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Science Team Objectives K. Jezek and J. Richter-Menge Science Team Co-leads.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Team Objectives K. Jezek and J. Richter-Menge Science Team Co-leads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Team Objectives K. Jezek and J. Richter-Menge Science Team Co-leads

2 IceBridge Science Team Primary Function Science Priorities Evaluation Level 1 Requirements Flight Lines Data Collection

3 Science Team Meeting Objectives 1) Review science team project responsibilities and team member project contributions. 2) Understand functional relationships between the science team and other Icebridge project elements (eg Science Working Group). 2) Review the over-arching science themes presented in the draft project plan? How will Icebridge measurements complement existing ICEsat-1 research, ongoing Cryosat-2 research, and planned ICEsat-2 research as well as supporting measurement continuity? 3) Review and begin to refine the draft level 1 science requirements. Start to develop a quantitative basis for the requirements. Is there traceability from the science requirements back to the science themes and sensor continuity goals? What the science mission success criteria? 4) Establish a science team schedule of deliverables.

4 Science Team Terms of Reference Programmatic charge to the Science Team: The IST will work closely with the IceBridge Project Scientists to provide expert scientific guidance to the IceBridge project in the areas of flight line planning, measurement strategies, data quality control, and data product development. The Science team will: Assist the Project by 1. Final development of the IceBridge Science Definition Document and Level-1 Scientific Requirements Document; 2.Evaluation of the IceBridge mission designs in achieving the goals defined by the Science Definition Document and Level-1 Scientific Requirements Document as requested by the NASA Program Scientist; and 3.Support to the IceBridge Program Scientist and Project Scientist in the development of the required analyses, documents and reporting during the IceBridge project. Contribute to the OIB science objectives by 1.Exploiting OIB data in support of a select set of science objectives 2.Assuring a level of data and meta data reliability, cross-instrument compatibility and accessibility through use of the data in science investigations 3.Motivate investigations of all the OIB science objectives by encouraging broad use of the data by the science community 4.Compile and regularly update a list of target glaciers for repeat monitoring and for continuation of the ICESat record Support OIB objectives by 1.Attending 3 team meetings per year 2.Participating in frequent teleconferences 3.Providing progress reports before each team meeting to the team leaders in the form of updates to one-page summaries and which will include a schedule for deliverables. 4.Evaluating mission plans in the context of the OIB science objectives and specific requirements

5 Science Team Terms of Reference Science Team Organization – The Program Scientist will appoint an ice sheet and a sea ice team leader for a one-year rotating term and each will serve as co-chairs of science team meetings. – Team leaders will be responsible for consolidating documentation, recommendations, and analyses in support of same from the team, and providing that material to the Project Scientist – Team leaders will organize regular telecons and, with the project, organize 3 team meetings. – Team meetings will be convened at GSFC or JPL. – Team members are encouraged to participate in project-organized outreach activities such as AGU town hall meetings. – All team members will report to the Program Scientist using the usual mechanism of annual renewal proposals and as directed by the Program Scientist. – In contrast to OIB activities to date, neither the team leaders nor the team members are expected to participate in field deployments unless such work was previously proposed and approved. – STILL NEED CLARIFICATION ON THE FUNCTIONAL LINKS TO THE INSTRUMENT TEAM AND THE SCIENCE WORKING GROUP – What is the participation at Science team meetings in terms of alternates, observers, etc. – Is the science team mandate to support ST proposed science, to support science likely to be done by the community, some combination of both.

6 Project Tasks for Discussion 1.Complete the writing of official IceBridge Level 1 requirements and science contribution to project plan (Science definition document); 2.Construct flight lines with science justification for each campaign; 3.Begin with planning for the Greenland experiment where constraints introduced 4. by P-3 weight limits must be considered. 5.Develop a mission continuity/sensor inter-calibration plan 6. Establish a prioritized check list for selecting ice bridge flight lines (and lead instruments) in the context of mission continuity, parameter studies, process studies, prediction models. Can we assign rough percentages of time to be allocated to each of these focus areas? 7.In collaboration with the instrument team establish a policy for instrument upgrades/additions 8.In collaboration with the data science working group, monitor data availability and quality. 9.Develop a data policy for ground over-flights. This is becoming more and more an issue. 10.Assess the need to capture seasonal variations (ice sheets) and if required develop a strategy for data acquisition. 11.Develop a strategy for quick response to calving events etc.

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