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Tevatron collider, detectors performance and future projects at Fermilab Feb 28, 2008 Sergei Nagaitsev (thanks to D. Wood, D. Denisov, R. Roser, J. Konigsberg,

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Presentation on theme: "Tevatron collider, detectors performance and future projects at Fermilab Feb 28, 2008 Sergei Nagaitsev (thanks to D. Wood, D. Denisov, R. Roser, J. Konigsberg,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tevatron collider, detectors performance and future projects at Fermilab Feb 28, 2008 Sergei Nagaitsev (thanks to D. Wood, D. Denisov, R. Roser, J. Konigsberg, P. Oddone) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

2 2 CDF DØ Tevatron Main Injector\ Recycler Antiproton source Proton source S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

3 Tevatron complex: 9 accelerators 3 120 GeV Main Injector: rapid cycling high intensity proton synchrotron 2 sec period 8 GeV Recycler Ring: high quality storage ring stochastic cooling electron cooling 12-24 hours cycle 8 GeV Debuncher: large aperture synchrotron 2 seconds cycle 8 GeV Accumulator: high quality storage ring stochastic cooling ~4 hours cycle Tevatron Collider CM energy of 1.96 TeV 36x36 bunches Collision rate ~ 2MHz p p Target Li Lens p In operation since: Tevatron 1983 Pbar Source1985 Main Injector1999 Recycler2004 Electron cooler2005 8 GeV Booster proton synchrotron 15 Hz 400 MeV Linac 750 keV p source 4.3 MeV electron cooler MINOS MiniBooNE S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

4 The Luminosity Story…  The Tevatron CM energy is limited to 1.96 TeV. While the Run II energy is greater than Run I’s, Run II is not about energy – its about integrated luminosity.  When science historians write about Run II, they will tell the story of…  How the amount of delivered luminosity impacted the ultimate success of the physics program  The total luminosity will set the scale for the legacy of the Tevatron  We make continuous improvements to physics analysis, thus the physics gain is better than SQRT(∫L). 4 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

5 Total Integrated Luminosity 5 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

6 Tevatron Run 2: 2001 – 2009 (2010)  Two multi-purpose and complimentary detectors: CDF and DØ  Integrated Luminosity  Delivered 3.7 fb -1 (per detector)  Recorded: about 3.0 fb -1  Goal is 5.5 – 6.5 fb -1 delivered in 2009  2010 Running under discussion (expect 7 – 9 fb -1 delivered) 6 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

7 Doing Physics at 2 TeV 7  Need 10 10 collisions to produce 1 event with Top quarks  With 1 fb -1, 10k t-tbar events produced;  Understanding and reducing backgrounds is the key to success  We continue to learn and innovate; developing new tools and techniques as needed S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

8 8

9 Tevatron physics goals  More detailed explorations on new areas we’ve opened  Single top, di-bosons, CP in B-physics are all examples  Each benefits from having the largest statistical sample available  Test maximum E cm  What is in the tails…..  Investigating today’s possibilities  We already see a number of 2-sigma and 3-sigma results in our data based on 2 fb -1 analyzed  Want x3 - 4 our current dataset to find out whether any of these discrepancies arise from new physics  Higgs potential  SM exclusion should be the benchmark  With 7-8 fb-1 of data, we can exclude at the 95% C.L. the entire interesting mass range (< 200 GeV/c 2 ) 9 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

10 The DØ Collaboration 10 DØ is an international collaboration of 580 physicists from 19 nations who have designed, built and operate the DØ detector at the Tevatron and perform data analysis Institutions: 89 total, 38 US, 51 non-US Collaborators: ~ 50% from non-US institutions ~ 100 postdocs, ~140 graduate students September 2007 DØ Collaboration Meeting S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

11 DØ : Physics Goals and Detector 11 Precision tests of the Standard Model  Weak bosons, top quark, QCD, B-physics Search for particles and forces beyond those known  Higgs, supersymmetry, extra dimensions…. protons antiprotons 3 Layer Muon System TrackerSolenoid Magnet 20 m Driven by these goals, the detector emphasizes Electron, muon and tau identification Jets and missing transverse energy Flavor tagging through displaced vertices and leptons S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

12 Integrated Luminosity 12 Run IIaRun IIb DeliveredRecorded Run IIa1.6 fb -1 1.3 fb -1 Run IIb (so far)1.9 fb -1 1.7 fb -1 Total3.5 fb -1 3.0 fb -1 2006 shutdown: new Layer 0 silicon installed trigger upgrades installed April 02 Jan 08 Passed 3fb -1 milestone in recorded luminosity on 16 January 2008 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

