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Tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age The State of Preschool.

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Presentation on theme: "Tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age The State of Preschool."— Presentation transcript:

1 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ The State of Preschool in the United States: Trends and Policies Jana Martella Preschool Education: New Jersey and the Nation Policy Forum March 3, 2009 ETS, Princeton, NJ

2 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @

3 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @

4 4 Early Learning Health, Mental Health and Nutrition Family Support Special Needs/ Early Intervention State Early Childhood Development System Early care and education opportunities in nurturing environments where children can learn what they need to succeed in school and life. Economic and parenting supports to ensure children have nurturing and stable relationships with caring adults. Early identification, assessment and appropriate services for children with special health care needs, disabilities, or developmental delays Comprehensive health services that meet children’s vision, hearing, nutrition, behavioral, and oral health as well as medical health needs.

5 5 Early Learning Early care and education opportunities in nurturing environments where children can learn what they need to succeed in school and life.

6 6 Children Thriving Families Supported Financing sufficient to assure comprehensive quality services based on standards Core Elements of an Early Childhood Development System Governance to set policy direction for the comprehensive system Provider / practitioner support to offer technical assistance and promote professional development Standards reflect effective practices, programs, & practitioners and are aligned across the system Research & development includes cross-system data, planning, analysis, and evaluation Monitoring to track program performance and results based on standards Communications to inform families, providers, and the public

7 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Curriculum Practice - Instruction Measurement DATA ALIGNMENT TRANSITION

8 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ 0-3PK- 3PK-4K Primary Research Financing Governance Standards Monitoring Practitioner Support Communication Research Financing Governance Standards Monitoring Practitioner Support Communi- cation Financing Governance Standards Monitoring Practitioner Support Communication

9 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Coordination CollaborationCooperation DATA ALIGNMENT PROF. DEV.

10 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Myth Busting “BIG ED” AND “LITTLE ED” ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT

11 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Myth Busting “BIG ED” AND “LITTLE ED” ARE JUST THE SAME

12 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Myth Busting CHILD CARE IS NOT ABOUT LEARNING

13 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Myth Busting PREKINDERGARTEN IS NOT ABOUT CHILD CARE

14 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Myth Busting DEGREES DON’T MATTER

15 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Myth Busting DEGREES ARE ALL THAT MATTERS

16 16 Early Care and Education Family Support Health, Mental Health, and Nutrition Special Needs/ Early Intervention Children Thriving Families Supported

17 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Resources Research – Center on the Developing Child at Harvard, Financing – Partnership for America’s Economic Success (PAES/Invest in Kids Working Group), Governance – NGA Center on Best Practices – Resources for Early Learning Councils, b501010a0/?vgnextoid=d4928cc156de1010VgnVCM1000001a0101 0aRCRD b501010a0/?vgnextoid=d4928cc156de1010VgnVCM1000001a0101 0aRCRD Standards – CCSSO’s ECEA-SCASS, Monitoring – Pew Accountability Project, Practitioner Support – My Teaching Partner, Communication – Pennsylvania’s Program Reach and County Risk Assessment,

18 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ In addition…. The “Systems Slides” can be found on multiple sites, including sdepositionpapers sdepositionpapers Wanna make a “word cloud”? Go to:

19 tate Connections NAECS-SDE – Supporting successful child development and continuous learning from birth to age eight @ Contact: Jana Martella Executive Director-NAECS-SDE 6015 33rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20015 202.244.3943 (office) 202.251.2365 (mobile)

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