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Mrs. Wiley English 120.  Most people use resumes as a tool during their search for employment.  Some authors create resumes for fictional characters.

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1 Mrs. Wiley English 120

2  Most people use resumes as a tool during their search for employment.  Some authors create resumes for fictional characters as part of the character’s background.  This helps the author make connections among the characters while he/she is writing.

3  Task 1 – Invent a god, goddess, or monster for Greek mythology.  Use your new knowledge to flesh out a personality, realm, history, and skills so the character is firmly entrenched into the mythology world.  Using the graphic organizer, create a resume for this new character and type it into resume format.  You can have fun with this one!

4  Now it’s the time to get serious!  Task 2 - Create an updated resume for yourself.  Outline your education, skills, and experiences in proper format to be used for your next job search.  Submit completed resumes for assessment grades.

5  Choose a resume template from the web, Google Docs, etc. Choose something that is easy to read and has an organization plan that you can follow.  You can use the same template for both resumes.

6  Decide on a name for your god, goddess, or monster and a realm where this being works (land, sea, underworld, etc.).  Make up an appropriate creative address and other contact information.  Decide where the being went to school – choose a high school and some sort of higher education like a technical school, community or 4 year college. Make up the contact information for the schools and decide what diplomas and degrees your being has.

7  Decide what previous experience the being has had.  You will make up the information, BUT you have to attach it to events from the myths you have read.  For example: Your new god, goddess, or monster could have worked for Eris, goddess of discord, as a body guard and accompanied her to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, carrying and guarding the golden apple before Eris gave it to Paris.  You would then make up another place in the myths where your character has participated in the myths as a body guard, OR you could show that the character has changed jobs and has now moved up to security advisor for a city named in the myths. He works for the king of the city.

8  What are the skills that the being has acquired while he/she has been working these jobs? List the kinds of weapons, powers, and abilities the being has. Be sure they correspond to the activities they “did” in the myths.  For example: The body guard probably has experience with magical body armor to protect himself and clients from thunderbolt attacks or Medusa’s stony stare.

9  Proof read your work carefully.  Resumes need to be flawless!  Consult the rubric to be sure you have included all of the necessary information.

10  Follow the same basic steps for your personal resume.  DO NOT MAKE UP ANY INFORMATION!! Falsifying a resume is grounds for immediate firing.  Poorly proofread resumes will keep you from getting an interview.  Make this a useful tool for post-graduation life.

11  Gather up your high school information; you need address and phone number of school, relevant courses, skills acquired.  Gather up your employment information; you need dates, employer name(s), job description, skills acquired.  Gather up extra-curricular activities and skills.  Secure references BEFORE you start your job search so the person knows he/she might be called. ASK permission FIRST!!

12  Organize information starting with education, work experience, and then extra curricular activities.  Present the information from MOST RECENT to LEAST RECENT.  Present your strengths & skills.

13  Verify and proofread!!  Your resume will be tossed into the trash if you have spelling and grammar errors.  Keep an electronic copy of your resume on file to send to employers. Put it on a flash drive or email it to your personal email.

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