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© Stefano Grazioli - Ask for permission for using/quoting:

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1 © Stefano Grazioli - Ask for permission for using/quoting:

2  VPN, then “cmd”, then runas /user:mcintire\MyUserName "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"  Easy meter

3 © Stefano Grazioli - Ask for permission for using/quoting:

4 In a DBMS on the internet In memory DATASET fastfast Speedslowbestfast Depends on bandwidth VolumemediumSmall/mediummediumVery large Accesseasy difficultmedium Backupmediumpoorn/aexcellent SecuritypoorPoor/mediumexcellentgood In a file slowslow Your local machineServerslowslow

5  ActiveX Data Object  MS Technology to manage enterprise data  Use ADO to run SQL queries on remote servers, collect the results, and present them to the user.

6 Standard parts, put together in standard ways are called architectures


8  An object is a bundle of data and instructions  Object Classes and Object Instances Class = code to build an instance Instance = physical item running on your machine  Instances are built with the keyword new Dim myDeskClock As DeskClock = new DeskClock() Name, a variable Class name (type) keyword Method that creates the deskclock

9 Remote DataBase (financial data) Remote DataBase (financial data) Client (your program on your machine) SQL Query string Connection string SqlConnection SqlAdapter ListObject DataSet DataTable s DataRow s DB Server SqlCommand On your Spreadsheet

10 © Stefano Grazioli - Ask for permission for using/quoting:


12  Name, Major  Learning objectives  Things you like about the class  Things that can be improved  Attitude towards the Tournament

13 © Stefano Grazioli - Ask for permission for using/quoting:

14  Make sure that you understand the ADO architecture diagram before coding.


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