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Peru Peru is one of the 4 countries in South American that face Pacific ocean. Peru also shares border with Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuator and Colombia.

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Presentation on theme: "Peru Peru is one of the 4 countries in South American that face Pacific ocean. Peru also shares border with Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuator and Colombia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peru Peru is one of the 4 countries in South American that face Pacific ocean. Peru also shares border with Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuator and Colombia. Venus Chueh GD

2 Red on the sides signifies the blood, and white signifies peace.
Peru is the third largest countries in South American, and its size is three times big as California. Peru is classified as a ‘developing country’. About 40% of the population live in poverty. The Color of Red signifies the blood shed for achieving Peruvian independence and the white represents peace. The coat of arms features a shield bearing a vicuna (representing fauna), a cinchona tree (signifying flora), and a yellow cornucopia spilling out coins (denoting mineral wealth).

3 There are more people live near the the ocean.
There are approximately million people live in Peru. Close to 30% of Peruvian lived in Lima. Peruvian is made up of Amerindian (45%); mixed Amerindian and White ("mestizo") (37%); European (15%); African, Japanese, Chinese, and other (3%). Population density The city that have been circle out is Peru’s capital city called Lima. So obviously, since closer to the ocean, the color gets more dark, and represent the more people there are, Peru is a country that relies on the ocean a lot.

4 Religion Religion Roman Catholic and Evangelical are the two main religion in Peru.

5 Language Language Spanish is their offical language, and Quechua, which is the South American native Language.

6 Western of the territory is the coastal plain.
Middle of it rugged with the Andean mountains. Eastern of it is the rainforest that is part of the Amazon. Largest lake called Titicaca, is the world highest navigable lake. Peru shares the largest and highest navigable lake with Bolivia called Lake Titicaca. Since geography effect the weather, coastal plain is mild and arid. Mountains ‘ weather from temperate to frigid. Rainforest is humid and warm.

7 Important Statistics Currency: Nuevo sol (PEN) , 1 PEN = 0.3711 USD
Life expectancy: total population: years Literacy rate: definition: age 15 and over can read and write, total population: 92.9%  School expectancy: total: 14 years Crime rate: Annual crimes per 1,000 residents people. People living with AIDS/HIV: 75,000 (2009 est.)

8 Government and International relationship
Constitutional Republic Independent date: 28 July 1821 (from Spain)  The Leaders: Ollanta Humala Tasso Peru has been a member of United Nation since 1949.

9 Facts The potato is originally from Peru and they produce over varieties. In Peru, you can find 1701 species of birds, making it the most in any country in the world. Peru’s most famous sport is Soccer, but they also enjoy tennis, surfing, beach volleyball, and sailing. Peru has 246 airports. But they only have one heliport. Peru is the second largest cocaine producer in the world.

10 Sources factbook/geos/pe.html /peru.htm ideres_politicos/america_del_sur/peru/ollanta_humala_tasso facts-about-peru.html

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