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The elements of your life. They adhere to the trends, but their properties vary greatly. The atomic radii increase down the group, Ionization energies.

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Presentation on theme: "The elements of your life. They adhere to the trends, but their properties vary greatly. The atomic radii increase down the group, Ionization energies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The elements of your life

2 They adhere to the trends, but their properties vary greatly. The atomic radii increase down the group, Ionization energies decrease down the group Metallic properties increase down the group. TRENDS

3  Carbon is the fourth most abundant element on earth  It is the distinguishing feature of an organic compound.  It is also considered the "backbone" of biology, as all life forms on earth are carbon-based. CARBON

4 Has 4 valence electrons and can bond to itself Responsible for the world’s longest (1,185 letters) word 8 allotropes from diamonds to graphite to buckminsterfullerenes Super Tubes CARBON

5 From Nottingham SILICON

6 7 th most abundant in the universe! 2 nd most abundant on earth 2 allotropes: 1. amorphous brown powder (sand) 2. Crystalline metalloid A colloidal form of silicon dioxide is used as moisture absorber in shoes SILICON

7  Germanium is a rare element used in the manufacture of semi- conductor devices. It’s named for Germany  It’s a metalloid just like silicon.  Used in old school transistors (radios, guitar amps stereos..) GERMANIUM

8 It’s a soft, malleable metal with a low melting point. It has two solid-state allotropes at regular temperatures and pressures, denoted α and β. Into Dust At higher temperatures (above 13°C), tin exists as white tin, or β -tin, and is often used in alloys. At lower temperatures, tin can transform into gray tin, ( α - tin); it loses its metallic properties and turns powdery. Tin "Cry" TIN

9  Comes from the Latin word Stannum means alloy of Silver  Funny Story about Naploeon  Tin cans are actually made of steel with a tin coating inside and out to prevent rusting TIN

10  Lead is similar to tin in that it is a soft, malleable metal with a low melting point.  It was formerly widely used in water and sewage pipes, lending its Latin name (plumbum ​ ) to the terms "plumber" and "plumbing."  Lead is toxic to humans, especially children. LEAD

11  Even low levels of exposure can cause nervous system damage and can prevent proper production of hemoglobin (the molecule in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen through the body).  Because of this, there has been a concerted effort to reduce public exposure to lead, including an emphasis on using unleaded gasoline and unleaded paint. LEAD

12  Flerovium (Fl) is also known as Element 114.  It was discovered in 1998 by scientists in Dubna, Russia  It is radioactive and very short-lived. FLEROVIUM

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