13 Selected physics highlights from DØ in Run II 13 Top physics  Single top production evidence  Tour de force of top quark property measurements  Mass = 172.1±2.4 GeV  Cross section, electric charge, W helicity, forward-backward asymmetry, B(t → Wb)/B(t → Wq) Electroweak  First evidence for WZ production  W-gamma radiation zero evidence  Anomalous couplings search in W- gamma, Z-gamma, WZ, ZZ QCD  Precise inclusive jet cross section  with 1% calibration of jet energy scale  W+charm production ratio measurement – probing strange content of proton Single Top December 2006: First evidence for single top and first direct measurement of V tb Inclusive Jets January 2008: most precise measurement of the inclusive jet cross section over the widest kinematic range S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

14 Selected physics highlights from DØ in Run II 14 B-physics  B s mixing – world’s first two- sided limit  Ξ b - baryon discovery:  CP violating parameter measurements: unique DØ capability from regular reversal of magnetic fields  World’s best limits on B s → μμ decay probability New Phenomena  W’, Z’ mass limits > 1 TeV  Excited electron mass > 756 GeV: probing electron sub- structure  Best limits on many SUSY processes (tripleptons, stop → l+b+MET, stop → c+MET, diphotons+MET,…)  Searches for squark and gluinos: first Tevatron publication with >2 fb -1 of data Higgs  SM Higgs cross section limits from nine different channels in 110-200 GeV mass range  Best limits on MSSM higgs production M(  b -) = 5.774±0.019 GeV/c 2  b - Discovery: June 2007 B s Mixing: March 2006 First two-sided limit on B s oscillations 17ps -1 <Δm s <21ps -1 most cited HEP paper of 2006 W’ Limit> 1 TeV: October 2007 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

15 DØ Physics Output 15  2007 was the best year ever with 34 papers submitted for publication  Expect more in 2008  Reducing time from data taking to publication  Already published result with 2.1 fb -1  Winter conference results with 2.3 fb -1 expected  DØ continues to be a great training ground for students and postdocs  29 Ph.D. theses in 2007 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

16 The CDF Collaboration 16 North America  34 institutions Europe  21 institutions Asia  8 institutions The CDF Collaboration  15 Countries  63 institutions  635 authors S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

17 Detector Status - Summary  Stable data collection  ~85% recorded and ~80% of delivered used in analysis  Tracking chamber (COT)  Aging not a problem, will be ok through 2010  Silicon longevity  Expect silicon detector to last beyond 2010 Radiation not expected to be a problem  All other systems are operating well  High Luminosity Running  Inst. Lum expectations are now clear < 300-350 x10 30 cm -2 s -1 Trigger & DAQ –Recently completed upgrade on tracking and calorimeter –We are collecting high-Pt data with high efficiency up to 3x10 32 Physics –No significant effect up to 3x10 32  About 80% of Delivered Luminosity is available for physics analysis  Expected to be in good shape through FY10 17 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

18 CDF: CDF: Collecting data - happily… 18  Sources of inefficiency include:  Trigger dead time and readout ~ 5% Intentional - to maximize physics to tape  Start and end of stores ~5%  Problems (detector, DAQ) ~5% ~ % efficient since 2003 1.7 MHz of crossings CDF 3-tiered trigger: L1 accepts ~25 kHz L2 accepts ~800 Hz L3 accepts ~150 Hz (event size is ~250 kb) Accept rate ~1:12,000 Reject 99.991% of the events S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

19 CDF: Physics Highlights from 1-2 fb -1 19 Observation of Bs-mixing Δ m s = 17.77 +- 0.10 (stat) +- 0.07(sys) Observation of new baryon states  b and  b WZ discovery (6-sigma) Measured cross section 5.0 (1.7) pb ZZ observation 4.4-sigma Single top evidence (3-sigma) with 1.5 fb -1 cross section = 2.9 pb |V tb |= 1.02 ± 0.18 (exp.) ± 0.07 (th.) ‏ Measurement of Sin(2  _s) Most are world’s best results Precision W mass measurement Mw_cdf = 80.413 GeV (48 MeV) Precision Top mass measurement Mtop_cdf = 172.7 (2.1) GeV W-width measurement 2.032 (.071) GeV Observation of new charmless B==>hh states Observation of D o -D o bar mixing Constant improvement in Higgs Sensitivity S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

20 Run II Luminosity – Where can we go? 20 extrapolated from FY09 Luminosity projection curves for 2008-2010 FY08 start Real data up to FY07 (included) 8.6 fb -1 7.2 fb -1 Highest Int. Lum Lowest Int. Lum FY10 start FY09 and FY10 integrated luminosities assumed to be identical S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

21 21 Antiprotons and Luminosity strategy for increasing luminosity in the Tevatron is to increase the number and brightness of antiprotons  The strategy for increasing luminosity in the Tevatron is to increase the number and brightness of antiprotons  Increase the antiproton production rate  Provide a third stage of antiproton cooling with the Recycler  Increase the transfer efficiency of antiprotons to low beta in the Tevatron  Provide additional antiproton cooling stages S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

