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Universal Hunger.  Core convictions:  Jesus died for our sins and rose again  As living risen Lord He sends His Holy Spirit to work in all hearts 

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Hunger.  Core convictions:  Jesus died for our sins and rose again  As living risen Lord He sends His Holy Spirit to work in all hearts "— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Hunger

2  Core convictions:  Jesus died for our sins and rose again  As living risen Lord He sends His Holy Spirit to work in all hearts  Part of this work is to make all hearts hungry for Him  Note: this is the basis for all mission/evangelism

3  “The true light which enlightens everyone was coming into the world” John 1:9 ESV  “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Acts 2:27, and Joel 2:28 ESV

4 Holy Spirit is working with all  See “Steps to Christ” p. 28 “The same divine mind that is working on the things of nature is speaking to the hearts of men and creating an inexpressible craving for something they have not.... The Spirit of God is pleading with them....Our Savior is constantly at work to attract the minds of men...”

5  This hunger is a full complete hunger for both factual/cognitive knowledge of God and experimental/experiential encounter with God  Many try to satisfy this hunger with intellectual truth about God. That is NOT enough. People want to meet God personally.

6  1. Popular culture--T.V. etc.  2. New Age and Charismatic movement  3. Czech and Scandinavian students— Note:”Red Moon Rising”, 24/7 prayer  4. Post modern society  5. My encounters in Europe

7  1. University students in class  2. People in church want more  3. Seminary class  4. Recent calls for renewal by church leadership

8  1. Enlightenment/modern thinking  2. Definition of theology in church  3. Unbalanced following of founders—note Luther, Wesley, and Ellen White  4. Theological education—Murdoch Trust Survey of 1994.

9  1. Hunger for experiencing God is universal  2. This hunger originates in God and seeking to experience Him is a valid quest.  3. Good News—There is hope for God has prepared the way.  Challenge--We must ourselves be involved in the journey or we cannot minister to others.  4. We must teach and model the “double longing”.


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