 Outline of Presentation  Language design  API  Sample programs  Details of design  Discussion  Implementation  Experimental results  Related work

8 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20018 Target Language  C++ - Inheritance + Thread creation + Exclusive methods + Fusion rules

9 Sep/05/2001PaCT 20019 API (1/2)  Syntax  Semantics  Invocations of p and q may be replaced with S  S is executed concurrently with other exclusive methods on the same object fusion p(x 1,…, x n ) & q(y 1,…, y n ) { S; }

10 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200110 API (2/2)  Return value fusion p(x 1,…, x n ) & q(y 1,…, y n ) { … mreturn a and b; } To p’s caller To q’s caller

11 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200111 Sample Program (1/2) class Buffer { int len; double elems[…];... sync void put (double f) { elems[len++] = f; } sync double get (void) { return elems[--len]; } fusion put(f) & get() { return f; } } “Bypassing” put and get

12 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200112 Sample Program (2/2) class Window { … fusion resize(x1, y1) & resize(x2, y2) { resize(x1, y1); } fusion repaint() & repaint() { repaint(); } We can easily describe the specification for omitting GUI events

13 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200113 Sample Program (2/2) Existing technique Programmers describe the detail implementation of event-queues Our technique Programmers describe only the specifications of event-queues

14 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200114 What is Fused? What is not?  Two dynamically-serialized invocations  Dynamic occurrence of the execution of two consecutive exclusive methods  Static fusion not supported c->inc(10); c->inc(20);

15 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200115 Discussion  How and where we intend method fusion is used  This work from wider view

16 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200116 How and Where We Intend Method Fusion is Used  Fusion rules should be “performance hints”  Should not change the behavior i.e., whether method fusion happened should not be observable “transparent” fusion rules

17 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200117 But Currently...  Our compiler accepts non-transparent fusion rules  No check for transparency  Fusion rules may bring bugs fusion inc(x) & inc(y) { inc(x - y); }

18 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200118 This Work from Wider View (1/2)  Found new optimization for parallel langs  Sequential langs:  Parallel langs: control flow not in program texts  Overlooked in existing works x = y-2; x += 3; x = y+1; val +=1; val +=2; val +=3;

19 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200119 This Work from Wider View (2/2)  Proposed useful and novel API for optimizing programs with human’s help  cf. parallel for, register, inline  Technical challenge we addressed: What kind of API is  Easy-to-use?  Useful for speedup?

20 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200120 Implementation  Lock is added to each object  Exclusive methods are serialized with locks  Acquires lock  Executes exclusive methods  Releases lock

21 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200121 Object Representation FREE LOCKED Task = data structure storing info. of invocation Lock = flag + queue

22 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200122 Implementation of Method Fusion LOCKED inc (y) thread Xthread Y inc (x) thread Z

23 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200123 Implementation of Method Fusion LOCKED inc (y) thread X inc (x) thread Z thread Y

24 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200124 Implementation of Method Fusion LOCKED thread Z thread Xthread Y ST

25 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200125 Implementation of Method Fusion LOCKED inc (x+y) thread Z thread Xthread Y ST

26 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200126 Implementation of Method Fusion LOCKED thread Y T thread X S inc(x+y)

27 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200127 Implementation of Method Fusion FREE thread Y T thread X S Ret. val. 1 Ret. val. 2 Ret. val. 1

28 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200128 Experiment  We implemented a compiler of the language  Sun Ultra Enterprise 10000 (64 CPUs)  Applications:  Counter: inc(x) & inc(y)  inc(x+y)  FileWriter: write(str1) & write(str2)  write(str)  FileReader: get(path1) & get(path2)  get(path1)  ImageViewer: repaint() & repaint()  repaint()

29 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200129 Experiment  Implemented exclusive methods in 4 ways  Spin-locks  Mutex locks provided by OS  Our locks (w/o fusion rules)  Our locks (with fusion rules)

30 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200130 FileReader

31 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200131 ImageViewer

32 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200132 FileWriter

33 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200133 Counter

34 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200134 Related Work (1/2)  Concurrent execution of associative exclusive operations  Reduction, Concurrent Aggregates (CA) [Chien 91], Adaptive Replication [Rinard et al. 99], Program fusion [Hu et al. 99]  Partial results are stored in multiple data area  Ours: stored in method arguments  Timing to summarize partial data is obvious  Ours: obviousness not assumed  summarize immediately

35 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200135 Related Work (2/2)  Network combining [Gottlieb et al. 83]  Fusing machine instructions  Ours: fusing method invocations  Composite functions [Bird 89], [Fisher et al. 94]  (map f) ・ (map g) = (map f ・ g)  Static fusion of statically-detected consecutive ops  Ours: dynamic fusion of dynamically-detected consecutive ops  Runtime overhead ⇔ applicability of fusion

36 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200136 Future Work  Analysis of transparency fusion inc(x) & inc(y) { inc(x - y); }  Inheritance  What if fused method is overridden?  Parallel fusions on a single object Using (v + x) + y ≠ v + (x - y) ?

37 Sep/05/2001PaCT 200137 Concluding Remarks  First proposed new optimization for parallel languages  Various studies related to method fusion  Language design and implementation scheme  Many sample programs (see our paper)  Experiments

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