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China Business Ethics. Utilitarianism List the alternatives Determine the consequences of each Assign values to the consequences Choose the alternative.

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Presentation on theme: "China Business Ethics. Utilitarianism List the alternatives Determine the consequences of each Assign values to the consequences Choose the alternative."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Business Ethics

2 Utilitarianism List the alternatives Determine the consequences of each Assign values to the consequences Choose the alternative that creates the greatest good for the greatest number

3 Consequences for China As China and India continue to urbanize, it is estimated that more than 150 million surplus workers from rural areas will move to cities by 2020. Roughly 60% of China's population and 70% of Indians still live in rural areas. This is high when compared to a more developed Asian nation such as Korea, where over 80% of the population live in cities

4 China Back in 1980, over 80% of China's population resided in rural areas (versus 60% today) this number is expected to decline further to 40% by 2030 The per-capita income of rural households in China is US$510 whilst it is US$1,400 in the case of urban households.

5 China in China, the average personal income wage has risen 24% in the last three years, most rapidly for the younger class. The annual salary on average is $10,000, which is the equivalent of $40,000 in the United States. It is estimated that about 30% of the Chinese population is experiencing this rapid salary growth

6 China Less than 25% of all the Chinese is still more than the entire population of the United States The Chinese consumer will likely have displaced the U.S. consumer as the engine of growth in the global economy by 2014

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