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Awesome Antarctica Awesome Antarctica By Sarah Graham 5/6S.

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Presentation on theme: "Awesome Antarctica Awesome Antarctica By Sarah Graham 5/6S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Awesome Antarctica Awesome Antarctica By Sarah Graham 5/6S

2 Antarct ic Explor es There are many famous Antarctic explorers such as Scott, Amundson, Shackleton, Mawson and E.Byrd.

3 Islands Antarctica holds an abundant amount of islands such as Ross Island, Elephant Island, Livingston Island and Bridgeman Island.

4 Histori cal Sites In Antarctica there are many historical sites. Some of the places where there are huts is Cape Evans and Commonwealth Bay.

5 Iceber gs A iceberg is a block of ice that has broken off from a glacier.

6 Glacier s Glaciers are made up of ice, water and air. The biggest glacier in Antarctica is 210 000 feet deep.

7 Ice The ice in Antarctica averages around 2160 metres deep but can get up to around 4776 metres deep.

8 Mounta ins The tallest mountain in Antarctica is Mount Vinson and is 4 897 metres high.

9 Caves In Antarctica there are many caves and a majority of them are made up of ice.

10 Pengui ns Penguins are amazing swimmers and can jump up to 7 feet out of the water.

11 Seals Only 6 of the 35 spices of seals live in Antarctica but Antarctica still has the largest seal population.

12 Whales Whales belong to the mammal family and they belong to a group called the Cetaceans.

13 Birds There are 45 species of birds in Antarctica and every single one of them has 2 layers. A inside layer for insulation and an outside layer that is water proof.

14 Krill There are over 85 species of krill and their scientific name is Euphausia superba.

15 Micros copic Organi sms Microscopic organisms are crucial to the food chain and health in Antarctica.

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