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PROGRAM Perkins III Accountability and Continuous Improvement “Work in Progress” at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Mary Jacquart Minnesota State.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAM Perkins III Accountability and Continuous Improvement “Work in Progress” at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Mary Jacquart Minnesota State."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRAM Perkins III Accountability and Continuous Improvement “Work in Progress” at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Mary Jacquart Minnesota State Colleges and Universities PROGRAM Mary Jacquart, Ph.D. (651)296-0664

2 PROGRAM Accountability Priorities Local plans –Required/Permissive Activities –Goal-Strategy-Measure/Target- Budget Core Indicators –Data Integrity –Alignment with local plan activities Budget –Impact PROGRAM

3 Statewide Data Priorities Data “clean up”- data integrity Automate where possible Get the data into the hands of those that need it…help in how to use it! Data application “beyond compliance” Build statewide capacity/peer support Establish and build data warehouse

4 PROGRAM “Beyond Compliance - Using Data...” 1999 FY00 2000 FY01 2001 FY02 2002 FY03 2003 FY04 2004 FY05 Local Application Core Indicators - Performance Automate Data System Cohort 1 6 colleges $ Where we’ve been… where we’re going Cohort 2 + 6 $$ Improve measures Cohort 3 + 13 $$$ STEPS 1 through 5 Core Indicators - Data Define Baseline Improve data integrity Revise format Tie to core indicators Continuous Improvement Huh??? Carrot or stick - Targeted Data Readiness - Step 1 STEPS 1 through 5 w/confidence! Beyond Compliance -Identify supportive data needs - state and local

5 PROGRAM Focusing on Results within the Local Plan - Using Data Apply the 5 - Step process for each activity PROGRAM Required Activity: Integration of academic and technical education FROM: GOAL: Applied academics/contextual learning STRATEGY: (FY00) Increase communication and integration between technical program needs and general education requirements. MEASURE: At least two partnerships will be formed. BUDGET: $250.00

6 PROGRAM Focusing on Results within the Local Plan - Using Data Apply the 5 - Step process for each activity PROGRAM TO: GOAL: Retain concentrators, increase completers (State 2P1 Target: 19.79%; College 2P1 Target: 20.15%) STRATEGY: Analyze FY00, FY01, FY02 noncompleters by program to determine general education trends (course taking patterns, GPA) and possible barriers. Create a plan to address barriers. Implement pilot plan in 2 programs areas.

7 PROGRAM Focusing on Results within the Local Plan - Using Data Apply the 5 - Step process for each activity PROGRAM TO: (cont) GOAL: Retain concentrators, increase completers (State 2P1 Target: 19.79%; College 2P1 Target: 20.15%) MEASURE: ( FY03) Gather baseline data. Analyze data. Create pilot plan. (FY04): Implement plan. Evaluate outcomes. Determine revisions/replication in additional program areas. Increase technical program completers by 5% over FY01 baseline in pilot programs. BUDGET: $3,800 STEP ONE STEP TWO STEP THREE STEP FOUR STEP FIVE

8 PROGRAM Focusing on Results within the Local Plan - Using Data Apply the 5 - Step process for each activity PROGRAM Required Activity: Technology FROM: GOAL: Staff development in instructional technology STRATEGY: Provide staff development opportunities in instructional technology. MEASURE: (FY00)Provide 5 instructional technology staff development opportunities (FY04) 98% of faculty will be offered staff development opportunities using instructional technology BUDGET: $250.00 plus college general funds

9 PROGRAM Focusing on Results within the Local Plan - Using Data Apply the 5 - Step process for each activity PROGRAM TO: GOAL: Increase the frequency and quality of delivering technical (PC) competencies through computer based learning activities. (1P2) STRATEGY: Provide faculty inservice training: Assess faculty technology skills Determine type(s) of inservice needs for faculty cohort(s) Provide training sessions, coaching/mentor Required Activity: Technology STEP ONE STEP TWO STEP THREE

10 PROGRAM Focusing on Results within the Local Plan - Using Data Apply the 5 - Step process for each activity PROGRAM STRATEGY (cont): Collect and analyze faculty/student feedback via technology surveys. Include review of delivery and assessment of student technology skills in faculty evaluation process. MEASURE: ( FY03) 40% of faculty have completed inservice experience and evaluation process (FY04): 50% of faculty have completed inservice experience and evaluation process BUDGET: $22,000 STEP FOUR STEP FIVE

11 PROGRAM STEP 1 Document Performance Gaps –Can’t even begin to improve performance without good data! STEP 2 Identify Root Causes –Perkins data, plus –Multiple data sources –Example: enrollment trends, student assessment, student characteristics Focusing on Results Statewide - Using Data PROGRAM

12 The MnSCU Perkins Data Warehouse Standard AND Customized Reports –core indicators x all variables –can “cut” multiple ways statewide college, or select colleges program, or career cluster (16) ethnicity, special population, gender Future: elements of customized training, degree audit system, Tech Prep, human resource, budget


14 What Next? Ready for Steps 3, 4, 5 Step 3 - Choose Best Solutions –Identify “high performers”, –Best/promising practices –Apply Step 2 - what’s working? –Look to research –Look to national peer network Targeted Funds (10% local grant) Improvement Plan

15 PROGRAM “Using Data for Effective Decision Making” –101 and advanced –Application to local plan Put the data into the hands of the people who use it –Provide the tools for easy use –Provide training for use of tools Foster a continuous improvement environment Allocate resources –Targeted Funds –State Leadership Funds Major Lessons Learned PROGRAM

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