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ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Investment Potential of Food Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Investment Potential of Food Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Investment Potential of Food Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2 THE LOCATION OF ENTERPRISES IN REGIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Tashkent Urgench Samarkand Bukhara Karshi Termez Djizzak Gulistan Fergana Andijan Namangan 2 Aral Sea Nukus Oil & Fat Factories Food & Beverages Meat Processing Plants Dairy Others Navoi



5 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 5 Coca-Cola Bottlers Uzbekistan Ltd. Nestle Uzbekistan British American Tobacco Uzbekistan International Beverages Tashkent (Pepsico) Totally 17 joint ventures are members of Association Investor countries: USA, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, S.Korea and others

6 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS In 27 food industry companies were implemented international quality standards ISO-9001 ISO-22000 international quality system of safety of food products 6


8 8 The list of perspective projects for the food industry, offered for realization №Name of the projectsExecutive authority of projects Preliminary cost of the project, mln.USD Period of realiza- tion Remarks 1 Construction of a confectionery factory Association of food industry enterprises with foreign-trade companies of MFERIT 10,02013-2015 Designing the technical documentation, searching for the investors 2 Construction the starch and glucose syrup plant Association of food industry enterprises with other investors 4,02013-2014 Searching for the investors 3 Construction the factory for producing food products for fast preparation with using sublimated vegetables and fruits Association of food industry enterprises with other investors 4,52013-2015 Searching for the investors 4 Construction the factory for processing fruits and vegetables (fruit concentrates, jams, purees, fillings for confectionery and etc.) Association of food industry enterprises with other investors 2,22013-2014 Searching for the investors 5 Construction the company for manufacturing equipment and spare-parts for oil-fat and food industry companies of Uzbekistan Association of food industry enterprises with other investors 5,02013-2015 Searching for the investors TOTAL:25,7

9 Construction of confectionery factory with the plant for processing cocoa-beans preliminary cost of the project – 10 mln. USD annual capacity – 10 000 tons of confectionery and chocolate products with 12 assortment of confectionery products and 8 kinds of products from cocoa-beans annual domestic demand – 180 000 tons preliminary cost of the project – 10 mln. USD annual capacity – 10 000 tons of confectionery and chocolate products with 12 assortment of confectionery products and 8 kinds of products from cocoa-beans annual domestic demand – 180 000 tons ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 9

10 Construction the starch and glucose syrup plant preliminary cost of the project – 4 mln. USD annual capacity – 10 000 tons of products annual domestic demand – 150 000 tons preliminary cost of the project – 4 mln. USD annual capacity – 10 000 tons of products annual domestic demand – 150 000 tons ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 10

11 Construction the factory for producing food products for fast preparation with using sublimated vegetables and fruits in FIEZ “Navoi” preliminary cost of the project – 4,5 mln. USD annual capacity – 1 000 tons food products annual domestic demand – approx. 40 000 tons preliminary cost of the project – 4,5 mln. USD annual capacity – 1 000 tons food products annual domestic demand – approx. 40 000 tons ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 11

12 Construction the factory for processing fruits and vegetables (fruit concentrates, jams, purees, fillings for confectionery and etc.) preliminary cost of the project – 2,2 mln. USD annual capacity – 8 000 tons of products and semi-products for confectionery production annual domestic demand – more than 100 000 tons annual volume of produced fresh fruits ad vegetables – over 9 mln. tons ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 12

13 Construction the company for manufacturing equipment and spare-parts for oil-fat and food industry companies of Uzbekistan ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES preliminary cost of the project – 5 mln. USD annual capacity – over 3000 types of equipment and spare parts annual domestic demand in equipment and spare parts – for more than 15 mln. USD preliminary cost of the project – 5 mln. USD annual capacity – over 3000 types of equipment and spare parts annual domestic demand in equipment and spare parts – for more than 15 mln. USD 13

14 Association kindly invites the investors for joint realization above mentioned investment projects ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 14 INVEST TO PERSPECTIVE PROJECTS !

15 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION ! 15 Address: 100015, Uzbekistan, Nukus Street 73A Tel/Fax +99871 2550790, 2557643 Email:

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