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Some Key Words –Assimilation –Integration –Multiculturalism –Minority group –Prejudice –Discrimination –Stereotyping –Ascribed Status –Socio-economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Key Words –Assimilation –Integration –Multiculturalism –Minority group –Prejudice –Discrimination –Stereotyping –Ascribed Status –Socio-economic."— Presentation transcript:



3 Some Key Words –Assimilation –Integration –Multiculturalism –Minority group –Prejudice –Discrimination –Stereotyping –Ascribed Status –Socio-economic position –Race –Ethnicity –Social construction –Culture –Capitalist economy –Marginalization


5 RACE The MEANING of being a particular “race” is ascribed to particular groups (ie interpreted socially) What it means to be ‘black’ or ‘white’ is given by particular society Taking of biological features and using them as basis to discriminate What is racism?

6 Phenotype and Genotype Genotype: genetic inheritance Phenotype: visible attributes –i.e. skin color “races” of humans are variable in degrees of melanin in skin Total genetic variation between racial groups is only 6%...variation within groups is also 6%! (King, The Biology of Race,1981)

7 What is race? Classifying by skin color & related characteristics appear objective, but there are other equally valid ways to specify race.

8 RACE: biological definition –Refers to biological characteristics (skin color, facial features, inherited characteristics)

9 Ways to Categorize “Races” Race by Resistance Presence or absence of anti-malarial genes Present:African blacks,Arabs living on Arabian peninsula Absent: Swedes, some black Africans (the Xhosas) Race by Digestion Presence or absence of lactase in adults (helps to digest milk) Present: Fulani of West Africa, Swedes, Europeans Absent: E Asians, Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, most black Africans

10 Race by types of fingerprints –Type 1: Black Africans, most Europeans, East Asians (loops) –Type 2: Jews, some Indonesians (arches) –Type 3: Australian Aborigines (whorls) Source: Jared Diamond (1994, Nov.). Race without color. Discover, pp. 92-97.

11 Race is arbitrary SOCIAL category, not biological one. So, why such an important category?

12 Categorization –Humans categorize physical and social worlds »group together objects/people that have similar features Circles, triangles, people. –It’s efficient – speeds up processing and helps us learn about people and things. –All categorization involves some distortion and oversimplification. (principle of least effort )



15 cablinasian like me Caucasian-black-Indian-Asian. Term "Caucasian" originated as one of racial categories in 19th c. by people studying craniology. Was derived from region of Caucasus mountains. 18th c. German philosopher Christoph Meiners first named Caucasian race.


17 Kenneth &Mamie Clark Doll Experiments When asked to choose the brown doll, the white doll, or no doll at all, ten of sixteen students selected the white doll as the "nice" doll. Eleven labeled brown doll as the "bad" doll. Even though the children had demonstrated that they could distinguish between white and brown dolls, when asked to choose which doll looked like them, seven selected the white doll.

18 The Bell Curve, authors Herrnstein and Murray strongly implied that the white/black IQ gap is largely genetic. Research on IQ and race by Arthur Jensen, William Shockley, Herrnstein and Murray (The Bell Curve)

19 Ethnicity shared cultural heritage: ancestry, dress, religion, language, tools, holidays People can change ethnicities by adopting different way of life

20 CULTURAL HERITAGE Knowledge of culture passed from generations Shared social and cultural values Socially constructed Sense of membership of particular people Ethnic group is interest group who mobilizes to work for their needs and interests

21 ETHNICITY as Ascribed Status Social construction based on shared “cultural heritage” or tradition Culture refers to ‘way of life’ language, dress, rituals, ideals, norms, belief system

22 Minority : category distinguished by physical or cultural difference that society sets apart and subordinates. Numerical minority : less than 50% Sociological minority : may have #s but not power e.g., women and Blacks in South Africa

23 Minority Group Characteristics Experience a pattern of disadvantage or inequality Visible identifying traits Aware of their disadvantages and inequality Born into their minority classification Usually marry within their own group



26 What is Hate?  According to Merriam-Webster dictionary: Hate: to have a strong aversion to (2) find very distasteful (3) to express or feel extreme hostility  We will define hate as the mindset that you are better than someone else based on appearance, beliefs or practices

27 The Birth of Hate Group Websites 1 st hate group website established 1995 ( Hate groups around country followed lead/began opening websites of their own The sites remain in place due to laws of free speech Sites funded by members willing to contribute to cause Most sites charge membership fee

28 The First Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

29 What is Speech? Symbolic speech Political speech Prejudiced speech Freedom not to speak Fighting words Protected Not Protected

30 The Legal Battles Cohen v. California (1971) Hud v. Wilson (2000) Frederick Toben v Germany (2000)

31 Hate Group Websites American Knights (June, 1998) Aryan Nations (Sept, 2000) World Church of the Creator (Aug, 1996) Westboro Baptist Church (Jan, 1997)

32 Dedicated to Stopping the Hate on the Web Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Education American Civil Liberties Union On the Internet:   

33 Commonsense Explanations of Prejudice and Discrimination Human Nature –Humans club together in groups –Innate need to feel superior/safe from others –Learned Behavior

34 RACISM as Prejudice Prejudice - PRE-JUDGE person or situation (an attitude) Based on stereotype (which justifies prejudice) STEREOTYPE: Generalize from member of group to all –All Muslims are terrorists –All feminists hate men –All men like sports/hunting or they are gay

35 THEORIES Closure theories These argue that in order to maintain group boundaries members tend to emphasis differences between selves and others

36 Class Theories Discuss prejudice and discrimination as an aspect of inequality –When resources not evenly distributed dominant group will try to maintain its position by vilifying or scape-goating members of minority groups

37 What is a Stereotype? schema about group lead us to pay attention to information that confirms, to interpret information in light of stereotype, to remember information that fits stereotype.

38 When we act upon our attitudes to detriment of others Social behavior arising from prejudice and stereotyping Means that some members of society receive different treatment in relation to allocation of rewards (different “life chances”) Cycle of discrimination –migrants don’t assimilate, cut funding for English classes, don’t learn English, migrants don’t assimilate

39 Types of Discrimination Federally Protected Classes ClassProtected by Race Civil Rights Act of 1964 ColorCivil Rights Act of 1964 Ethnic OriginCivil Rights Act of 1964 GenderCivil Rights Act of 1964; Equal Pay Act ReligionCivil Rights Act of 1964 Age (over 40)Age Discrimination in Employment Act DisabilityAmericans with Disabilities Act; Vocational Rehabilitation Act PregnancyPregnancy Discrimination Act Vietnam Veterans StatusVietnam Veterans Readjustment Act


41 Prejudice and Discrimination in the 21 st Century Symbolic Racism--Belief that: –No longer serious discrimination –Any inequality is fault of minority group –Demands for preferential treatment is unfair and discriminatory (Affirmative Action) Racism--Belief that: –Certain groups are genetically inferior –Unequal treatment is justified

42 Affirmative Action Intentional recruitment of minority applicants Removal of discriminatory workplace practices Preferential hiring and promotion of minority applicants –History of discrimination –Goals based on qualified workforce vs. area population –Cannot trample rights of non minorities

43 Conclusions Notions of ethnicity and race help us define who we are and who we are not Race and Ethnicity and the kinds of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping that is based on ethnicity and race can impact negatively on ‘life chances’ and access to rewards of society, ie. contributes to inequality

44 Conclusion While online hate groups are not beneficial to society, we should not restrict their right to free speech Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to this problem Should online hate groups be forced to have disclaimers for children?

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