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Working Together How parents and teachers can help pupils achieve success at Northgate.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Together How parents and teachers can help pupils achieve success at Northgate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Together How parents and teachers can help pupils achieve success at Northgate.

2 Aims of the Presentation: To share ideas of how we can all help your children succeed at Northgate For you to try these ideas at home with your child To empower you, not to burden you

3 Our Speakers: Mr Werrey-Easterbrook - Head of Year 8 Mr Alexander - Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Teaching and Learning Group, Study Skills. Mr Baalham - Head of Year 9 Mr Riches - Member of Teaching and Learning Group, Literacy

4 What kind of mindset do you have? Fixed Mindset Believe intelligence is fixed … ‘you are either born clever or you are not’! As a result they tend to … challenges Avoid challenges obstacles Give up easily when they face obstacles effort See putting effort in as a waste of time feedback Ignore useful feedback that could help them improve success of others Feel threatened by the success of others Growth Mindset Believe intelligence can be developed. As a result they tend to … challenges Accept and enjoy challenges obstacles Show determination and refuse to give up in the face of obstacles effort See effort as the way to improve and develop feedback Learn from feedback and respond positively to it success of others Find inspiration in the success of others As a result … They achieve less than their full potential As a result … They make progress and reach ever-higher levels of achievement

5 ‘I can accept failure, everyone fails at something … But I can’t accept not trying’ if you put in the work then the results will come. ‘I’ve always believed that if you put in the work then the results will come. Do not do things half-heartedly. If you do – expect half-hearted results …‘ =gfvuF5qf9v0

6 What should we praise? Praising ‘intelligence’ and ‘talent’ can harm motivation and performance. If success means being ‘smart’ then failure means being ‘dumb’. Instead we need to praise … effort/determination/resilience practice what pupils accomplish through practice and persistence (e.g. – drafting, editing, checking, working through problems and trying multiple solutions) using good strategies using good strategies concentration and focus accepting accepting challenges … the courage to ‘have a go’ responding to feedback learning from mistakes and responding to feedback passion for learning

7 Study Skills Mr J Alexander

8 RESEARCH: prepare for the lesson REVIEW: revise, read through and improve notes READ AROUND: texts, films, documentaries, music, websites RESPOND: rewrite, redraft, polish REFLECT: set targets, feedback to teacher THE 5 RS

9 TIP 1: Be active not passive Retention Rates Lecture = 5% Reading = 10% Audio-visual = 30% Discussion = 50% Practise by doing = 75% Teaching others = 90%

10 TIP 2: Stretch your memory! Memory Masters The names of 156 strangers in 15 minutes The order of a shuffled deck of cards in 24 seconds Reciting the number Pi from memory … to 83,431 decimal places.

11 Literacy Mr A Riches and Literacy Ambassadors

12 Northgate 5 Minimum Expectations in Literacy Too To Two Peter peter Use capitals and full stops Present work with pride Spell simple words and homophones It’s Proof read

13 Literacy Targets G1 SpellingUse a thesaurus to develop vocabulary and use subject-specific technical vocabulary with precision. G2 PunctuationUse a variety of sentences and types of punctuation with consistent accuracy. G3 ParagraphingUse a variety of different length paragraphs with effective control of meaning. O1 SpellingCheck and correct apostrophes, spelling and subject-specific technical vocabulary. O2 PunctuationOrganise writing into a variety of sentence types. O3 ParagraphingLink paragraphs carefully using well-chosen correctives. O4 PresentationTake care with handwriting and presentation of work. R1 SpellingCheck the spelling of simple words and common homophones. R2 PunctuationUsing full stops and capital letters correctly. R3 ParagraphingUse TipTop to paragraph correctly. R4 PresentationSlow down, form letters and space words carefully. R5 Proof ReadingSpend time proof reading your work after writing.

14 We were in the deep, dark cave. It was very quiet except for the drip, drip, drip of water. We could not see anything at all. Brett shouted, ”Quick, there is a light in that tunnel!” “Let’s go,” cried Sophie and we all ran off with Doodles barking at our heels. Paragraph Literacy Codes Sp SpSpelling error P PPunctuation error C C Capital letter incorrect // //Paragraph ______ ______Does not make sense Present work with pride Too To Two Spell simple words and homophones Peter peter Use capitals and full stops It’s Proof read

15 Encouraging Reading At home: Read out loud Encourage reading time Buy books At school: Reading Club Library competitions Personal reading time Remember: The School Library is open every day and has over 17,500 books! It is an amazing place and the staff are always on hand to help!

16 What is good attendance? Simon has 90% attendance Simon and his parents think this is pretty good

17 Would an employer like you to be off work this much? That is practically part-time!MonTueWedThuFri Absent half a day every week 90% attendance = ½ a day missed every week!

18 90% attendance = 4 weeks of lessons missed a year! Sep Jul Absent for 4 weeks

19 90% attendance over five years of secondary school = ½ a school year missed! Y7 Y8 Y9 Missed learning Y10 Y11

20 Just 2 weeks of school missed a year (95% attendance) leads to 1 GCSE grade fall in achievement So, the greater the attendance the greater the achievement

21 Ways for parents to encourage attendance: Check that the half-termly attendance summaries match your own records. Talk with your child about school and how they feel. Attendance may improve if they feel supported and anxieties are listened to. Be strong. Only grant days at home for genuine illness. You will know!

22 Ways for parents to encourage attendance: Do not book holidays in term time Praise and reward good attendance and improvements in attendance. If you have any concerns telephone the Attendance Officer. She will confirm whether your child was in registration.

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