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1. This act requires all school districts to mandates one 3-hour child abuse awareness training every five years for all school employees.  In effect.

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2 This act requires all school districts to mandates one 3-hour child abuse awareness training every five years for all school employees.  In effect January 2, 2013 2

3 The act specifies the following must be included in the training:  All school entities must train their employees on how to recognize and report child abuse and sexual misconduct  All school entities must familiarize their employees on their policies and practices related to the above.  All school entities must familiarize their employees with provisions of the Professional Educator Misconduct Act and its reporting requirements  All school entities must train their employees on how to maintain professional relationships 3

4 WHO MUST BE TRAINED?  Professional employees of a school entity: ◦ Classroom teachers ◦ Administrators ◦ Nurses ◦ Guidance counselors  Noncertified employees of a school entity: ◦ Custodial/Maintenance staff ◦ Cafeteria staff  All employees of an independent contractor or a school entity: ◦ IU, public school employees, others? 4

5 Required Mandated Reporter Training – see Memo dated 10/6/15  All employees  All volunteers of a child care service, school or program, activity or service, responsible for a child’s welfare or volunteers having direct contact with children.  Must be repeated every five years, per Commonwealth of Pa.  Certificate to be provided to school LSEC  Training either through the following ◦ OR ◦ Regional in-person training by trainers trained by Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance, as needed OR ◦ Other training approved by the Commonwealth of Pa. – see 5

6  Definition according to ACT 126 ◦ Mandated Reporter Training defines sexual abuse, so we need to present this definition  “Sexual misconduct" – Any act, including, but not limited to, any verbal, nonverbal, written or electronic communication or physical activity, directed toward or with a child or student that is designed to establish a romantic or sexual relationship with the child or student. Such acts include, but are not limited to:  (1) Sexual or romantic invitation.  (2) Dating or soliciting dates.  (3) Engaging in sexualized or romantic dialog.  (4) Making sexually suggestive comments.  (5) Self-disclosure or physical exposure of a sexual, romantic or erotic nature.  (6) Any sexual, indecent, romantic or erotic contact with the child or student. 6

7  Diocese of Allentown’s Policy Regarding the Alleged Sexual Abuse of Minors by Diocesan Clergy, Lay Employees of the Diocese, Lay Employees of Parishes, Lay Volunteers of the Diocese and Lay Volunteers of Parishes. (updated May 2014) ◦ All school employees, volunteers must read & sign acknowledgment  Code of Conduct (updated May 2014) ◦ All school employees, volunteers must read & sign acknowledgment  Both the Sexual Abuse Policy and Code of Conduct are on the Diocese of Allentown’s website: under “Youth Protection” 7

8  When an allegation is made ◦ The person reporting the allegation is to be informed that the Diocese has a policy and procedures to be followed and the policy should be made available to the person. ◦ The person reporting the complaint should be provided with contact information for the Victim Assistance Coordinator. (800-791-9209) ◦ If the allegation is against a Priest, the Diocesan Chancellor is to be notified. ◦ If the allegation is against a Parish or School employee or volunteer, the Pastor and/or Principal is to be notified - who will then report it to the Diocesan Chancellor. ◦ If the allegation is against a Diocesan employee or volunteer, the Secretary of the Diocesan Secretariat is to be notified. ◦ (Please note, there will also be mandated reporter notifications involved) 8

9  Protecting God’s Children Program ◦ Child Abuse Awareness Program ◦ All school employees, volunteers must attend and will receive certificate.  Child Protection Catechesis ◦ School student instruction ◦ CCD/PREP student instruction  Act 153 of 2014 ◦ NEW Background Check Policy & Procedures – see Memo dated 10/28/15; trainings scheduled for Nov. 9, 11, 17 & 18 9

10 The Act became effective February 20, 2001 and was amended and revised effective February 16, 2014 The Act applies to ALL EDUCATORS The Act requires all educators to be mandated reporters The Act set up a Professional Standards & Practices Commission to review conduct of teachers This commission conducts hearings & discipline The Act defines a Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators 10

11 The Diocese of Allentown’s Office of Education is required to report the following regarding all certified teachers to the Department:  Dismissals  Conduct resulting in criminal indictment or conviction  Allegation regarding physical injury to a student or child as a result of negligence or malice or regarding sexual misconduct involving a student or child The Pa. Dept. of Education has indicated that they will be providing an online training program that ALL educators will be required to complete. We will provide you with more information regarding this required training as it becomes available. 11

12 1. Professional behavior is a priority: Your personal/professional values, rights, and responsibilities are more important than any sense of needing to be liked by others, needing to please others, or needing to make a "good impression”. You have an obligation to provide services and to conduct yourself in a manner which places the highest esteem on human rights and dignity. 2. Use caution with self-disclosure: As a teacher/professional, discretion is required regarding what, where, and to whom you disclose personal information. Your role as a school employee and the setting are important considerations. 12

13 3. Beware of boundary violations; take time to respond: When other people (colleagues, students, friends) illustrate inappropriate boundaries by asking questions or making remarks about which you feel uncomfortable, look to your own boundaries, values, and responsibilities for support and guidance. It is okay to be silent and to take time to evaluate the situation. Responses such as "I'm thinking about how to respond," "I need time to think a minute,“ or "I haven't really thought much about it," are appropriate. 4. Be observant: Observe the effect boundary violations have on others. Observe how you feel when your boundaries are invaded. This increased awareness will assist you to recognize, establish, and maintain comfortable and healthy boundaries. 5. Exert professional practices to protect students: School employees shall exert reasonable efforts to protect students from conditions which interfere with learning or are harmful to the student’s health and safety. 13

14 6. Don't be afraid to correct inappropriate behavior: Your responsibility as a professional is to model and teach appropriate boundaries. 7. Use extreme caution with physical contact or touching: Your teaching/work environment will influence whether or not touching is appropriate; for example, preschool teaching vs. middle school teaching. In short, you are responsible for eliminating any possible misunderstanding. 8. Be aware of improper relationships with students: a school employee should never sexually harass or engage in sexual relationships with students. 9. Be prepared: Becoming a professional is an ongoing process. Allow time each day for self-examination, reflection and prayer. You need to continually assess your personal behavior, learn from your experiences, and realize that you will always be faced with unpredictable challenges. 14

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