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Gender issues in technology use: Perceived social support, computer self-efficacy and value beliefs, and computer use beyond school Source: Computers &

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Presentation on theme: "Gender issues in technology use: Perceived social support, computer self-efficacy and value beliefs, and computer use beyond school Source: Computers &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender issues in technology use: Perceived social support, computer self-efficacy and value beliefs, and computer use beyond school Source: Computers & Education 51 (2008) 1392 – 1404 Authors: Ioanna Vekiri, Anna Chronaki Speaker: Cheng-Yee Lee

2 Introduction  This paper is trying to inspect whether there exist a gender stereotype about information issues between male and female

3 Research Methodology 174 5th, 6th grade boys 174 5th, 6th grade girls Randomly choose from 7 elementary schools in Greek Ask them complete this questionnaire in the classroom

4 Result  23.5% from upper-middle, 29.1% from middle and 47.4% from low SES families upper-middle SES = professionals with higher education degrees middle SES = white-color employees or merchants with secondary and postsecondary degrees low SES = manual workers with elementary and/or secondary education

5 Result







12 Conclusion  Gender stereotype even exist in information issues

13 Comment  The stereotype may only exist those low SES group.

14 Comment  The difference of usage frequency may vanish in university students This is related to another topic “ internet addict ”

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