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Prime Time: On the back of What am I? complete the following… 1) Trace the outline of a penny in 12 different places on a piece of paper. 2) Number the.

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Presentation on theme: "Prime Time: On the back of What am I? complete the following… 1) Trace the outline of a penny in 12 different places on a piece of paper. 2) Number the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prime Time: On the back of What am I? complete the following… 1) Trace the outline of a penny in 12 different places on a piece of paper. 2) Number the circles 1 through 12. Write the numbers randomly, in no particular order. 3) Now, pick up the penny again. Put it in each circle, one after another, in numerical order, beginning with 1 and ending with 12.

2 Think It Over…Answer the following questions: 1) Make a list of all the sense organs, muscle movements, and thought processes used in this activity. 2) What organ systems coordinated the all the different processes involved in this task?

3 Reading: Read Chapter 19, Section 1. (pgs 626- 630) “How the Nervous System Works”

4 The Nervous System I. Functions A. Receiving Information- 1. Senses what is happening in your external environment. 2. Senses the internal conditions in your body. B. Responding to Information- 1. Changes or signals in the environment called stimuli, cause organisms to react. 2. An organism’s reaction to the stimuli is called a response. a. Some responses are voluntary; some are involuntary C. Maintaining Homeostasis – 1. Directs the body to adjust things like heart rate & temperature as needed.

5 The Neuron A. Neurons are the cells that carry information throughout your nervous system. 1. The message that a neuron carries is called a nerve impulse. They are both chemical and electrical. B. Structure of a Neuron (Sketch drawing on pg 628) 1. A neuron has a large cell body that contains the nucleus, threadlike extensions called dendrites, and an axon. a. Dendrites – carry nerve impulses towards the cell body b. Axon – carries impulses away from the cell body c. Axon Tips – release chemicals to trigger a nerve impulse in the dendrites of another neuron d. Cell body –contains the organelles of the cell e. Synapse – the junction between two neurons

6 Prime Time: On a scratch piece of paper, answer the following… 1) List the 3 functions of the nervous system. 2) Define stimulus

7 Answers 1) Functions Receive information Respond to information Maintain Homeostasis 2) Stimulus – changes or signals in an organism’s surroundings that causes it to react

8 Label the parts of the neuron. Write the function for each part. 1.1. 2.2. 4.4. 5.5. 3.3.

9 Answers 1) Axon - carries impulses away from the cell body 2) Axon tips - release chemicals to trigger a nerve impulse in the dendrites of another neuron 3) Cell body - contains the organelles of the cell 4) Dendrites - carry nerve impulses towards the cell body 5) Nucleus – the control center of the cell

10 Central Nervous System A. The central nervous system is the control center of the body. It includes the brain and the spinal cord. B. The brain is the part of the nervous system that controls most functions of the body. C. The spinal cord is the thickest column of nervous tissue that links the brain to most of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system – controls reflexes


12 Graphic Organizer Interneurons Neurons Environment Sensory neurons Motor neurons Other neurons Muscles and glands consist of three types send impulses fromsend impulses to

13 Cerebrum A. The cerebrum interprets the input from the senses, controls movement, and carries out complex mental processes such as learning and remembering. 1. This is the largest part of the brain and it is divided into two sides. a. Right – sends impulses to skeletal muscles on left side of body – creative/artistic b. Left – sends impulses to skeletal muscles on right side of body – mathematical/logical

14 The Brain cont. B. The cerebellum coordinates the actions of your muscles and helps keep your balance C. The brain stem controls your body’s involuntary actions. (Breathing/Heart Rate)

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