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 Do an activity about their career family tree  Had a parent in education  Work in a Rural Setting  Are the only career staffer in your building 

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2  Do an activity about their career family tree  Had a parent in education  Work in a Rural Setting  Are the only career staffer in your building  Are just starting your program

3  Ahhh, Middle School (Tom, MS) Ahhh, Middle School  Ahhh, Middle School (Chris Farley, van) Ahhh, Middle School  River Bluff Middle School  Family involvement & how do we do it?  Registration  Book me

4  Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources  Architecture and Construction  Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications  Business, Management and Administration  Education and Training  Finance  Government and Public Administration  Health Science  Hospitality and Tourism  Human Services  Information Technology  Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security  Manufacturing  Marketing  Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics  Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

5  What do you use  WISCareers  Career Pathways  Workkeys  Career Cruising  Naviance  Others

6  Personal globe inventory: 70 questions, likes/dislikes  Take age-appropriate inventories and assessments to learn about personal strengths, work values, learning styles, beliefs, and interests.  Can be given/taken every year

7  What is the number one thing you think middle school students want to know about a career?  Not trying to label them, but help them find their interests  Once I tell them how much math science are required to be an anesthesiologist, they sometimes reconsider.

8  Show my diplomas  Graduation requirements for Stoughton HS = 24 credits, explain how they’re broken down  Talk about 2 year, technical and 4 year schools  Show requirements for their choses school emphasizing world language, ACT/SAT & GPA  How volunteering and taking electives know will benefit their future.

9  Interpret and can articulate their personal strengths, work values, learning styles, beliefs, and interests identified in age- appropriate inventories then link them to selection of careers.  Identify activities and experiences that relate to the information identified in the age-appropriate inventories.

10  Just starting this year  Enrichment Activities introducing them to their portfolios  School Counselors will go into classrooms during advisory  Second Semester pilot  Full-year next year

11  Semester-long Careers Class  With our current program (WISCareers) they complete 17 different tasks, a career family tree, personal globe inventory (assessment), research a career, exposed to the clusters & pathways.

12  Tasks  1 Setting Up My WISCareers Account  2 WISCareers Scavenger Hunt  3 Self-Awareness Inventory  4 Student Skills Inventory  5 Career Planning 1-2-3  6 Learning Styles  7 Career Cluster Inventory (PGI)  8 Work Values  9 Work Skills  10 Interest Profiler  11 WISCareers Research Project  12 Individual Learning Plan, Contact Information  13 Individual Learning Plan, Skills and Abilities  14 Individual Learning Plan, My Activities  15 Individual Learning Plan, My Accomplishments  16 Individual Learning Plan, Personal Statement  17 Individual Learning Plan, Peer Review  Enrichment Tasks  1 Family Influence on Career Decision-Making (Career Family Tree)  2 Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources  3 Finance

13  Individual planning conferences with EVERY student and an adult from home.  Student-led conferences  30 minutes at school, during the school day  Translators supplied  Adopt the conference to ability of the student  Highlight the transition to the high school

14  Mid-January  85% of our families attend  HS Counselors explain what classes are required  Families get to meet teachers  Highlight Elect classes  Explain how to get involved  8 th graders register end of January

15  212 Degrees & All IN  Over 30 new partnerships  Started with 5 boys not wanting to do anything, contacted a local Mechanic  Gallup Poll  Tied into 16 careers clusters  Engagement Day Engagement Day

16  G.1 Develop the ability to make informed career decisions based on self-knowledge.  G.8.1.1 Demonstrate individual abilities, strengths, skills, and talents  G.8.1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of work values and needs  G.8.1.3 Demonstrate positive behaviors and attitudes about the world of work  G.8.1.4 Give examples of how behaviors and attitudes affect one’s future educational achievement and career success.

17  G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work  G.8.2.2 Demonstrate effective communication skills, including writing, speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior

18  H.8.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of educational levels (e.g., work-based learning, certificate, two-year, four-year, and professional degrees) and performance skills needed to attain personal and career goals  H.8.1.2 Demonstrate acquisition of study skills and learning habits that promote educational achievement and work performance  H.8.1.3 Identify individual learning styles and multiple intelligences and understand how to apply them in different learning and work situations  H.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to use technology to retrieve and manage career information that inspires educational achievement  H.8.1.5 Develop an individual learning plan to enhance educational achievement and attain career goals

19  I.8.1.1 Use career planning strategies and tools to develop career awareness and a career plan  I.8.1.2 Document actions taken to attain short-term and long-term educational and career goals

20  I.8.2.1 Recognize and demonstrate the use of various decision-making styles and their effect on career planning  I.8.2.2 Give specific examples of how education, work, and family experiences influence career decisions  I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, national, and global economic trends; and educational options) to consider in career decisions  I.8.2.4 Show how beliefs, culture, work values, personal priorities, and knowledge of the broad range of career opportunities will influence career decisions

21  I.8.3.1 Demonstrate openness to exploring and considering a wide range of occupations and career paths, including those that may be considered new or nontraditional for individuals based on gender, race, culture, ability, or other characteristics  I.8.3.2 Define how one’s own ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, or family traditions may affect career choices and plans  I.8.3.3 Demonstrate an acceptance of and respect for other people and their career choices

22  I.8.4.1 Identify skills and how they are transferable from one situation or area of interest to another

23  I.8.5.1 Demonstrate the ability to find and use different types of career information resources (i.e., occupational, educational, economic, and employment) to support career planning  I.8.5.2 Show how career information has contributed to one’s current plans and how it can be used in future plans  I.8.5.3 Give examples of how career clusters and pathways can be used in career planning


25  Lisa Koenecke  River Bluff Middle School  Stoughton   608-877-5511  Thank You

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