22 Beam lifetimes at HEP collisions  Antiproton lifetime is improved and brightness has increased due to beam cooling in Recycler ring at 8 GeV  Proton lifetime started to suffer from small pbar emittances  Pbars 3-4 times smaller than protons  Greater fraction of proton bunch sees strongest beam-beam force  Highest head-on tune shifts for protons > 0.024  Using an injection mismatch in Tevatron to blow up antiproton emittance slightly and improve proton lifetime Results in slightly lower peak luminosities Improved integrated luminosities due to better proton lifetimes 22 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

23 Tevatron  When does the program stop?  The “natural” life without the LHC would be several more years, roughly at the end of “doubling data in three years”  Very difficult to predict when it will be overtaken by LHC. Prudent to plan running in 2010 – depends on funding scenarios. 23 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

24 Fermilab: Neutrino experiments 24 Minos Far detector MiniBooNE detector MINOS: neutrino oscillations in the atmospheric region; coming electron appearance at CHOOZ limit or below MiniBooNE: neutrino oscillations in the LSND region; exploration of low energy anomaly in neutrino interactions SciBooNE: neutrino cross sections S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

25 LHC and Fermilab  The LHC is the single most important physics component of the US program  Fermilab supports the US CMS effort. Built major components of CMS supporting the universities.  Now have Tier 1 computing center, LHC Physics Center, Remote Operations Center (ROC), CERN/Fermilab summer schools  Major contribution to the accelerator. We are now helping to commission LHC.  To continue to be welcome, US and Fermilab must contribute to detector and accelerator improvements.  Aim: critical mass at Fermilab, as good as going to CERN (once detectors completed). 25 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

26 LHC and Fermilab 26 Compact Muon Spectrometer CMS Remote Operations Center at Fermilab S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

27 High-energy physics tools 27 pp-bar pp e + e -  +  - Telescopes; Underground experiments; Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Non- accelerator based Intense, , K,.. beams; and B, C factories; S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

28 Need a TeV-scale lepton collider 28 e - e + p ILC LHC International Linear Collider (ILC) S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

29 ILC technology at Fermilab 29 Vertical Test Stand Horizontal Test Stand First cryomodule S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

30 ILC and Fermilab  Strong world-wide collaboration on ILC: by far the easiest machine beyond the LHC; both CLIC and muon colliders are more difficult.  ILC will be it – provided LHC tells us the richness of new physics is there.  Technology is broadly applicable – R&D on the technology is important: electron cloud effects, reliable high gradient cavities, final focus….  Fermilab and US community will continue with ILC and SCRF R&D – probably on stretched timescale.  Reality: the likelihood of building ILC in the US is much reduced after the latest round of Congressional actions on ILC, ITER. 30 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

31 Intensity frontier  The general rule:  If the LHC discovers new particles – precision experiments tell about the physics behind through rates/couplings to standard particles  If the LHC does not see new particles – precision experiments with negligible rates in the SM are the only avenue to probe higher energies  Additionally, neutrino oscillations coupled with charged lepton number violating processes constrain GUT model building 31 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

32 Fermilab and the intensity frontier  We have designed a program based on a new injector for the complex.  Can exploit the large infrastructure of accelerators: Main Injector (120 GeV), Recycler (8GeV), Debuncher (8 GeV), Accumulator (8 GeV) – would be very expensive to reproduce today  New source uses ILC technology and helps development of the technology in the US  Provides the best program in neutrinos, and rare decays in the world  Positions the US program for an evolutionary path leading to neutrino factories and muon colliders 32 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

33 Fermilab and the intensity frontier: Project X 33 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

34 Project X: expandability  Initial configuration exploits alignment with ILC  But it is expandable (we will make sure the hooks are there)  Three times the rep rate  Three times the pulse length  Three times the number of klystrons  Would position the program for a multi-megawatt source for intense muon beams at low <8 GeV energies – very difficult with a synchrotron.  Neutrino program at 120 GeV (2.3 MW); 55% Recycler available at 8 GeV (200kW)  We can develop existing 8 GeV rings to deliver and tailor beams, allowing full duty cycle for experiments with the correct time structure: K decays,   e conversion, g-2. 34 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

35 Example: evolutionary path muons 35 (Upgradable to 2MW) PROJECT X MUON COLLIDER TEST FACILITY NEUTRINO FACTORY Far Detector at Homestake Rebunch Target Decay Phase Rot. & Bunch Cool Muon Collider R&D Hall 0.2–0.8 GeV Pre-Accel 4 GeV Ring RLA (1–4 GeV) Illustrative Vision Three projects of comparable scope:  Project X (upgraded to 2MW)  Muon Collider Test Facility  4 GeV Neutrino Factory S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

36 1.5-4 TeV Muon Collider at Fermilab 36 Muon Collider detector  S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

37 Summary  Tevatron collider has a very rich and exciting physics program. Detectors are running well (actually better than ever).  Tevatron is running well  There is evidence for reliability improvements  Plan to run Tevatron until overtaken by LHC  Our future plan is to construct world premier “intensity-frontier” machine and to continue R&D on a lepton “energy-frontier” collider 37 S. Nagaitsev (FNAL)

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